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File metadata and controls

101 lines (72 loc) · 5.16 KB

Extending the functionality

The software is structured to help extension of the code be really simple. To extend any part of the software you need to do two things:

  1. Add a function to the file in the top level of the particletracker project.
  2. Add an appropriate entry to a .param file

To illustrate how to extend the software we use an example which is pretty much the same regardless of which part of the software you wish to extend. Lets say we have a new postprocessing method which we want to implement.

1. Add a function to

In the top level of the particletracker module is the This contains template functions for the different sections. There are a lot of comments explaining details contained in these templates, however we have stripped out all the comments here to save space. The Docstrings in these examples explain what inputs and outputs your function needs to work. You then write whatever code is required.

def postprocessor_method_name(data, f_index=None, parameters=None, call_num=None):
        method_key = get_method_key('postprocessor_method_name', call_num=call_num)
        params = parameters['postprocess'][method_key]
        Write the body of your code
        return df
    except Exception as e:
        raise PPMethodNameError(e)

There is also a matching exception which you need to also copy. Make this exception name unique and match the raised Exception above:

class PPMethodNameError(PostprocessorError):
     """Implement this custom exception."""
     def __init__(self,e):
         self.error_msg = 'specific error message to show user in status bar'

2. Add an entry to the dictionary

Open the file particletracker.general.param_file_creator. Inside this file there is a multiply nested dictionary that controls the behaviour of the particletracker.

Expand the "postprocess" dictionary. Add a new key to this dictionary with the same name as given to the function above and a value that is also a dictionary containing all the parameters needed.

postprocess = {postprocess_method:(smooth,),
             'postprocessor_method_name':{'param1' : [startval, minval, maxval, step],
                                          'param2' : [value, ('value', 'value2','value3)],
                                          'param3' : (0,255,0),
                                          'param4' : 'simple text'

The parameters are automatically assessed to decide what gui element to create.

  • Param 1 will result in a slider with initial value startval and min, max and increment ("step") values as shown. If step is an integer eg 1 the slider will return integers. If step is a decimal eg 0.01 then the slider will return decimals. As a result if your value happens to be something like 1.0 you should write 1.0 and not 1.
  • Param 2 results in a dropdown options box with the values value, value2, value3 to choose between. Within the brackets all these should be strings. However, the current value at the first position should be of the correct datatype.
  • Param3 and 4 produce a text box which can take any value. The software recognises 'None', 'True' and 'False' as None, True and False.

To regenerate the settings file you can now call create_param_file(filename.param) to create a new file which can be read into the gui. This function is also used to create default settings when no settings filename is supplied.

from particletracker.general.param_file_creator import create_param_file

settings_filename = 'path/to/new/settings_file.param'

To access the variables in your new dictionary entry inside the new method you need to write

param1 = get_param_val(params['param1'])
param2 = get_param_val(params['param2'])

Important note about reinstallation / upgrading particletracker

It is worth backing up your and files. If you upgrade and reinstall these can be easily lost so keep separate copies and then copy them back into the correct locations. If you are using the miniconda environments suggested it can be a pain to find the correct locations. A useful tip for quickly finding the directory is to activate your conda environment and then type python at the command prompt. Then type "import particletracker" followed by "particletracker.__file__". This will print the root directory of your particletracker installation. is in this root folder and param_file_creator is contained in the "general" subfolder.