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Team Passionfruit

Victoria Stauffer

Primary Role: Project Manager 📋

Secondary Role: Backend Coder 🧬

Dolma Sherpa

Primary Role: UI Designer ✨

Secondary Role: Project Manager 📋/ Backend Coder 🧬

Leanne Chin

Primary Role: UX Designer ✨

Secondary Role: Frontend Coder 👾

Mikayla Lisiy

Primary Role: Frontend Coder 👾

Secondary Role: Data Architect 📑

Reid Dumont

Primary Role: Backend Coder 🧬

Secondary Role: UX Designer ✨/ Frontend Coder 👾

Anna Leong

Primary Role: Data Architect 📑

Secondary Role: UI Designer ✨

Pulling latest code from Master Repo:

1) Make sure you are on the master/origin branch

2) Click pull and you should get prompted with something like this:


3) Check Commit merged changes immediately and click OK

4) Compare your files in your local folder to the last updated or changed files in the master repo to confirm that you pulled the latest code

Pushing code:

1) After pulling the latest changes from the master repo to your local folder, commit your changes:


The files you have made changes to will show up in your Unstaged files . Move the files to Staged files , write a commit message, and click Commit.

2) Once you've commited your changes, click Push


3) You'll get a message asking where you want to push. If you're working on a branch like in the example above, you'd checkmark the branch you're working on and click Push, but since you're probably making your changes on master, make sure you checkmark where it says origin/master before clicking Push.


This is a team repo for a group of web developers/designers redesigning the Amazon Prime Video App as a web application.






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