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A minimal LR parsing library written in TypeScript

lr-parser-typescript is a parsing library that offers a user-friendly formalism for specifying grammars, and a simple API for parsing strings, written in TypeScript.

Under the hood, lr-parser-typescript uses a minimal LR(1) parser algorithm described by David Pager in [0]. A minimal LR(1) parser has the full power of the classic LR(1) parser, while producing parser tables with sizes close to the corresponding LR(0) tables.


# Using npm:
npm install lr-parser-typescript

# Using yarn:
yarn add lr-parser-typescript

Example and tutorial

Note: this README is more of a reference than a tutorial. There is an introductory tutorial in the docs.

import { Caten, Match, Maybe, Parser, SyntaxTreeNode, Token } from "lr-parser-typescript";

class B extends SyntaxTreeNode {
  token!: Token<'b'> | null;
  static pattern = new Maybe(
    new Match('token', 'b'),

class C extends SyntaxTreeNode {
  static pattern = 'c';

class StartingSymbol extends SyntaxTreeNode {
  childNode!: B;
  static pattern = new Caten( // "Caten" stands for "concatenate".
    new Match('childNode', B),
    new Match(null, C),

const parser = new Parser(StartingSymbol);
const abcd = parser.parse('abcd')

console.log(abcd instanceof StartingSymbol); // true


Before a string is parsed, it is tokenized -- turned into a sequence of instances of Token. The default tokenizer splits the string into single-character tokens. If you want a more sophisticated tokenizer, you need to create your own. You can have a look at an example tokenizer from the docs.

The Token<Kind extends string | null> class

Constructor parameters:

  • public kind: Kind
  • public start: SrcPosition
  • public end: SrcPosition

The kind "null" should be reserved for "end of input" tokens.


  • traverse<T>(this: T, fn: (node: T) => boolean | void)

    Calls the function fn with this as an argument. Traversing makes more sense on instances of SyntaxTreeNode, a class that is mentioned below.


A pattern is either a string, or an instance of one of the classes described below. A string pattern matches a token whose kind property is equal to the string.


Constructor parameters:

  • ...patterns: Pattern[]

Caten is short for "concatenate". new Caten(p0, p1, p2) matches a sequence of tokens s iff s can be split into three subsequences s0, s1, s2 such that pX matches sX (for X = 0, 1, 2).


Constructor parameters:

  • ...patterns: (Pattern | { patternName: string })[]

Or matches a token sequence iff at least one of its arguments does.

At most one of the arguments can be an object with a patternName property. See the section Pattern caching for more about naming patterns.


Constructor parameters:

  • pattern: Pattern
  • name: string | null = null

Maybe matches a token sequence iff its argument matches, or the token sequence is empty. It is just a syntactic sugar for new Or(new Caten(), pattern).

Match, MatchArr

See examples in the docs.

Constructor parameters:

  • prop: [class is Match] ? string | null : string
  • match: SyntaxTreeClass | Pattern
  • name: string | null = null

A Match is used to: 0. capture the result of a pattern match into a property of a syntax tree node, or

  1. use a syntax tree class in the pattern of another syntax tree class.

match is the pattern that will be matched, and stored into the property prop (if not null).

Assuming the input that is being parsed matches the pattern, the following holds:

  1. If match is a string, then the property will be assigned a token.
  2. If match is a syntax tree class, then the property will be assigned an instance of that class.
  3. If match is a non-string pattern, then the property will be assigned an array of tokens that matched the pattern.

If the Match is not matched (eg. if it is inside a Maybe or a non-matching branch of an Or), then the property will be assigned null.

A Match cannot be used in a way that would potentially lead to the same property being assigned to more than once. In contrast, MatchArr can be used any number of times, and always captures an array of what Match would capture. Match and MatchArr cannot be used together on the same property.


Constructor parameters:

  • pattern: Pattern the repeating pattern
  • options?: RepeatOptions
// Default values in comments.
type RepeatOptions = {
  delimiter: Pattern, // new Caten()
  trailingDelimiter: Pattern | boolean, // false
  lowerBound: number, // 0
  upperBound: number, // Infinity
  name: string | null, // null

Repeat matches token sequences matched by A B A B ... A, where A is the repeating pattern, B is the delimiter and the number of occurrences of A is within lowerBound (inclusive) and upperBound (exclusive).

If a trailing delimiter is provided, additionally matches sequences matched by A B A B ... A T, with the additional constraint that the trailing delimiter must follow an A. (Ie. a Repeat does not match a sequence matched by just T unless A can match the empty sequence.)

Passing true as the trailing delimiter to the constructor means the trailing delimiter is the same as the delimiter.


SyntaxTreeNode is the superclass of all syntax tree nodes. Every class that extends SyntaxTreeNode must have a static property pattern of type Pattern.

A syntax tree class may have a static boolean property hidden. If true, the class must have a property called value. When another class uses a Match with a hidden class as the pattern, the hidden class will not be instantiated during parsing, and its would-be instance will be replaced by the value of its value property.

