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Defining blocks

This section describes how to annotate your MakeCode APIs to expose them in the Block Editor.

~ hint

Try out some blocks live in the Playground to see how they work. Modify them or even create new ones!


Blocks are defined by annotations added to the beginning of an API element (export function, method, enum, etc.). Attributes are specified on annotation lines that begin with the comment form of //%. All of the //% annotations are found in TypeScript library files containg the code for the exposed APIs. They can optionally be auto-generated from C++ library files or from TypeScript simulator files.


Each top-level TypeScript namespace is used to populate a category in the Block Editor toolbox. The name will automatically be capitalized in the toolbox.

namespace basic {

You can also provide a JSDoc comment, color and weight for the namespace, as well as a friendly name (in Unicode). We strongly recommend carefully picking colors as it dramatically impacts the appearance and readability of your blocks. All blocks within the same namespace have the same color so that users can find the category easily from samples.

 * Provides access to basic micro:bit functionality.
//% color=190 weight=100 icon="\uf1ec" block="Basic Blocks"
namespace basic {
  • icon The Unicode character from the icon font to display. Any free non-brand icon from Font Awesome (v5.15.4 at the time of writing) can be used. The full list can be found
  • color should be included in a comment line starting with //%. The color takes a hue value or a HTML color.
  • weight determines where your category appears in the toolbox. Higher weight means it appears closer to the top.

To have a category appear under the "Advanced" section of the Block Editor toolbox, add the annotation advanced=true.

Category groups

You can make your block category more organized by grouping similar or related blocks together inside groups. When using the groups feature, blocks of the same group will appear together in the toolbox flyout and the group's label will be displayed above them. This makes it easier for the user to go through your available blocks.

To define your groups, add the groups attribute to your namespace. The groups attribute is an array of group names. You can individually assign blocks to these groups when defining each block.


  • The order in which you define your groups is the order in which the groups will appear in the toolbox flyout.
  • Blocks that are not assigned to a named group are placed in the default others group, which does not show a label. The others group can be used to decide where in the order of groups the ungrouped blocks will appear. This is based on where you place others in the groups array.
  • When assigning blocks to groups, names are case sensitive, so make sure the group names you put on your blocks are identical to the ones in your group definitions.
 * Provides access to basic micro:bit functionality.
//% color=190 weight=100 icon="\uf1ec" block="Basic Blocks"
//% groups=['LED matrix', 'Control flow', 'others']
namespace basic {


All exported functions with a block attribute will be available in the Block Editor.

//% block
export function showNumber(v: number, interval: number = 150): void
{ }

If you need more control over the appearance of the block, you can specify the blockId and block parameters.

//% blockId=device_show_number
//% block="show|number $v"
export function showNumber(v: number, interval: number = 150): void
{ }
  • blockId is a constant, unique id for the block. This id is serialized in block code so changing it will break your users. If not specified, it is derived from namespace and function names, so renaming your functions or namespaces will break both your TypeScript and Blocks users.
  • block contains the syntax to build the block structure (more below).

Other optional attributes can also be used:

  • inlineInputMode=external forces external inputs rendering. This causes the block parameters to wrap across multiple lines instead of staying inline. See the Inline input section for more information.
  • advanced=true causes this block to be placed under the parent category's "More..." subcategory. Useful for hiding advanced or rarely-used blocks by default

Block syntax

The block attribute specifies how the parameters of the function will be organized to create the block.

block = field, { '|' field }
field := string
    | string `$` parameter
parameter = string
  • each field is mapped to a field name on the block.
  • the function parameters are mapped to the $parameter argument with an identical name. The loader automatically builds a mapping between the block field names and the function names.
  • the block will automatically switch to external inputs (wrapping) when there are four or more parameters.
  • the | indicates where to start a new line if the block is in external inputs mode.

