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Resolve module names to module meta objects.

A module meta object contains information such as a url that can be used for loading a file from storage. The module meta format is described here.


Resolver(options : object) : constructor

Creates interface to convert module names to a module meta object.

  • options {object} - is a configuration options object with information for creating module meta objects. The options are compatible with RequireJS settings for paths, packages, baseUrl, shim, and urlArgs.
    • baseUrl {string} - path that every file is relative to.

    • paths {object} - is an object with key value pairs to map module names to files.

      For example, if you wanted to have a module called md5 and you wanted to map that to the location of the actual file, you can specify the following:

        "paths": {
          "md5": "path/to/file/md5"

      That will tells resolver that the location for md5 is path/to/file/md5.js.

    • extensions {array} - is an array of strings that define a list of known extensions. Files with extensions in this whitelist will not get the js extension appened to it.

    • packages {array} - is an array of directory aliases to files. Think npm packages that load index.js by default.

      A package can be a string, in which case resolver will generate urls in the form of packagename/main.js. That is to say that if you have a package called machines, then resolving machines will generate a url to machinge/main.js.

      Alternatively, a package can be an object which provides more granual control of the resolution process. The following properties are supported:

      • location {string} - which is the location on disk.
      • main {string} - file name. Provide one if the module file is other than main.js.
      • name {string} - package name.
    • shim {object} - maps code in the global object to modules. An example of this is Backbone, which is loaded into the global object. So, in order for Module Loaders to load Backbone, they need to know how to find Backbone in the global object and also know its dependencies (underscore) in case Backbone needs to be loaded.

      Shims provides two properties:

      • exports|name {string} - The name of the code in the global object.
      • imports|deps {array} - List of dependencies. This is important when the shim has not yet been loaded and it requires other modules to be loaded first.
var resolver = new Resolver({
  "urlArgs": 'bust=' + (new Date()).getTime(),
  "baseUrl": "../",
  "extensions": ["json"],
  "paths": {
    "mocha": "../node_modules/mocha/mocha",
    "chai": "../node_modules/chai/chai"
  "shim": {
    "mocha": {
      "exports": "mocha",
      "imports": ["sinon", "chai"]
  "packages": [
    "pacakge1", {
      "main": "index.js"
    }, {
      "location": "good/tests",
      "main": "index",
      "name": "js"
    }, {
      "location": "good/tests",
      "name": "lib"

resolve(name : string, baseUrl : string)

Creates a module meta object. If name starts with ./, ../, or a protocol, then the resolution process will build a module meta with a URL using the input baseUrl (if available). The URL is built using this routine. If name starts with anything else, then the resolution process will use the baseUrl configured in the resolver ignoring the one passed it.

  • name {string} - Name of the module to create a module meta object for. The name can be formatted with plugins such as css!filename.css.
  • baseUrl {string} - URL to be used as a base only when the name of the module starts with ./, ../, or a protocol. Otherwise, it is ignored.
Returns {object} - module meta
  • name {string} - Name of the module being resolved. Plugin definitions are not included.
  • url {Url} - Url object that's compliant with URL Api.
  • plugins {array} - Array of strings created from the input module name. Anything at the beginning of the module name that is delimited by a ! will be processed as a plugin.
  • shim {object} - Object containing information about modules that exist in the global object. shim can specify a couple of things.
    • name {string} - Name module has in the global space.
    • deps {array} - Array of string of dependencies that need to be loaded before the shim.

Create module meta objects

var mochaModuleMeta    = resolver.resolve("mocha"),
    package1ModuleMeta = resolver.resolve("package1"),
    cssModuleMeta      = resolver.resolve("css!less!path/to/file.less");


var mochaUrl    = mochaModuleMeta.url.href,    // url === "../node_modules/mocha/mocha.js"
    package1Url = package1ModuleMeta.url.href, // url === "package1/index.js"
    cssUrl      = cssModuleMeta.url.href;      // url === "path/to/file.less"


var cssPlugins = cssModuleMeta.plugins; // plugins === ["css", "less"]


var mochaShim = mochaModuleMeta.shim; // shim === {name: "mocha", deps: ["sinon", "chai"]}


From npm

npm install amd-resolver