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The Azure SQL Workshop

A Microsoft Workshop from the SQL team

00 Prerequisites

The Azure SQL Workshop is taught using the following components, which you will install and configure in the sections that follow.

NOTE: If you take this Workshop in person, you may be provided with a complete environment, or have different instructions. The invitation where you registered for the Workshop will be followed up with details for that environment, otherwise assume that you need to complete all of the following steps to complete the Workshop. The Labs in this Workshop are optional, all screenshots and Notebooks are provided for you to follow along if you cannot meet these requirements.

For this workshop, you can use any base OS station, as long as you can connect to a Remote Desktop (RDP).

Other requirements include:

  • Microsoft Azure: This Workshop uses the Microsoft Azure platform to host the environment and workstation. You can use a free Azure account, an MSDN Account, your own account, or potentially one provided for you, as long as you can create about $100.00 (U.S.) worth of assets.

Note that all following activities must be completed prior to class - there will not be time to perform these operations during the workshop.

Activity 1: Set up a Microsoft Azure Account

You have multiple options for setting up Microsoft Azure account to complete this workshop. You can use a free account, a Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) account, a personal or corporate account, or in some cases a pass may be provided by the instructor. (Note: for most classes, the MSDN account is best)

Unless you are explicitly told you will be provided an account by the instructor in the invitation to this workshop, you must have your Microsoft Azure account set up before you arrive at class.

Option 1 - Free Account

The free account gives you twelve months of time, and a limited amount of resources. Set this up prior to coming to class, and ensure you can access it from the system you will bring to the class.

NOTE: You can only use the Free subscription once, and it expires in 12 months. Set up your account per the instructions below, but ensure that you "Stop" any VM's in the Portal to ensure that you do not exceed the cost limits on this account. You will turn it off and on in the classroom per the instructor's directions.

Option 2 - Microsoft Developer Network Account (MSDN) Account

The best way to take this workshop is to use your Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) benefits if you have a subscription.

Option 3 - Use Your Own Account

You can also use your own account or one provided to you by your organization, but you must be able to create a resource group and create, start, and manage a Virtual Machine and Azure SQL components.

Option 4 - Use an account provided by your instructor

Your workshop invitation may have instructed you that they will provide a Microsoft Azure account for you to use. If so, you will receive instructions that it will be provided.

Unless you received explicit instructions in your workshop invitations, you must create either a free, MSDN or Personal account. You must have an account prior to the workshop.

Activity 2: Set up your environment

In order to complete this workshop, you need to install the following software:

  1. Using your Azure account, create a resource group for the workshop, naming it azuresqlworkshopID where ID is some 4-6 digit identifier that you can easily remember (e.g. 0406 is my birthday so I might pick "azuresqlworkshop0406"). Use this same ID every time you are told to name something ending in ID. Select a region that is close to where you are, and use this region for all future resources.

  2. Deploy an Azure virtual machine (link goes to service in Azure portal). The recommended minimum size is a D2s_v3, and you should use a Windows 10 Pro image. Name the virtual machine win-vmID (i.e. "win-vm0406"). Use the username vmuser and choose a password. Accept other defaults, and refer to more information on deploying Azure virtual machines here.

  3. Connect to the virtual machine, and perform the remaining steps in the virtual machine.

  4. Download the new Microsoft Edge and make it your default browser (you can type "default browser" in the Windows taskbar and it will take you to the settings for this).

  5. Navigate to the Azure portal and log in with the same Azure credentials used to create the resource group and Azure virtual machine.

  6. Complete Step 1.2 and 1.3 at this link to install and configure Java and Maven. You can confirm this worked by opening a new command prompt and running mvn --version. If this command results include Maven 3.6.3+ and Java 1.8.0_241+, the configuration is complete.

  7. Pin the command prompt to the taskbar (right-click on icon in taskbar and select Pin to taskbar).

  8. Install the RMUtils tool (which contains ostress) and add C:\Program Files\Microsoft Corporation\RMLUtils to the VM's System variables' Path. You can confirm this worked by opening a new command prompt and running ostress. If you see the available commands, the configuration is complete.

  9. Install SQL Server 2019 Developer/Evaluation edition with default features enabled (using the Basic selection).

  10. Install the Azure CLI.

  11. Install the Az PowerShell Module. Open PowerShell and run Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and then right-click on the icon in the taskbar and select Pin to taskbar. Close PowerShell.

  12. Install Azure Data Studio February 2020 or later. T-SQL and PowerShell notebooks are used in this course.

  13. Open Azure Data Studio and select New notebook from the main page. For kernel, change to PowerShell. You should get a pop-up to the side that reads "Configure Python for Notebooks". Leave all the defaults and select Install. While it's installing, you can right-click on the icon in the taskbar and select Pin to taskbar.

  14. In Azure Data Studio, if/when you get a pop-up asking to enable preview features, select Yes.

  15. When the installation of Python is complete and you have enabled preview features, the final step is to select Manage Packages and select Add new. Search for powershell-kernel and make sure the package installed is 0.1.3 or later. You can close Azure Data Studio now (no need to save the "New notebook")..

  16. Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.4 or higher. Several of the modules require features built only into SSMS. Once it installs, restart the virtual machine.

  17. Download the AdventureWorksLT2017.bak. Copy the file to the C: drive. Open SSMS and right-click on the icon in the taskbar and select Pin to taskbar. Then, use SSMS to restore the backup on the SQL Server 2019 instance you created in an earlier step (you can use . and Windows Authentication to connect to the local SQL Server in SSMS).

  18. Install Git for Windows with all defaults, and run the following command in Windows Command Prompt. This downloads the repository (i.e. all the files for the workshop) to C:\Users\<vm-username>.

git clone --config core.autocrlf=false

Next Steps

Next, Continue to 01 - Introduction to Azure SQL.