Custom block localization

You can override the value used in block for a particular locale by provide a block.loc.LOCALE entry.

block.loc.LOCALE = blocksyntax

For example,

//% block="square $x"
//%"$x au carré"
export function square(x: number): number {}

You can also override the jsdoc description and parameter info.

jsdoc.loc.LOCALE = translated jsdoc
PARAM.loc.LOCALE = parameter jsdoc
    Computes the square of x
    @param x the number to square
//% block="square $x"
//%"$x au carré"
//%"Calcule le carré de x"
//%"le nombre"
export function square(x: number): number {}

Supported types

The following types are supported in function signatures that are meant to be exported:

  • number (TypeScript) or int (C++)
  • string (TypeScript) or StringData* (C++)
  • enums (see below)
  • custom classes that are also exported
  • arrays of the above

Specifying shadow blocks #shadow-block

A "shadow" block is a block which cannot be removed from its parent but can have other blocks placed on top. They are used to ensure that block inputs always have valid values instead of leaving a "hole" behind when a block is removed. All parameters are given shadow blocks in PXT for the supported types (listed above). To specify a shadow block for an unsupported type or to override a default shadow, use the following syntax:

//% block="$myParam"
//% myParam.shadow="myShadowBlockID"
export function myFunction(myParam: number): void {}

If an existing block definition specifies the shadow block id within the block string, the value can be changed using the above syntax without altering the block string. This allows the shadow block to be changed without invalidating the localization of the block. Setting the shadow id to unset will remove any existing shadow value.

Specifying min, max, and default values

For parameters of type number, you can specify a minimum, maximum, and default values, as follows:

//% block
//% v.min=0 v.max=42 v.defl=25
export function showNumber(v: number, interval: number = 150): void
{ }

Playground examples: Range, Default values

Reporter blocks and Statement blocks

Reporter blocks are the round or hexagonal blocks that can be slotted into the inputs of other blocks. Any function that has a return type other than void will be made into a reporter block if it has the block comment attribute. Occasionally there are functions that return a value but are also useful as statements, for example Array.pop() returns an element of the array but it is common in JavaScript to ignore that value. To define a block that has both a reporter and a statement form, use the blockAliasFor comment attribute:

* Remove the last element from an array and return it.
//% blockId="array_pop" block="get and remove last value from $list"
export function pop(): number;

* Remove the last element from an array.
//% blockId="array_pop_statement" block="remove last value from $list"
//% blockAliasFor="Array.pop"
export function _popStatement(): void;

In the example above, both the blocks defined by pop() and _popStatement() will be converted to Array.pop(). Note that _popStatement() begins with an underscore to prevent it from showing up in text completions in the monaco editor. Any block defined as an alias should have the same arguments as the source function. The value of blockAliasFor should be the fully qualified name of the source function.

Array default values

For arrays of primitive types, the default values on the block are generated according to the array type in the function signature.

//% block="$myParam"
export function mySimpleFunction(myParam: number[]): void {}

For arrays with non-primitive or custom types, set the shadow ID to "lists_create_with" and set the default value of the parameter with the blockId for the type of elements you want the array to be populated with.

//% block="$myParam"
//% myParam.shadow="lists_create_with"
//% myParam.defl="screen_image_picker"
export function myFunction(myParam: Image[]): void {}

Note: The above example will only render in the Arcade editor, since that is where the Image type is supported.

Playground example: Array default values

Input formats

Inline input

Blocks with four or more parameters automatically switch to External Inputs mode, in which the parameters wrap instead of staying inline. To make a block with multiple parameters appear as a single line, use inlineInputMode=inline. The block will expand left to right instead of wrapping the parameter input across mulitple lines.

//% block="map $value|from low $fromLow|high $fromHigh|to low $toLow|high $toHigh"
//% inlineInputMode=inline
export function map(value: number,
    fromLow: number, fromHigh: number,
    toLow: number, toHigh: number): number {

    return ((value - fromLow) * (toHigh - toLow))
        / (fromHigh - fromLow) + toLow;

To force external inputs, set inlineInputMode=external. In the block defintion, the | indicates where to start a new line if the block is in external inputs mode. New lines are also started after each parameter.

//% block="magnitude of 3d vector | at x $x and y $y and z $z"
//% inlineInputMode=external
export function mag3d(x: number, y: number, z: number): number {
    return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);

Playground example: Inline input

Expandable arguments

If your block has multiple parameters but some or all of them are likely to remain set to the default values, you can set the block as expandable. This simplifies the block and it appears shorter when unexpanded.

