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Build a Milvus distributed cluster based on JuiceFS

This tutorial uses JuiceFS as shared storage to build Mishards. JuiceFS is an open source POSIX file system built on top of Redis and object storage (e.g. S3), and is equivalent to a stateless middleware that helps various applications share data through a standard file system interface. As shown in the diagram below:


Environment preparation

To build a Milvus cluster you need at least two servers and a shared storage device, i.e. JuiceFS.

  1. Install NVIDIA driver 418 or higher.

  2. Install Docker.

  3. Install Docker Compose.

  4. Install nvidia-docker 2.0.

Building steps

This project is a distributed build solution based on Milvus 1.0.

1. Install MySQL

MySQL service can be started on any of the server in the cluster, for MySQL installation see Managing Metadata with MySQL.

2. Install and configure JuiceFS

The precompiled binaries selected for this tutorial can be downloaded directly, and the detailed installation process can be found on the JuiceFS website for the installation tutorial.

After downloading you will need to install the dependencies, JuiceFS requires a Redis (2.8 and above) server to store the metadata, see Redis Quick Start. It's highly recommended use Redis service managed by public cloud provider if possible.

JuiceFS needs to be configured with object storage, i.e. create a new volume through juicefs format command. The object storage used in the tutorial is Azure Blob Storage, you need to choose your own suitable object storage, refer to the guide. Once the volume has been formatted, it can be mounted as a directory.

Assuming that you have a locally running Redis service, use it to format a volume called test:

$ export AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=XXX;AccountKey=XXX;"
# Formatting a volume
$ ./juicefs format \
    --storage wasb \
    --bucket https://<container> \
    ... \
    localhost test

If the Redis service is not running locally, the localhost in the above command needs to be replaced with a full address like this: redis://username:password@host:6379/1.

Once the volume has been formatted, it can be mounted as a directory (e.g. ~/jfs):

$ ./juicefs mount -d localhost ~/jfs

For more information, please refer to JuiceFS website.

3. Starting Milvus

Each server in the cluster requires Milvus to be installed, and different servers can be configured with different read and write permissions to Milvus. One server in the cluster is configured as write-only, the others are read-only.

Write-only/Read-only configuration

In the Milvus system configuration file server_config.yaml, the following parameters need to be configured.

Section cluster
Parameter Description Parameter Setting
enable Whether to enable cluster mode ture
role Milvus deployment role rw
Section general
Parameter Description Parameter Setting
meta_uri URI for metadata storage, using MySQL (for distributed cluster Milvus). Format: dialect://username:password@host:port/database. mysql://root:milvusroot@host:3306/milvus

Read-only requires the parameter role to be set to ro, the rest of the parameters are the same as write-only.

Starting Milvus

sudo docker run -d --name milvus_gpu_1.0.0 --gpus all \
-p 19530:19530 \
-p 19121:19121 \
-v /root/jfs/milvus/db:/var/lib/milvus/db \    # /root/jfs/milvus/db is the path to JuiceFS
-v /home/$USER/milvus/conf:/var/lib/milvus/conf \
-v /home/$USER/milvus/logs:/var/lib/milvus/logs \
-v /home/$USER/milvus/wal:/var/lib/milvus/wal \

4. Starting Mishards

The Mishards service can simply be started on any of the devices in the cluster, here we use the cluster_mishards.yml file from the project:

version: "2.3"
        restart: always
        image: milvusdb/mishards
            - ""
            - ""
            - /tmp/milvus/db:/tmp/milvus/db
- /tmp/mishards_env:/source/mishards/.env
        command: ["python", "mishards/"]
            FROM_EXAMPLE: 'true'
            SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: mysql+pymysql://root:milvusroot@
            DEBUG: 'true'
            SERVER_PORT: 19531
            WOSERVER: tcp://
            DISCOVERY_PLUGIN_PATH: static
            DISCOVERY_STATIC_PORT: 19530

Parameters to note in the script that need to be changed.

  • SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: change to the IP address where MySQL is located.
  • WOSERVER: change to the IP address of the Milvus writeable instance. Reference format: tcp://
  • DISCOVERY_STATIC_HOSTS: all IP addresses in the cluster.
  • SERVER_PORT: defines the service port for Mishards

Start the Mishards service with the following command.

$ docker-compose -f cluster_mishards.yml up


1. Can I mount JuiceFS volume with non-root user?

JuiceFS can be mounted by any user. The default cache directory is $HOME/.juicefs/cache (macOS) or /var/jfsCache (Linux), make sure the user has write access to this directory, or switch to another directory with sufficient permissions.

If you do not use a privileged user, you may get an error like docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path 'XXX': mkdir XXX: file exists. Refer to JuiceFS FAQ for more information.

2. Cannot connect to Redis

When Redis is executed with the default configuration (binding all the interfaces) and without any password in order to access it, it enters a special mode called protected mode. So you need to configure the redis.conf file and set the protected-mode to no.