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242 lines (177 loc) · 8.78 KB
title description ms.localizationpriority doc_type ms.subservice author
List appRoleAssignments granted to a user
Retrieve the list of app role assignments granted to a user.

List appRoleAssignments granted to a user

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Retrieve the list of appRoleAssignments that are currently granted to a user. This operation also returns app role assignments granted to groups that the user is a direct member of.


To ensure complete results for users with many indirect app role assignments, use the ConsistencyLevel header set to eventual and $count, as described in Advanced query capabilities on Azure AD directory objects. For an example, see Example 1.

[!INCLUDE national-cloud-support]


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

[!INCLUDE permissions-table]

HTTP request

GET /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/appRoleAssignments
GET /me/appRoleAssignments

Optional query parameters

This method supports the OData query parameters to help customize the response.

Request headers

Name Description
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and a collection of appRoleAssignment objects in the response body.


Example 1: List appRoleAssignments granted to a user


The following example shows a request to retrieve all app role assignments granted to the user, and to groups where the user is a direct member.

ConsistencyLevel: eventual

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]


The following example shows the response.

Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

  "value": [
      "id": "41W1zT6z1U-kJxf62svfp1HFE8pMZhxDun-ThPczmJE",
      "deletedDateTime": null,
      "appRoleId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-02-02T04:22:45.9480566Z",
      "principalDisplayName": "Alex Wilber",
      "principalId": "cdb555e3-b33e-4fd5-a427-17fadacbdfa7",
      "principalType": "User",
      "resourceDisplayName": "dxprovisioning-graphapi-client",
      "resourceId": "8e881353-1735-45af-af21-ee1344582a4d"

Example 2: List appRoleAssignments granted to a user, filtered by resourceId


The following example shows a request to retrieve the app roles that are assigned to a user, filtering by a resourceId, which is a GUID type.

GET$filter=resourceId eq 8e881353-1735-45af-af21-ee1344582a4d

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]

[!INCLUDE sample-code] [!INCLUDE sdk-documentation]


The following example shows the response.

Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#appRoleAssignments",
  "value": [
      "id": "41W1zT6z1U-kJxf62svfp1HFE8pMZhxDun-ThPczmJE",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-02-02T04:22:45.9480566Z",
      "appRoleId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "principalDisplayName": "MOD Administrator",
      "principalId": "cdb555e3-b33e-4fd5-a427-17fadacbdfa7",
      "principalType": "User",
      "resourceDisplayName": "dxprovisioning-graphapi-client",
      "resourceId": "8e881353-1735-45af-af21-ee1344582a4d"