The portion of the block that is set to expand is separated by two field delimiters ||. In the following example, the two optional parameters are separated from the first part of the block definition by ||:

//% block="play an alarm sound || of $sound for $duration ms"

The expandableArgumentMode attribute controls how the expansion for the parameters will work. It is set to toggle in this example which will show the block collapsed with a (+) icon which expands the block when clicked.

enum AlarmSound {
    //% block="annoy"
    //% block="alert"

//% color="#AA278D"
namespace alarms {
     * Play an alarm sound for some time
     * @param sound of the alarm to play
     * @param duration of the alarm sound
    //% block="play an alarm sound || of $sound for $duration ms"
    //% duration.shadow=timePicker
    //% expandableArgumentMode="toggle"
    //% sound.defl=AlarmSound.Annoy
    //% duaration.defl=2000
    export function alarmSound(sound?: AlarmSound, duration?: number) {

These are the settings for expandableArgumentMode:

  • toggle - expand all parameters when the the expand icon is selected (clicked).
  • enabled - expand one parameter at a time for each selection (click) of the expand icon.
  • disabled - don't expand any parameters, keep the block collapsed. No icon is shown.

Playground example: Inline input

Callbacks with Parameters

APIs that take in a callback function will have that callback converted into a statement input. If the callback in the API is designed to take in parameters, those parameters can be specified on the block using the $NAME annotation (the same way function arguments are specified). For example:

     * Run code when a certain kind of sprite is created
     * @param kind
     * @param sprite
    //% draggableParameters="reporter"
    //% blockId=spritesoncreated block="on created $sprite of kind $kind"
    //% kind.defl=spritekind
    export function onCreated(kind: number, handler: (sprite: Sprite) => void): void {

In the above example, setting draggableParameters="reporter" makes the parameters into reporter blocks that can be dragged (and copied) from the block and used inside the event handler, like locally-scoped variables.

Playground examples: Functions, Types of blocks, Events


Enum is supported and will automatically be represented by a dropdown in blocks.

enum Button {
    A = 1,
    B = 2,
    //% blockId="ApB" block="A+B"
    AB = 3,
  • the initializer can be used to map the value
  • the blockId attribute can be used to override the block id
  • the block attribute can be used to override the rendered string

Tip: dropdown for non-enum parameters

It's possible to provide a drop-down for a parameter that is not an enum. It involves the following step:

  • create an enum with desired drop down entry
enum Delimiters {
    //% block="new line"
    NewLine = 1,
    //% block=","
    Comma = 2
  • a function that takes the enum as parameter and returns the according value
//% blockId="delimiter_conv" block="$del"
export function delimiters(del : Delimiters) : string {
    switch(del) {
        case Delimiters.NewLine: return "\n";
        case Delimiters.Comma:  return ",";
  • use the enum conversion function block id (delimiter_conv) as the value for the shadow block of this parameter
//% blockId="read_until" block="read until $del"
//% del.shadow=delimiter_conv
export function readUntil(del: string) : string {

Tip: using dropdowns for constants

Enums in TypeScript can be verbose, so sometimes it is desirable to compile a dropdown to a constant variable rather than an enum member (for example, Item.Shovel could instead be SHOVEL).

To achieve this behavior, set emitAsConstant to true on an enum

//% emitAsConstant
enum Item {
    //% block="Iron"
    Iron = 1

and then declare a constant for that enum member like so:

//% enumIdentity="Item.Iron"
const IRON = Item.Iron;

If the enum has a shim function, you can also set blockIdentity just like you can for enum members. This will make the decompiler convert any instance of that constant into the block for that enum.

//% emitAsConstant
enum Item {
    //% block="Iron"
    //% blockIdentity="blocks.item"
    Iron = 1

namespace blocks {
    //% shim=TD_ID
    //% blockId=minecraftItem
    //% block="item $item"
    export function item(item: Item): number;

//% enumIdentity="Item.Iron"
//% blockIdentity="blocks.item"
const IRON = Item.Iron;

Tip: implicit conversion for string parameters

If you have an API that takes a string as an argument it is possible to bypass the usual type checking done in the blocks editor and allow any typed block to be placed in the input. PXT will automatically convert whatever block is connected to the argument's input into a string in the generated TypeScript. To enable that behavior, set shadowOptions.toString on the parameter like so:

    //% blockId=console_log block="console|log $text"
    //% text.shadowOptions.toString=true
    export function log(text: string): void {
        serial.writeString(text + "\r\n");

Playground example: Enumerations

Creating enumerations with blocks

You can have blocks themselves define an enumeration dynamically. The block will specify some inital members but additional ones are added by selecting the "Add a new <enum_name>..." option in the parameter dropdown.

