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File metadata and controls

45 lines (27 loc) · 3.17 KB


Current design is found in figma, currently using as much SvelteUI as possible :



Enviroment Url

Getting started

The conference application store data in Sanity using the Sanity JS Client. It fetches data from CVPartner to get information about office locations and people.

In the root of the project, there is a .env.example file that need to be cloned and named .env. In this file all the secrets that need to be set should go. For the API-token, ask to get one.

The development branch (dev branch) is where all development is happening. On every checking to this branch there is triggered a Github Action that build and deploy the application to the development site on Azure.

  1. Check node version is 16.14: node -v.
  2. If not use nvm to (install) and/or use that node version. nvm install 18.14 and nvm use 18.14.
  3. Install npm packages: npm install
  4. Start the application in development: npm run dev.


All secrets needed for the application is located in the .env while developing this appliation. In the repository, there is a .env.example file that have all the entries needed, but no values. The complete .env file with the secret values is available in a Google Drive folder that I have shared with the Miles group.

Go and download the file and place that in the root of the project. Never check that file into Github. It is located in the .gitignore file.


If missing access to Sanity, post a message in the Slack channel with your email and one with access will give you access.

In the /lib/ folder, there is one sanityClient.js file that have functions to fetch documents from Sanity. Since fetching for data do not need a token, that is directly in the /lib folder and the functions can run on the client-side and server-side. There is another sanityClient.js located in /lib/server folder. All lib files in /lib/server is SvelteKit's ay to ensure that the functions run on the server-side only. Since this client is setup with the Sanity token, this is where the functions that create, path and delete documents is happening.


The API-key for CVPartner is located in the .env file. There is created api endpoints in /api/cvpartner to fetch data from the CVPartner API and transform the response to just what is needed for the application. The application itself can then fetch the API endpoint in this project and not needed to fetch the CVPartner API directly.


The live producion of the site is hosted on and to release a new version, create a new branch with prefix releases/ (example releases/v2.0.1). Then this will be published to the production enviroment.