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E2E and manual tests for cinema project. (Selenium 4)

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E2E and manual tests for cinema project.

Test cases

Test cases for manual testing are here.


  • python
  • selenium
  • selenium grid
  • requests
  • pytest
  • pytest plugins:
    • pytest-xdist
    • pytest-assume
    • pytest-html
  • allure
  • testlink

Running tests

In order to run tests it is required to set environmental variables:

  • env variable which chooses SUT's (System Under Test) environment. There are currently 2 environments - staging and production. In order to run tests against staging environment env variable should equal staging. To run tests against production environment env variable should equal production. Environments' test configuration can be found in config.ini file.

Tests which uses mailing system requires setting IMAP connection. It can be done by setting the following environmental variables.

  • email_login - login to an email account
  • email_passwd - password to an email account
  • email_host - IMAP host
  • email_port - IMAP port

Tests which uses SQL queries requires establishing database connection. It can be done by setting the following environmental variables.

  • db_name - database name
  • db_user - database user login
  • db_password - database password
  • db_host - database host
  • db_port - database port

Tests can be run using pytest command.

Production tests

Only tests which are marked as production should be run against production environment. These tests do not insert any data into database. To run this kind of tests user should set env variable to production and invoke pytest -k production command.

Run with HTML report (pytest-html)

Test supports pytest-html reports. To run tests with report run pytest --html=<output__file_name.html> --self-contained-html command. Report contains stacktrace, screen, and some additional info (like application's page URL where error occurred or browser logs) for making debugging easier. Repository contains example html report.

Run with Allure report

Test supports allure reports. To run tests with report run pytest --alluredir=.\allure_results command. Report contains stacktrace, screen, and some additional info (like application's page URL where error occurred or browser cookies) for making debugging easier. In order to open report run allure serve .\allure_results command.

Parallel execution

For parallel tests execution tests uses pytest plugin - pytest-dist. To run tests in parallel user should run pytest -n=<number of cpus> command.


This project uses pytest's markers for choosing which tests needs to be run. The following markers are available:

  • mail - used for marking tests which requires reading incoming emails
  • production - used for marking tests which can be run only against production environment

TestLink integration

Test supports integration with TestLink in the scope of marking tests as passed or failed within the build. Functionality uses TestLink-API-Python-client plugin. The following env variables are required:

  • TESTLINK_API_PYTHON_SERVER_URL=http://[testlink domain name]/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc/v1/xmlrpc.php

Each test function name consists of 3 parts separated by _:

  • test prefix (required by pytest),
  • readable test case ID from TestLink (e.g. c4 will be automatically converted to TestLink format: C-4),
  • test case name (for easy test case identification),
    For example test_c4_login_invalid_credentials.

The following parameters are required:

  • build (build name)
  • testplan (test plan name)

Command example:
pytest -k test_c4_login_invalid_credentials --build="test build" --testplan="test plan 1"



Locators are written in UPPER_CASE. There are 2 types of locators in this project:

  • static locators - locators which are used in standard way. Each static locator has 'S' as a postfix.
  • dynamic locators - locators needs to be used with dynamic_locator() function. This function takes locator as an argument and value which will be injected to locator. Function accepts either positional arguments or keyword arguments (e.g. dynamic_locator((By.XPATH, '//a[contains(text(), "{}")]'), 'test') - text 'test' will be inserted where the curly brackets are). Each dynamic locator has 'D' as a postfix.


Page names are written in CamelCase. Each page has 'P' as a postfix.


Tests use imaplib library and gmail account to handling incoming emails.


There are two types of fixtures in this project:

  • standard fixtures which starts web browser
  • requests fixtures which uses requests module (these kinds of fixtures do not require starting browser). Requests fixtures are used mainly for creating test data.

Files and folders

Description of the most important files and folders in this project.

  • drivers - drivers for local tests execution,
  • pom - page object model's classes,
  • sql - SQL queries and execution function
  • tests - test cases
  • utils - classes for handling emails, date operations, and creating test data with requests
  • config.ini - stores the most important variables (accounts credentials, Grid URL etc.)
  • - pytest fixtures shared among all tests
  • - stores driver's configuration class and methods for updating driver's cookies
  • - reads config.ini file.
  • pytest.ini - file for customising pytest behaviour
  • - fixtures which uses requests module
  • requirements.txt - packages required for running tests environment


E2E and manual tests for cinema project. (Selenium 4)






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