You first create a shadow block that defines the enumeration and has the initial members.

//% shim=ENUM_GET
//% blockId=planet_enum_shim
//% block="Planet $arg"
//% enumName="Planets"
//% enumMemberName="planet"
//% enumPromptHint="e.g. Saturn, Mars, ..."
//% enumInitialMembers="Mecury, Venus, Earth"
export function _planetEnumShim(arg: number) {
    return arg;

This function will never actually appear in user code, it is just for defining the block. To ensure that the function does not show up in intellisense add an "_" to the beginning of its name.

All of the comment attributes shown in the example are required (including shim, blockId, and block). The enum attributes work like this:

  • enumName - The name of the enum. Must be a valid JavaScript identifier.
  • enumMemberName - The name that will be used to refer to members of the enum in dialogs and on the block. This should be unique.
  • enumPromptHint - The hint that will appear in the dialog for creating new members of the enum.
  • enumInitialMembers - These are the enum values that are always added to the project when this block is used. The first value is the default selection. It's comma or whitespace separated and all the members use valid JavaScript identifiers. The list must have at least one value.
  • enumStartValue (optional) - A positive integer that specifies the lowest value that will be emitted when going from blocks to TypeScript.

Enums are emitted at the top of user code only if the block is used in the project (or if it was used in the past). If the user changes the value of the enum in TypeScript then those changes should persist when switching back to blocks.

When a function uses an enum shadow block, the incoming argument should be of type number (don't use the enum type).

//% blockId=planet_id
//% block="planet id from $planet"
//% planet.shadow="planet_enum_shim"
export function whatPlanet(planet: number): number{
    return planet;

Playground example: Create Enums from Blocks


The JSDoc comment is automatically used as the tooltip for the block.

 * Scroll a number on the screen. If the number fits on the screen (i.e. is a single digit), do not scroll.
 * @param interval speed of scroll
//% block
//% help=functions/show-number
export function showNumber(value: number, interval: number = 150): void
{ }

An optional help attribute can be used to point to a specific documentation path. To define custom help for extension blocks, see GitHub Extension Authoring.

Objects and Instance methods

It is possible to expose instance methods and object factories, either directly or with a bit of flattening (which is recommended, as flat, C-style APIs map best to blocks).


class Message {
    //% blockId="message_get_text" block="$this|text"
    public getText() { ... }
  • when annotating an instance method, you need to specify the $this parameter in the block syntax definition.

You will need to expose a factory method to create your objects as needed. For the example above, we add a function that creates the message:

//% blockId="create_message" block="create message|with $text"
export function createMessage(text: string) : Message {
    return new Message(text);


If the object has a reasonable default constructor, and it is harmless to call this constructor even if the variable needs to be overwritten later, then it's useful to designate a parameter-less function as auto-create, like this:

namespace images {
    export function emptyImage(width = 5, height = 5): Image { ... }
//% autoCreate=images.emptyImage
class Image {

Now, when the user adds a block referring to a method of Image, a global variable will be automatically introduced and initialized with images.emptyImage().

In cases when the default constructor has side effects (eg., configuring a pin), or if the default value is most often overridden, the autoCreate syntax should not be used.

Fixed Instance Set

It is sometimes the case that there is only a fixed number of instances of a given class. One example is an object representing pins on an electronic board. It is possible to expose these instances in a manner similar to an enum:

//% fixedInstances
//% blockNamespace=pins
class DigitalPin {
    //% blockId=device_set_digital_pin block="digital write|pin $this|to $value"
    digitalWrite(value: number): void { ... }

namespace pins {
    //% fixedInstance
    export let D0: DigitalPin;
    //% fixedInstance
    export let D1: DigitalPin;

This will result in a block digital write pin [D0] to [0], where the first hole is a dropdown with D0 and D1, and the second hole is a regular integer value. The variables D0 and D1 can have additional annotations (eg., block="D#0"). Currently, only variables are supported with fixedInstance (let or const).

