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126 lines (100 loc) · 4.68 KB
title description ms.localizationpriority author ms.subservice doc_type
section: copyToNotebook
Copies a section to a specific notebook.

section: copyToNotebook

Namespace: microsoft.graph Copies a section to a specific notebook.

For Copy operations, you follow an asynchronous calling pattern: First call the Copy action, and then poll the operation endpoint for the result.

[!INCLUDE national-cloud-support]


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

[!INCLUDE permissions-table]

HTTP request

POST /me/onenote/sections/{id}/copyToNotebook
POST /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/onenote/sections/{id}/copyToNotebook
POST /groups/{id}/onenote/sections/{id}/copyToNotebook

Request headers

Name Type Description
Authorization string Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.
Content-Type string application/json

Request body

In the request body, provide a JSON object that contains the parameters that your operation needs.

Parameter Type Description
groupId String The id of the group to copy to. Use only when copying to a Microsoft 365 group.
id String Required. The id of the destination notebook.
renameAs String The name of the copy. Defaults to the name of the existing item.


If successful, this method returns a 202 Accepted response code and an Operation-Location header. Poll the Operation-Location endpoint to get the status of the copy operation.


Here is an example of how to call this API.


The following example shows a request.

Content-type: application/json

  "id": "id-value",
  "groupId": "groupId-value",
  "renameAs": "renameAs-value"

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted