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Midhun Harikumar edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 1 revision


Development of Trip 'O Meter is mainly undertaken by a single designer/developer in his free time. Few other collaborators provide data APIs and design feedback.

  • Project source hosted at GitHub
  • Wiki for the project (what you are reading now) at here.

The main contributor can be contacted on twitter @midhunhk or aeapplabs-support at


We are happy to share that you too can contribute to this project. Pull requests are welcome! New features and bugs are listed at Issues page to be taken up for future development.

Reporting Issues

If you find an issue while using the app, kindly open a new issue. We will provide a fix and update based on the severity of the issue.

Community & Beta Testing

You can optionally join the Google+ Community for updates and beta testing new versions.

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