Fixed instances also support inheritance. For example, consider adding the following declarations.

//% fixedInstances
class AnalogPin extends DigitalPin {
    //% blockId=device_set_analog_pin block="analog write|pin $this|to $value"
    //% blockNamespace=pins
    analogWrite(value: number): void { ... }

namespace pins {
    //% fixedInstance
    export let A0: AnalogPin;

The analog write will have a single-option dropdown with A0, but the optionals on digital write will be now D0, D1 and A0.

Variables with fixedInstance annotations can be added anywhere, at the top-level, even in different libraries or namespaces.

This feature is often used with indexedInstance* attributes.

The blockNamespace attribute specifies which drawer in the toolbox will be used for this block. It can be specified on methods or on classes (to apply to all methods in the class). Often, you will want to also set color=..., also either on class or method.

It is also possible to define the instances to be used in blocks in TypeScript, for example:

namespace pins {
    //% fixedInstance whenUsed
    export const A7 = new AnalogPin(7);

The whenUsed annotation causes the variable to be only included in compilation when it is used, even though it is initialized with something that can possibly have side effects. This happens automatically when there is no initializer, or the initializer is a simple constant, but for function calls and constructors you have to include whenUsed.

Playground example: Fixed instances


Fields and get/set accessors of classes defined in TypeScript can be exposed in blocks. Typically, you want a single block for all getters for a given type, a single block for setters, and possibly a single block for updates (compiling to the += operator). This can be done automatically with //% blockCombine annotation, for example:

class Foo {
    //% blockCombine
    x: number;
    //% blockCombine
    y: number;
    // exposed with custom name
    //% blockCombine block="foo bar"
    foo_bar: number;

    // not exposed
    _bar: number;
    _qux: number;

    // exposed as read-only (only in the getter block)
    //% blockCombine
    get bar() { return this._bar }

    // exposed in both getter and setter
    //% blockCombine
    get qux() { return this._qux }
    //% blockCombine
    set qux(v: number) { if (v != 42) this._qux = v }

Playground example: Classes

Factories #factories

If you want a class instance created on demand rather than auto-creating or using a fixed instance, you can make a factory function to create the instance. This is typically a simple function that instantiates a class with the new operator and possibly passes some parameter values to the constructor as options.

//% color="#FF8000"
namespace Widgets {
    export class Gizmo {
        _active: boolean;

        constructor(activate: boolean) {
            this._active = activate;

        setInactive() {
            this._active = false;

     * Create a Gizmo widget and automtically set it to a variable
    //% block="create gizmo"
    //% blockSetVariable=gizmo
    export function createGizmo(): Gizmo {
        return new Gizmo(true);

To ensure there's a valid instance of the class when the block is used, the blockSetVariable attribute sets a variable to the new instance. In the example above, the blockSetVariable attribute will automatically create an instance of Gizmo and set the gizmo variable to it. The gizmo variable is created if it doesn't exist already. This allows a valid instance of Gizmo to be created by default when the block is pulled into the editor.

Playground example: Factories

Namespace attachment

If a class is defined outside a namespace but you want the blocks defined for its methods or properties associated with the namespace, you can attach the class to the namespace. At the beginning of the class definition, add an annotation with the blockNamespace attribute and set it to the name of the associated namespace. Using the class from the example in Factories, the annotation might be:

//% blockNamespace=Widgets color="#FF8000"

This allows the blocks in the Gizmo class to appear together with the other blocks in the Widgets namespace in the editor. Notice also, that the color for the class is set to match the color of the Widgets blocks.

In this example, the Gizmo class from before is placed outside of the Widgets namespace. Also, the setInactive method is turned into a block so it appears along with other blocks in Widgets.

//% blockNamespace=Widgets color="#FF8000"
class Gizmo {
    _active: boolean;

    constructor(activate: boolean) {
        this._active = activate;

     * Set the Gizmo widget to inactive
    //% block="set %Widgets(gizmo) to inactive"
    setInactive() {
        this._active = false;

//% color="#FF8000"
namespace Widgets {

     * Create a Gizmo widget and automtically set it to a variable
    //% block="create gizmo"
    //% blockSetVariable=gizmo
    export function createGizmo(): Gizmo {
        return new Gizmo(true);

Playground example: Factories

The block attribute for setInactive includes a reference to the gizmo variable created by the createGizmo factory function. This matches the block with a valid instance by default.

