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31 lines (25 loc) · 841 Bytes

File metadata and controls

31 lines (25 loc) · 841 Bytes


Simple tool to output per-package method counts in an Android DEX executable grouped by package, to aid in getting under the 65536 referenced method limit.

To use it:

$ ant jar
$ ./dex-method-counts path/to/App.apk # or .zip or .dex

You'll see output of the form:

Read in 65490 method IDs.
<root>: 65490
    : 3
    android: 6837
        accessibilityservice: 6
        bluetooth: 2
        content: 248
            pm: 22
            res: 45
    com: 53881
        adjust: 283
            sdk: 283
        codebutler: 65
            android_websockets: 65

The DEX file parsing is based on the dexdeps tool from the Android source tree.