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Model state machines using disjoint union types.

The equilavance between state machines and disjoint union types.

What makes a state machine so useful is that it must always be in exactly one of a set of discreet states. For example, consider the following state diagram for a machine that models the states of a Promise.

Diagram of a the three states of a promise: pending, resolved, and rejected

A promise starts in the Pending state, and then, it either moves to the Resolved, or the Fulfilled state. But however it ends up, at any given point in time it must be one of those three states.

Union types (also called enum types in languages like Java and TypeScript) have this exact same property. While they all represent a single abstract data type, each particular value that you hold a reference to must be an instance of exactly one concrete subtype.

If we were to imagine a type hiearchy that implemented a scheme like this, it would look something akin to the following with an abstract superclass of Promise that has three concrete constructors Pending, Fulfilled, and Rejected:

Abstract Promise class with three concrete subtypes: Pending, Fulfilled, and Rejected

We can never instantiate an instance of Promise directly, but instead must always hold a reference to exactly one of its subtypes. Just like a state machine! In fact, you can model any state machine as a union type, where there is exactly one concrete constructor for each discreet state in the state machine.

Furthermore, you can model each state transition from one state to another as a method on the type representing the first state that returns an instance of the type representing the second.

Let's pencil in those methods representing these state transitions into our type hierarchy.

Pending type has resolve method returning Fulfilled type and rejected method returning Rejected type

As you can see, the Pending type has two methods, resolve() and reject(). The resolve() method returns an instance of Fulfilled, and then reject() method returns an instance of Rejected.

Notice how it's impossible to transition from Fulfilled to Rejected or from Fulfilled to Pending because there is no method to do so.

Using a Union

You can assemble hiearchies like this on your own, but given how common it is to model state machines with types, @microstates/union provides the Union helper to assemble it quickly for you.

The Union function takes a set of name: Function pairs and returns the abstract union type, where the name is the name of the state, and Function is a function that takes the abstract superclass as a parameter and returns a subclass that extends that superclass.

We can use it to define our promise type hierarchy.

import Union from '@microstates/union';

const PromiseType = Union({
  Pending: PromiseType => class extends PromiseType {},
  Resolved: PromiseType => class extends PromiseType {},
  Rejected: PromiseType => class extends PromiseType {}

The abstract type will have all of its concrete types attached to it

typeof PromiseType.Pending //=> 'function'
PromiseType.Pending.prototype instanceof PromiseType //=> true

typeof PromiseType.Fulfilled //=> 'function'
PromiseType.Fulfilled.prototype instanceof PromiseType //=> true

typeof PromiseType.Rejected //=> 'function'
PromiseType.Rejected.prototype instanceof PromiseType //=> true

You can instantiate a member of the union using the static create method. Every member has boolean properties to help you determine what kind of state it is:

let pending = PromiseType.Pending.create();
pending instanceof PromiseType //=> true
pending instanceof PromiseType.Pending //=> true
pending.isPending //=> true
pending.isRejected //=> false
pending.isFulfilled //=> false

Anything passed to the create method will be used as the state property of the microstate

let fulfilled = PromiseType.Fulfilled.create('result');
fulfilled.isPending //=> false
fulfilled.isFulfilled //=> true

fulfilled.state //=> 'result';

In order to add transition methods to a member, just add them to its class declaration. Here's how we'd add the resolve() and reject() method. Every union type has a private to[Member] helper method to help you transition between states.

import Union from '@microstates/union';

const PromiseType = Union({
  Pending: PromiseType => class extends PromiseType {
    reject(reason) {
      return this.toRejected(reason);
    resolve(result) {
      return this.toFulfilled(result);
  Resolved: PromiseType => class extends PromiseType {},
  Rejected: PromiseType => class extends PromiseType {}

let pending = PromiseType.Pending.create();

let fulfilled = pending.resolve('here is some data');
fulfilled.isFulfilled //=> true
fulfilled.state //=> 'here is some data'

Serialization of Union Types

Internally, the value of a union type is stored as a { type, value } object which can be confusing since it does not correspond to the normal way in which microstate values are stored internally. However, storing this type internally is necessary since a microstate tree must always be computable from its value.

import { valueOf } from 'microstates';

let fulfilled = PromiseType.FulFilled.create('data');
valueOf(fulfilled) //=> { type: "Fulfilled", value: "data" }

In order to deserialize a union type, you should pass the { type, value } combination:

let rejected = create(PromiseType, { type: "Rejected", value: new Error('something went wrong!')});

rejected.isRejected //=> true
rejected instanceof PromiseType.Rejected //=> true
rejected.state //=> Error { "something went wrong!" }


@microstates/union - Use disjoint union types to model state machines






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