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Interactive plotting to benford_py.

This is a lib to make interactive plotting of Benford's Law Tests easier.


If you find benfordviz useful in your research, please consider adding the following citation:

      author = {Marcel, Milcent},
      title = {{Benfordviz: a Python Implementation of interactive plotting for Benford's Law Tests}},
      year = {2021},
      publisher = {GitHub},
      journal = {GitHub repository},
      howpublished = {\url{}},

current version = 0.2.0

See release notes for details of features and bugs.

Python versions >= 3.6


pip install benfordviz


  • benford_py >= 0.4.2;
  • bokeh >= 2.3.2

Implemented so far:

  • Bokeh
  • More in the furure - let me know which one you prefer implemented next in the Issues. Plotly? Altair?


Have your data ingested in a benford_py Benford obect like so:

import numpy as np
import benford as bf

# Benford's sets are combinations of random variables
a = np.random.rand(3000)
b = np.random.randint(0,55, 3000)
c = np.random.normal(3000)
abd = a * b * c

bo = bf.Benford(abc)
 ########## Benford Object Instantiated ########### 

Initial sample size: 3000.

Test performed on 2941 registries.

Number of discarded entries for each test:
{'F1D': 0, 'F2D': 0, 'F3D': 0, 'SD': 0, 'L2D': 1}

Now that you have a Benford object with the main tests already computed, you can give them to benfordviz and let it do the rest. The main function for plotting the respective test with bokeh is the bokeh_chart. It receives a digit test instance, which in turn is an attribute of the Benford object:

  • F1D: First Digit Test;
  • SD: Second Digit Test;
  • F2D: First Two Digits Test;
  • F3D: First Three Digits Test; and
  • L2D: Last Two Digits Test.

The bokeh_chart function then retuns a bokeh figure, which you can then pass to the output of your choice (browser, file, jupyter...)

from bokeh.plotting import output_notebook, show
from benfordviz import bokeh_digits_chart


# plotting the First Two Digits Test ('F2D')
benf_bokeh_f2d_fig = bokeh_digits_chart(bo.F2D)

First Two Digits Bokeh gif

Or you can directly instantiate a BokehDigitsChart object, and use its figure, like so:

from benfordviz.bokeh_plotting import BokehDigitsChart

bdc_f2d = BokehDigitsChart(bo.F2D)

As of version 0.2.0, we also have the Manitssas Tests chart, which is a union of the Ordered Mantissas and the Mantissas Arc Plots, side-by-side. Since the mantissas assessment is made on the whole set (not segregated by digits), you can pass the Benford instance directly to it.

from benfordviz import bokeh_mantissas_chart

benf_bokeh_mant_fig = bokeh_mantissas_chart(bo) 

Mantissas Chart