If a hidden class uses MatchArr to capture its value, then such a class must also be matched using MatchArr. Matching an array- capturing hidden class several times concatenates the respective matched arrays.

Example hidden class:

class Hidden extends SyntaxTreeNode {
  static hidden = true as true;
  value: Token<'a' | 'b'>
  static pattern = new Or(
    new Match('value', 'a'),
    new Match('value', 'b'),

class StartingSymbol {
  // Notice `aOrB` is an instance of `Hidden['value']`, not `Hidden`.
  aOrB: Token<'a' | 'b'>;
  static pattern = new Match('aOrB', Hidden);


A type of classes that extend SyntaxTreeNode.

The Parser<Stc extends SyntaxTreeClass class

Constructor parameters:

  • public stc: Stc the starting symbol
  • options: ParserOptions
// Default values in comments.
type ParserOptions = {
  tokenizer: Tokenizer, // Parser.defaultTokenizer
  serializedParserTable: [opaque] | null, // null
  logLevel: LogLevel, // LogLevel.problemsOnly (more or less)

The parse method


  • word: string

Return type: InstanceType<Stc> | TokenizationError | ParseError

The parse method takes a string and returns the result of parsing it. If the string matches the pattern of Stc, then the result is an instance of Stc. If the string does not match, ParseError is returned. If the tokenizer returns an instance of TokenizationError, then it is returned.

If Stc is a hidden class, then parse returns the value of its value property, so the return type is actually Stc['value'] | .... However, TypeScript is only able to infer the return type properly if the hidden property's type is true, not boolean. You can declare the hidden property as true as true to make TypeScript happy.

The saveParserTable method


  • path: string
  • minifyParserTable: boolean = true

Return type: Promise<void>

Saves the parser table to the file at path as JSON. The file may then be imported and passed to the Parser constructor using the serializedParserTable option.

Unless a parser is initialized with a serialized parser table, it will have to construct the parser table from scratch. This may be fine during development of a grammar, or for small grammars, but for larger grammars, it may be too slow.

minifyParserTable determines whether to use a smaller, but hard to read parser table format, and is true by default.

Example usage:

import { Parser } from 'lr-parser-typescript';

import StartingSymbol from './starting-symbol';
import parserTable from './parser-table.json';

// Set to true to recompute the parser table. May be initialized
// eg. from a CLI flag (or just change the code).
const recomputeTable = false as boolean;

const parser = new Parser(StartingSymbol, {
  serializedParserTable: recomputeTable ? null : parserTable,

if (recomputeTable) (async () => {
  // Note: if your code is compiled to a different location,
  // you may need to adjust the path.
  await parser.saveParserTable('./parser-table.json');
  console.log('Parser table saved.');

The static defaultTokenizer property

The default tokenizer. It will turn a string into a sequence of single-character tokens.

Reference (everything else)

These are the exported members of the library.

SrcPosition (class)

Constructor parameters:

  • public line: number
  • public col: number
  • public i: number

All three arguments use proper indexing -- ie. from zero.

Tokenizer (type)

type Tokenizer =
  (str: string) =>
      Token<null> | TokenizationError

TokenizationError (class)

Constructor parameters:

  • public at: SrcPosition

You may extend this class to provide more information about the error.

ParseError (class)

Constructor parameters:

  • public token: Token<string | null>
  • public expected: (string | null)[]

Pattern caching

In the background, lr-parser-typescript converts patterns into a formal grammar, and then constructs a parser table for that grammar.

It is possible (though not recommended) to use the same pattern in multiple places. lr-parser-typescript makes sure such patterns are only converted into a grammar rule once. This applies to those patterns that create their own nonterminals -- ie. Match, Maybe, Or and Repeat.

Every pattern of the above classes (but not their subclasses) that is used at multiple places must be given an explicit name. Those patterns that are used only once are given implicit names like ClassName.Caten[0].Or[1].Match.

Pattern names are used to print the grammar and the parser table in a human-readable form, either if the logLevel option is set to LogLevel.verbose, or if there is a grammar conflict.

Debugging grammar conflicts

A basic understanding of LR parsing is required to understand grammar conflicts and why they happen. When a grammar conflict occurs, lr-parser-typescript will print the grammar and the parser table generated up to that point, in a human-readable form.

Circular grammars

Due to the limitations of JavaScript, classes cannot be referenced before they are defined. This means we need to be a bit careful when defining circular grammars.

// A good convention is `match[propName][className]`.
const matchBarBar = new Match('bar', null!);

class Foo extends SyntaxTreeNode {
  bar!: Bar | null;
  static pattern = new Caten(
    new Maybe(

class Bar extends SyntaxTreeNode {
  foo!: Foo | null;
  static pattern = new Caten(
    new Maybe(
      new Match('foo', Foo),

// This is safe as long as it happens before we instantiate the
// parser.
matchBarBar.match = Bar;


  1. A practical general method for constructing LR(k) parsers, David Pager, 1977.