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161 lines (125 loc) · 4.43 KB

File metadata and controls

161 lines (125 loc) · 4.43 KB


esformatter.format(str[, opts]):String

format() method receives a string containing the code that you would like to format and the configuration options that you would like to use and returns a string with the result.

var esformatter = require('esformatter');
var fs = require('fs');
var codeStr = fs.readFileSync('path/to/js/file.js').toString();

// for a list of available options check "lib/preset/default.js"
var options = {
  indent: {
    value: '  '
  lineBreak: {
    before: {
      // at least one line break before BlockStatement
      BlockStatement: '>=1',
      // only one line break before DoWhileStatementOpeningBrace
      DoWhileStatementOpeningBrace: 1,
    // ...
  whiteSpace: {
    // ...

// return a string with the formatted code
var formattedCode = esformatter.format(codeStr, options);

Custom Parser

Since v0.7 we started to use espree because it supports ES6 and JSX syntax and produces an AST that is similar to esprima. On v0.9 we replaced the parser with babylon and acorn-to-esprima. To override the parser you can do:

var esprima = require('esprima');
// function used by `rocambole` to parse the program
esformatter.format.parseFn = esprima.parse;
// the `this` value inside the `parseFn`
esformatter.format.parseContext = esprima;
// options passed to the parser
esformatter.format.parseOptions = {
  // we need range, comment and tokens info to build the rocambole AST
  range: true,
  tokens: true,
  comment: true

esformatter.transform(ast[, opts]):AST

or you can use the transform() method to manipulate an AST in place (allows pipping other tools that manipulates the AST). - so far only supports rocambole generated ASTs, but we will work to fix this limitation in the future (see issue #86).

var inputAST = rocambole.parse('var foo=123;');
// you can also pass the formatting options as second argument like the
// `format` method
var outputAST = esformatter.transform(inputAST);
assert(outputAST === inputAST, 'edits AST in place');
assert(outputAST.toString() === 'var foo = 123;', 'formats input');


esformatter is also able to check if files are formatted properly and return pretty diffs.

esformatter.diff.chars(str[, opts, fileName]):String

Gets a colored char diff if file is not formatted properly. Otherwise it returns an empty string.

var diff = esformatter.diff.chars(code);

esformatter.diff.unified(str[, opts, fileName]):String

Gets a colored unified diff if file is not formatted properly. Otherwise it returns an empty string.

var diff = esformatter.diff.unified(code);

esformatter.diff.unifiedNoColors(str[, opts, fileName]):String

Gets an unified diff if file is not formatted properly. Otherwise it returns an empty string.

var diff = esformatter.diff.unifiedNoColors(code);

esformatter.rc([filePath], [customOptions]):Object

Used by task runners and/or plugin authors to retrieve the configuration stored on .esformatter and package.json files relative to the filePath, cwd or global config file (~/.esformatter) if it can't find any config file until the root path.

You can also pass an object with customOptions to override the default options.

rc will merge the options from multiple config files.

// will start search from the "foo/bar" directory
var baseConfig = esformatter.rc('foo/bar/baz.js');
// will start the search from cwd
var otherConfig = esformatter.rc();
// merge some custom options to the user settings
var override = esformatter.rc({
  indent: { value: '\t' }


Register a plugin module.

var plugin = {
  nodeAfter: function(node) {
    // called once for each node, after the esformatter manipulation


Remove plugin from the execution queue.



Remove all the registered plugins from the execution queue; useful in case you want to edit multiple files using different plugins each time.