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281 lines (254 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

281 lines (254 loc) · 12.1 KB
title description author ms.localizationpriority ms.subservice doc_type
List detectionRules
Get a list of the custom detection rules and their properties.

List detectionRules


[!INCLUDE beta-disclaimer]

Get a list of custom detection rules. With custom detections, you can proactively monitor for and respond to various events and system states, including suspected breach activity and misconfigured assets in their organization network. Custom detection rules, which are written in Kusto query language (KQL), automatically trigger alerts and response actions once there are events matching their KQL queries.

[!INCLUDE national-cloud-support]


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

[!INCLUDE permissions-table]

HTTP request

GET /security/rules/detectionRules

Optional query parameters

This method supports some of the OData query parameters to help customize the response. For general information, see OData query parameters.

Request headers

Name Description
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and a collection of detectionRule objects in the response body.



The following example shows a request.


[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]


The following example shows the response.

Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "value": [
      "@odata.type": "",
      "id": "7506",
      "displayName": "ban file",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "createdBy": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-02-28T16:28:15.3863467Z",
      "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-05-24T09:26:11.8630516Z",
      "lastModifiedBy": "",
      "detectorId": "67895317-b2a8-4ac3-8f8b-fa6b7765f2fe",
      "queryCondition": {
        "queryText": "DeviceFileEvents\r\n| where Timestamp > ago(1h)\r\n| where FileName == \"ifz30zlx.dll\"",
        "lastModifiedDateTime": null
      "schedule": {
        "period": "24H",
        "nextRunDateTime": "2023-06-26T08:52:06.1766667Z"
      "lastRunDetails": {
        "lastRunDateTime": "2023-06-25T08:52:06.1766667Z",
        "status": null,
        "failureReason": null,
        "errorCode": null
      "detectionAction": {
        "alertTemplate": {
          "title": "unwanted dll",
          "description": "test",
          "severity": "low",
          "category": "Malware",
          "recommendedActions": null,
          "mitreTechniques": [],
          "impactedAssets": []
        "organizationalScope": null,
        "responseActions": [
            "@odata.type": "",
            "identifier": "deviceId"
            "@odata.type": "",
            "identifier": "deviceId"
            "@odata.type": "",
            "identifier": "deviceId"
            "@odata.type": "",
            "identifier": "deviceId"
            "@odata.type": "",
            "isolationType": "full",
            "identifier": "deviceId"
            "@odata.type": "",
            "identifier": "sha1",
            "deviceGroupNames": []
      "@odata.type": "",
      "id": "8575",
      "displayName": "Continuous_EmailAttachmentInfo_Mod300",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "createdBy": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-11-03T21:32:01.6144651Z",
      "lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-11-03T19:27:14.4187141Z",
      "lastModifiedBy": "",
      "detectorId": "56ef4994-fe31-4ac9-b29f-0ca2f2cc9112",
      "queryCondition": {
        "queryText": "EmailAttachmentInfo\r\n| extend second = datetime_diff('second',now(),Timestamp)\r\n| where second % 300 == 0 ",
        "lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-11-03T19:27:14.4331537Z"
      "schedule": {
        "period": "0",
        "nextRunDateTime": "2021-11-03T21:32:01.7863185Z"
      "lastRunDetails": {
        "lastRunDateTime": "2021-11-03T21:32:01.7863185Z",
        "status": null,
        "failureReason": null,
        "errorCode": null
      "detectionAction": {
        "alertTemplate": {
          "title": "EmailAttachmentInfo",
          "description": "EmailAttachmentInfo",
          "severity": "low",
          "category": "Exfiltration",
          "recommendedActions": "EmailAttachmentInfo",
          "mitreTechniques": [],
          "impactedAssets": [
              "@odata.type": "",
              "identifier": "recipientEmailAddress"
              "@odata.type": "",
              "identifier": "recipientObjectId"
        "organizationalScope": null,
        "responseActions": [
            "@odata.type": "",
            "identifier": "networkMessageId, recipientEmailAddress"
      "@odata.type": "",
      "id": "9794",
      "displayName": "UPDATED DET: Office/LoLBin Network Connection to Low-Reputation TLD",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "createdBy": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2022-02-02T10:26:01.7708581Z",
      "lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-02-02T10:26:01.7708581Z",
      "lastModifiedBy": "",
      "detectorId": "67aa92a1-b04b-4f2a-a223-236968a3da96",
      "queryCondition": {
        "queryText": "//\r\nDeviceNetworkEvents\r\n| where isnotempty(RemoteUrl) and RemoteIPType == \"Public\"\r\n| where InitiatingProcessFileName in~ (\"winword.exe\", \"excel.exe\", \"powerpnt.exe\", \"rundll32.exe\", \"regsvr32.exe\", \"certutil.exe\", \"bitsadmin.exe\", \"wscript.exe\", \"cscript.exe\", \"powershell.exe\", \"pwsh.exe\", \"powershell_ise.exe\")\r\n| extend TopLevelDomain=tolower(extract(@\"([A-Za-z0-9-]{1,63}\\.)+([A-Za-z]{2,10})\", 2, RemoteUrl))\r\n| where TopLevelDomain in (\"xyz\", \"top\", \"live\", \"loan\", \"club\", \"surf\", \"work\", \"biz\", \"ryukyu\", \"press\", \"ltd\", \"bid\", \"vip\", \"online\", \"download\" \"buzz\", \"cam\", \"ru\", \"cn\", \"ci\", \"ga\", \"gq\", \"tk\", \"tw\", \"ml\", \"cf\", \"cfd\", \"icu\", \"cm\")\r\n| extend TimeDiff=datetime_diff(\"Second\", Timestamp, InitiatingProcessCreationTime)\r\n| where TimeDiff < 30\r\n| project-reorder Timestamp, DeviceName, RemoteUrl, TopLevelDomain, TimeDiff, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, *\r\n//| summarize count() by InitiatingProcessFolderPath, TopLevelDomain, RemoteUrl",
        "lastModifiedDateTime": null
      "schedule": {
        "period": "1H",
        "nextRunDateTime": "2023-06-25T10:17:06.4366667Z"
      "lastRunDetails": {
        "lastRunDateTime": "2023-06-25T09:17:06.4366667Z",
        "status": null,
        "failureReason": null,
        "errorCode": null
      "detectionAction": {
        "alertTemplate": {
          "title": "updated Office/LoLBin Network Connection to Low-Reputation TLD",
          "description": "This is a custom detection created by the Centene Detection Engineering team.\n\nAn Office application or Living-Off-The-Land Binary made an immediate remote connection to a domain with a low-reputation top level domain after execution. This activity is suspicious as threat actors typically use low-reputation TLDs for malicious purposes, such as hosting payloads for potential targets. These TLDs are often abused because of their low cost and lack of oversite. The TLDs included in the list cover destinations that have either a high count or a high percentage of low-reputation sites. ",
          "severity": "low",
          "category": "CommandAndControl",
          "recommendedActions": "Check the reputation of the RemoteUrl through OSINT tools such as VirusTotal and Hybrid Analysis.\n\nReview the document and device timeline for additional context and IOCs. \n\nCheck for related alerts on the associated endpoint. ",
          "mitreTechniques": ["T1071.001"],
          "impactedAssets": [
              "@odata.type": "",
              "identifier": "deviceId"
        "organizationalScope": {
          "scopeType": "deviceGroup",
          "scopeNames": ["UnassignedGroup"]
        "responseActions": []