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Build API clients for .NET with Microsoft identity authentication
Learn how use Kiota to build API clients in .NET to access APIs that require Microsoft identity authentication.

Build API clients for .NET with Microsoft identity authentication

In this tutorial, you generate an API client that uses Microsoft identity authentication to access Microsoft Graph.

Required tools

Create a project

Run the following command in the directory you want to create a new project.

dotnet new console -o GetUserClient
dotnet new gitignore

Add dependencies

Before you can compile and run the generated API client, you need to make sure the generated source files are part of a project with the required dependencies. Your project must have a reference to the abstraction package. Additionally, you must either use the Kiota default implementations or provide your own custom implementations of the following packages.

For this tutorial, use the default implementations.

Run the following commands to get the required dependencies.

dotnet add package Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions
dotnet add package Microsoft.Kiota.Http.HttpClientLibrary
dotnet add package Microsoft.Kiota.Serialization.Form
dotnet add package Microsoft.Kiota.Serialization.Json
dotnet add package Microsoft.Kiota.Serialization.Text
dotnet add package Microsoft.Kiota.Serialization.Multipart
dotnet add package Microsoft.Kiota.Authentication.Azure
dotnet add package Azure.Identity

Generate the API client

Kiota generates API clients from OpenAPI documents. Create a file named get-me.yml and add the following.

:::code language="yaml" source="~/code-snippets/get-started/azure-auth/get-me.yml":::

You can then use the Kiota command line tool to generate the API client classes.

kiota generate -l csharp -d get-me.yml -c GetUserApiClient -n GetUserClient.ApiClient -o ./Client

Register an application

[!INCLUDE register-azure-app-device-code-intro]

[!INCLUDE register-azure-app-device-code-portal]

[!INCLUDE register-azure-app-device-code-powershell]

Create the client application

The final step is to update the Program.cs file that was generated as part of the console application to include the following code. Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID with the client ID from your app registration.

:::code language="csharp" source="~/code-snippets/get-started/azure-auth/dotnet/src/Program.cs" id="ProgramSnippet":::


This example uses the DeviceCodeCredential class. You can use any of the credential classes from the Azure.Identity library.

Run the application

To start the application, run the following command in your project directory.

dotnet run

See also