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Testing environment


These are scripts to help test the PCAWG variant calling infrastructure by running the pipelines and scripts and evaluating their results. The pipelines included are the BWA-Mem BAM aligner, several variant caller pipelines for SNV, indels, and SV, and some post-processing scripts to further annotate and filter the results. The scripts take care of downloading the input data and the officially released result files, running the pipeline over the input data and comparing the result with the officially release result files.

These scripts attempt to cover the complete workflow of analysis of the PCAWG variant calling infrastructure; but since it's not yet complete they do not attempt to run it start-to-finish, but rather test each step separately. In other words, for each step we take the inputs from the official submitted results (since fortunately these intermediate results are still available) not by the results produced by this scripts for the previous step. This might change once all the steps are made available, and it should be easy to adapt them so that they run as a complete workflow.

A few clarifications about notation. The term 'workflow' is used also to refer to each individual step; it will not be used that way in this document, but you might find it used inside the scripts to refer to the individual docker tools that implement each step. The term 'test' is also used to refer to running a particular step or 'workflow' over a donor.


There are a few things to prepare before running these scripts. They involve setting up the credentials to download data from GNOS and ICGC and also downloading some resource files that the different steps might need. Once this is set up they scripts will take care of downloading the necessary donor data and results to run and evaluate the different steps.

Setup credentials for GNOS and ICGC

To use GNOS put your token key in etc/keyfile.txt since that is where the scripts will try to find it. For the ICGC download client put your token into the icgc-storage-client-1.0.19/conf/ file

Download the DKFZ resources


Download the Consensus workflow resources


Download the Test data

Download the test sample HCC1143 and place it in the data directory


Running tests

The simplest way to run tests is to use the bin/ script which will take care of running in batch a set of steps over a set of donors. For each step it will make sure it has downloaded the necessary input files for the donor at hand, and the corresponding official results to evaluate it against.

The syntax is simply:

bin/ <Steps> <Donors> [<download_type>]

for example

bin/ DKFZ,BiasFilter,Merge-Annotate,SV-Merge,Consensus,Sanger DO52621,DO12814 icgc

The last parameter download_type can be icgc or gnos and is used to specify the backend used to download the donor BAM files (it defaults to gnos). Note that other donor data such as some intermediate workflow result files are tied to specific backends, and thus specifying a different one here has no consequence for those data.

The previous command with output through STDOUT the evaluation results and through STDERR different log outputs, so its a good idea to redirect them as is done here:

bin/ DKFZ,BiasFilter,Merge-Annotate,SV-Merge,Consensus,Sanger DO52621 icgc
> DO52621.evaluation 2> DO52621.log

Overview of the scripts

There are three main types of scripts: for downloading input and validation data (bin/, for running the test (bin/, and for evaluating the result (bin/compare_*.sh). There are a few more scripts that are not used anymore regarding the BWA-Mem aligner.

We have seen the bin/ which is the master script that runs all other scripts. It's worth reading it to get a sense of how these scripts work as a whole.

The second must important script is the bin/ that is in charge of running most of the steps, which basically entails configuring the Dockstore.json from its template and running the Dockstore command. The templates can be found in the etc/ directory and have several placeholder strings that get instantiated for each donor. The final Dockstore.json file is placed on a directory called tests/<step>/<donor> i.e tests/Sanger/DO52621/, where the dockstore client is run, producing a subdirectory called output where the results are found. The bin/ will check for the existance of the tests/<step>/<donor>/output directory to decide if the step needs to be run or is already available; this means you need to remove the directory if you want bin/ to run the test again.

Not all steps are run using the bin/, some require some extra work and have their own 'run' scripts.

The evaluation of the results of a test is performed by the compare scripts. There is one compare script for each of the different steps. The most elaborate of all is the bin/ which evaluates the core variant caller pipelines by meassuring the overlaps of variants called against the officially submitted. The variants considered include SNV, Indels and SV for germline and somatic calls, and the script takes care of gathering the official calls for each type of variant from GNOS using the bin/ script.

There are a number of script that gather input data and results that are called at various points. Some we have used in a previous section to download some resources that will be used by particular steps. Others download donor data and results that serve as evaluation or as input to these steps; we have seen the bin/download_genes_type.vcf which is called inside a compare script.

Two particularly interesting download scripts are the ones that download the donor BAM files bin/ and bin/ These two can be used interchangably to get the BAM files for a particular donor. The need to be provided with the file ids for the tumor and normal files as can be found in the ICGC data portal. These ids are now extracted automatically by the scripts so that there is no longer need to check the web-site. See the appendix anyway to read more about it.

There is no need to use any script other than bin/ but its good to check the other scripts to see how they work. The basic idea is that files are downloaded and placed in regular locations so that they can be linked into the Dockstore.json file to run steps, and then to compare the result. We have seen that when we run steps we can find the results in tests/<step>/<donor> while the input data and official results for each donor are placed in data/<donor>.


Get Donor using ICGC

Go to query for a donor e.g. DO50398. Find the files from the table of files with Data Type Aligned Reads and Strategy WGS e.g. FI31031 and follow the link. Get the Object ID e.g. e09a49a8-6381-55ca-ad62-46290e5b7590. Then type the following command

bin/ DO50398 e09a49a8-6381-55ca-ad62-46290e5b7590 78d071c5-a0f5-5bd1-8e05-9850bf326e93

IMPORTANT: Make sure you put the Tumor Object ID first and the Normal Object ID second

Get Donor using GNOS

Go to query for a donor e.g. DO50398. Find the files from the table of files with Data Type Aligned Reads and Strategy WGS e.g. FI31031 and follow the link. Get the Submitter Bundle ID e.g. 136d60db-bd21-4fbc-9a28-59ea70c06f27. Then type the following command

bin/ DO50398 136d60db-bd21-4fbc-9a28-59ea70c06f27 0bef43a2-352a-42c6-99ff-d97e2675a527

IMPORTANT: Make sure you put the Tumor Submitter Bundle ID first and the Normal Submitter Bundle ID second

Running individual tests

Decide on the workflow and sample. Workflows are Sanger, DKFZ, and Delly, and samples can be the test sample HCC1143 or any of the donors you prepared

bin/ DKFZ HCC1143


bin/ Delly DO50398

Note that to run DKFZ you need to have ran Delly before so the bedpe file is produced

bin/ DKFZ DO50398

The results will be under tests/<workflow>/<sample>/output/<sample>.* for example tests/Sanger/HCC1143/output/HCC1143.somatic.snv.mnv.tar.gz

After the process is finished you may want to remove the directory tests/<workflow>/<sample>/datadir/ since it holds a copy of the input files.

Running BWA-Mem over unaligned BAMs

The BWA-Mem workflow is a very special case in our scripts. It is the only script that aligns BAM files so it needs an unaligned BAM file as input. Unfortunately these unaligned BAM files are not generally available but an exception has been made for the donors DO46792, DO51057, and DO52707, which are served at the DKFZ GNOS instance (this should change soon). This script suite will only work for those donors.

Alternatively one can test the workflow by un-aligning the already aligned ones, to do this you need to use the scripts bin/ which also requires you to install picard tools using the bin/ script.

Un-aligned BAMs will unfortunately not be identical to the original not aligned BAM files, since reads will not be in the same order, thus some small percentage of the reads will have different alignment. This is expected.


Scripts to help test Dockstore tools for PCAWG






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