Field editors

Field editors let you control how a parameter value is entered or selected. A field editor is a shadow block that invokes the render of a selection UI element, dropdown list of items, or some other extended input method.

A field editor is attached to a parameter using the shadow attribute with the field editor name. In this example, a function to turn an LED on or off uses the toggleOnOff field editor to show a switch element as a block parameter.

* Toggle the LED on or off
//% block="LED $on"
//% on.shadow="toggleOnOff"
export function ledOn(on: boolean) {


Built-in field editors

There are ready made field editors that are built-in and available to use directly in your blocks:

Custom field editor

If you want to create a custom field editor for your blocks then you need to define the shadow block for it. The blockId is the name that is used as the parameter shadow attribute.

Here's an example field editor for setting the score of a tennis game:

  * Get the score for a tennis game
  * @param score
//% blockId=tennisScore block="$score"
//% blockHidden=true
//% colorSecondary="#FFFFFF"
//% score.fieldEditor="numberdropdown" score.fieldOptions.decompileLiterals=true
//%'[["Love", 1], ["15", 2], ["30", 3], ["40", 4], ["Game", 5]]'
export function __tennisScore(score: number): number {
    return score;

//% block="set game score $score"
//% score.shadow="tennisScore"
export function setScore(score: number) {


The block is hidden by setting blockHidden to true. The score parameter has three attributes set for it:

  • fieldEditor - the UI element used to select values.
  • fieldOptions.decompileLiterals - set to true to match values to their literal form.
  • - a list of name to value matches for the selection dropdown.

-- or --

  • fieldOptions.values - a list of simple values to select from, like:

vehicles.fieldOptions.values='[["truck"], ["airplane"], ["cruise ship"]]'

Playground example: Custom field editor


All blocks have a default weight of 50 that is used to sort them in the UI with the highest weight showing up first. To tweak the ordering, simply annotate the function with the weight macro:

//% weight=10

If given API is only for Blocks usage, and doesn't make much sense in TypeScript (for example, because there are alternative TypeScript APIs), you can use //% hidden flag to disable showing it in auto-completion.


To put blocks into a previously defined group (see the Category section at the top of this page), use the group attribute. The name of the group must match exactly one of the groups you've defined on your namespace.

Note: When using the groups feature, block weight is only compared with weights of other blocks in the same group.

//% group="LED Matrix"

If you don't want to show labels, you can manually group blocks together using the blockGap macro. It lets you specify the distance between the current block and the next one in the toolbox. Combined with the weight parameter, it allows you to visually group blocks together, essentially replicating the groups feature but without the labels. The default blockGap value is 8.

//% blockGap=14

Variable assignment

If a block instantiates a custom object, like a sprite, it's most likely that the user will want to store in a variable. Add blockSetVariable to modify the toolbox entry to include the variable.

Testing your Blocks

We recommend to build your block APIs iteratively and try it out in the editor to get the "feel of it". To do so, the ideal setup is:

  • run your target locally using pxt serve
  • keep a code editor with the TypeScript opened where you can edit the APIs
  • refresh the browser and try out the changes on a dummy program.

Interestingly, you can design your entire API without implementing it!

Deprecating Blocks

To deprecate an existing API, you can add the deprecated attribute like so:

//% deprecated=true

This will cause the API to still be usable in TypeScript, but prevent the block from appearing in the Blockly toolbox. If a user tries to load a project that uses the old API, the project will still load correctly as long as the TypeScript API is present. Any deprecated blocks in the project will appear in the editor but not the toolbox.

API design Tips and Tricks

A few tips gathered while designing various APIs for the Block Editor.

  • Design for beginners: the block interface is for beginners. You'll want to create a specific layer of C-like function for that purpose.
  • Anything that snaps together will be tried by the user: your runtime should deal with invalid input with graceful degradation rather than abrupt crashes. Some users will try to snap anything together - get ready for it.
  • OO is cumbersome in blocks: we recommend using a C-like APIs -- just function -- rather than OO classes. It maps better to blocks.
  • Keep the number of blocks small: there's only so much space in the toolbox. Be specific about each API you want to see in blocks.