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So you've got a new Mac, wow!

I've just purchased a new MacBook pro 16' to replace my good old MacBook pro 15' 2015, so I just went on to write this documentation that guided me through my reinstallation of all my apps and settings. This guide will skip most information that can be found anywhere throughout the internet (including but not limited to apple id registration, set up facetime/imessage etc.)

Why not just use time machine?

  • That's a really great question since it is also my original plan; however, after using my computer for almost 5 year, there are countless old configurations and outdated applications that I no longer want. I did try it in the beginning, only to find that I've got countless useless apps, and the launchpad is a complete disaster. The system and "other" ended up taking over 100GB of disk space, so I've decided to run over everything again.
  1. Back up the old computer

You are gonna need a spare external hard drive (or SSD which is better due to its faster speed). Open the system preference and go to time machine, select your drive and start backing up. This might take a really long time, so please get prepared before you got your new computer.

  1. Initial setups

Join your Wi-Fi, log in your apple ID, run through all the settings, you know the drill.

  1. Install Softwares

Here's a list of all the applications I've been using and where I got them 836500024 WeChat (2.3.28) 1432182561 Cascadea (1.4.4) 695406827 Dropzone 3 (3.7.0) 462058435 Microsoft Excel (16.31) 407412840 DataGraph (4.5) 1173932628 Drop (1.5.2) 449830122 HyperDock (1.7) 634148309 Logic Pro X (10.4.7) 1403919533 MWeb (3.3.3) 497799835 Xcode (11.2.1) 402989379 iStudiez Pro (2.0) 462054704 Microsoft Word (16.31) 736189492 Notability (4.1.3) 458866234 Texpad (1.8.14) 424389933 Final Cut Pro (10.4.7) 577085396 Unclutter (2.1.19) 1035137927 KeyKey (2.9) 1233048948 Boom 3D (1.3.3) 1438243180 Dark Reader for Safari (1.3.3) 1055273043 PDF Expert (2.4.30) 1441958036 SideNotes (1.0.2) 1289583905 Pixelmator Pro (1.5.2) 1058273036 Polarr Photo Editor (5.10.4) 524141863 Jump Desktop (8.4.8) 425424353 The Unarchiver (4.1.0) 462062816 Microsoft PowerPoint (16.31) 556381974 IconFly (3.9.2) 434290957 Motion (5.4.4) 687301476 FineReader OCR Pro (12.1.13) 445189367 PopClip (2019.9.1) 419330170 Moom (3.2.16) 823766827 OneDrive (19.152.1013) 913158085 Expressions (1.3.1) 1444293493 Total War: THREE KINGDOMS (1.0.5) 1481302432 Instapaper (1.0) 1055511498 Day One (4.3.0) 424390742 Compressor (4.4.5) 409201541 Pages (8.2.1) 1480793815 GoodNotes (5.3.11) 784801555 Microsoft OneNote (16.31) 406056744 Evernote (7.13) 985367838 Microsoft Outlook (16.31) 1444998321 Permute 3 (3.3.9) 427575699 DEVONthink (2.11.3) 775737590 iA Writer (5.3.2) 430798174 HazeOver (1.8.5) 409183694 Keynote (9.2.1) 1107421413 1Blocker (3.0.3)

System Extensions

Safari Extensions

  1. Setup Command Line Automatic installation: you can get every packages and configs I have by running the bash script. sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" For more information, please refer my Command-line setup
  • 3.1 Homebrew Install homebrew and my packages 'aria2' 'autojump' 'cask' 'docker' 'emacs' 'ffmpeg' 'git' 'go' 'gpg2' 'mas' 'mongodb' 'mosh' 'neovim' 'node' 'python3' 'ruby' 'tmux' 'vim' 'wine' 'winetricks' 'wget' 'youtube-dl'
  • 3.2 Brew Casks This will install all my apps that are not available in MAS 'adobe-creative-cloud' 'aerial' 'anaconda' 'bartender' 'bettertouchtool' 'calibre' 'cloudmounter' 'daisydisk' 'disk-drill' 'downie' 'firefox' 'folx' 'forklift' 'font-hack-nerd-font' 'font-firacode-nerd-font' 'google-chrome' 'hammerspoon' 'iina' 'imazing' 'iterm2' 'istat-menus' 'jetbrains-toolbox' 'jupyter-notebook-viewer' 'karabiner-elements' 'keycue' 'kindle' 'nordvpn' 'minecraft' 'notion' 'skype' 'sublime-text' 'shadowsocksx-ng' 'steam' 'teamviewer' 'tex-live-utility' 'transmit' 'typora' 'thunder' 'v2rayx' 'visual-studio-code' 'wechat' Below this line are for my development environmnets
  • 3.3 VSCode extensions "christian-kohler.path-intellisense" "CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2" "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint" "ecmel.vscode-html-css" "Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme" "esbenp.prettier-vscode" "" "ginfuru.ginfuru-better-solarized-dark-theme" "" "ms-azuretools.vscode-docker" "ms-python.anaconda-extension-pack" "ms-python.python" "oderwat.indent-rainbow" "PKief.material-icon-theme" "pranaygp.vscode-css-peek" "redhat.vscode-yaml" "TabNine.tabnine-vscode" "VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode" "vscodevim.vim" "Shan.code-settings-sync"
  • 3.4 GPG and SSH keys -generate gpg key for signing gpg --full-generate-key select RSA and RSA, and 4096 git config --global user.signingkey tell git to use the key for signing -generate ssh key for servers ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • 3.5 npm packages "tldr"