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File metadata and controls

140 lines (112 loc) · 4.87 KB

Steps to migrate v1 to v2

1. Make sure you are using Angular 6 and RxJS 6.

The library is moving with the times. Follow the Angular update guide's recommendations.

2. Add forRoot() to your NgModule imports

   imports: [
-    DragulaModule,
+    DragulaModule.forRoot(),

3. Add two-way binding brackets to [(dragulaModel)]

-<div dragula="VAMPIRES" [dragulaModel]="myList">
+<div dragula="VAMPIRES" [(dragulaModel)]="myList">

ng2-dragula will no longer mutate arrays internally. Instead, you have to save the results of drag/drop manipulation using one of these methods:

  1. Two-way binding of [(dragulaModel)]="myList", which is roughly a drop-in replacement for mutation
  2. Listening to changes relevant to a particular list with (dragulaModelChange)="..." and saving the modifications manually (... or do any number of things with it).
  3. Listening to the newly minted DragulaService.dropModel("GROUP")/removeModel("GROUP") directly -- you will be notified when any item is dropped or removed in any container in your group. These events are much improved, and now contain model data, which is ideal for triggering @ngrx/store actions.

4. Replace setOptions and [dragulaOptions] with DragulaService.createGroup

 constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
-  this.dragulaService.setOptions("first-bag", {
+  this.dragulaService.createGroup("VAMPIRES", {
     revertOnSpill: true,

'Bags' are now called 'Groups', in the code and the documentation. This is much easier to understand. In line with that:

  • setOptions has been renamed to createGroup to reduce confusion: the former terminology implies the group already exists, but you can only createGroup when the group does NOT already exist.
  • [dragulaOptions] has been removed to reduce confusion; you can't update an entire options object (that would do nothing), but the Angular binding incorrectly suggests that you can.

You might also like to take the opportunity to give your groups descriptive names. A lot of users filing issues are still using "first-bag", "second-bag", etc.

5. Use the new events API

 subs = new Subscription();

 constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
-  this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drag.asObservable().subscribe((values: any[]) => {
-    if (values[0] === "VAMPIRES") {
-      const [el, source] = values.slice(1);
-      // You now have el: any, source: any
-    }
-  }));
+  this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drag("VAMPIRES")
+   .subscribe(({ el, source }) => {
+     // Note the curly braces
+     // You now have el: Element, source: Element
+    })
+  );

 ngOnDestroy() { this.subs.unsubscribe(); }

The new API is much more helpful. There are three notable changes:

  1. Events are functions that return observables now. You can optionally provide a group name to filter events by. You pretty much always want to do this.
  2. The Dragula event data in the Observable is placed into nicely typed objects for you. You can use curly braces to destructure them into the data you need.
  3. dropModel and removeModel WAY more powerful. Check out the sourceModel, targetModel and item props on those two events.

There is much more info in the README.

6. If you are using copy with [(dragulaModel)], provide a copyItem function.

 interface MyItem {
   name: string;
 constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
   this.dragulaService.createGroup("VAMPIRES", {
     copy: true,
     // or copy: (el, source) => === ...,
+    copyItem: (item: MyItem) => ({ ...item })

The implementation in v1 was awful; it was literally JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x)). A number of users asked to be able to customise this. However, the implementation is so bug-prone that I decided to make it mandatory to provide your own.

  • If you have basic objects like MyItem above, a shallow clone with the spread operator might suffice.
  • If you have custom classes you are dragging around, maybe make a clone() method and call it.
  • If you are using Immutable.js or similar... you know what you're doing. Just don't spit the same object back.

If you want a worked example with a custom class and incrementing IDs, check out the demo.

That's it!

Take a breather. And while you're here: I built another drag and drop library, angular-skyhook!. I've been maintaining ng2-dragula even though I haven't been using it -- the sortable lists paradigm just isn't powerful enough sometimes. I poured a lot of effort into it, so check out the examples, give it a whirl and see if you can find a use for it.