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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unlit.Text (
  unlit, relit
  , Style, parseStyle
  , WhitespaceMode(..), parseWhitespaceMode
  , all, infer, latex, bird, jekyll,  haskell, markdown, tildefence, backtickfence
  , Lang, setLang
  , Error(..), showError
) where
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text, stripStart, stripEnd, stripPrefix, stripSuffix, isPrefixOf,
                  unlines, lines, pack, drop, toLower)
import Prelude hiding (all, or, String, unlines, lines, drop)

What are literate programs?

There are several styles of literate programming. Most commonly, these are LaTeX-style code tags, Bird tags and Markdown fenced code blocks.

data Delimiter
  = LaTeX    BeginEnd
  | OrgMode  BeginEnd Lang
  | Bird
  | Jekyll   BeginEnd Lang
  | Markdown Fence    Lang
  | Asciidoc BeginEnd Lang
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Some of these code blocks need to carry around additional information. For instance, LaTex code blocks use distinct opening and closing tags.

data BeginEnd
  = Begin
  | End
  deriving (Eq, Show)
isBegin :: Delimiter -> Bool
isBegin (LaTeX    Begin  ) = True
isBegin (OrgMode  Begin _) = True
isBegin (Jekyll   Begin _) = True
isBegin (Asciidoc Begin _) = True
isBegin (Markdown _ _)     = True
isBegin  _                 = False
setBegin :: BeginEnd -> Delimiter -> Delimiter
setBegin beginEnd (LaTeX    _  )    = LaTeX    beginEnd
setBegin beginEnd (OrgMode  _ lang) = OrgMode  beginEnd lang
setBegin beginEnd (Jekyll   _ lang) = Jekyll   beginEnd lang
setBegin beginEnd (Asciidoc _ lang) = Asciidoc beginEnd lang
setBegin _         del              = del

On the other hand, Markdown-style fences occur in two different variants.

data Fence
  = Tilde
  | Backtick
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Furthermore they may be annotated with all sorts of information. Most prominently, their programming language.

type Lang = Maybe Text
hasLang :: Text -> Lang -> Maybe Lang
hasLang "" Nothing          = Just Nothing
hasLang l  Nothing          = Just $ Just $ toLower l
hasLang l  (Just l')
  | toLower l' == toLower l = Just $ Just $ toLower l'
  | otherwise               = Nothing

In order to emit these code blocks, we will define the following function.

emitDelimiter :: Delimiter -> Text
emitDelimiter (LaTeX Begin)         = "\\begin{code}"
emitDelimiter (LaTeX End)           = "\\end{code}"
emitDelimiter (OrgMode Begin l)     = "#+BEGIN_SRC" <+> fromMaybe "" l
emitDelimiter (OrgMode End _)       = "#+END_SRC"
emitDelimiter  Bird                 = ">"
emitDelimiter (Jekyll Begin l)      = "{% highlight" <+> fromMaybe "" l <+> "%}"
emitDelimiter (Jekyll End   _)      = "{% endhighlight %}"
emitDelimiter (Asciidoc Begin l)    = "[source" <> maybe "" (", "<>) l <> "]\n----"
emitDelimiter (Asciidoc End   _)    = "----"
emitDelimiter (Markdown Tilde l)    = "~~~" <+> fromMaybe "" l
emitDelimiter (Markdown Backtick l) = "```" <+> fromMaybe "" l
infixr 5 <+>
(<+>) :: Text -> Text -> Text
"" <+> y  = y
x  <+> "" = x
x  <+> y  = x <> " " <> y

Furthermore, we need a set of functions which is able to recognise these code blocks.

For instance, in LaTeX-style, a codeblock is delimited by \begin{code} and \end{code} tags, which must appear at the first position (since we do not support indented code blocks).

isLaTeX :: Text -> Maybe Delimiter
isLaTeX l
  | "\\begin{code}" `isPrefixOf` stripStart l = Just $ LaTeX Begin
  | "\\end{code}"   `isPrefixOf` stripStart l = Just $ LaTeX End
  | otherwise = Nothing
isOrgMode :: Lang -> Text -> Maybe Delimiter
isOrgMode lang l
  | Just rest <- stripStart . stripEnd <$> stripPrefix "#+BEGIN_SRC" (stripStart l),
    Just lang' <- rest `hasLang` lang       = Just $ OrgMode Begin lang'
  | "#+END_SRC"   `isPrefixOf` stripStart l = Just $ OrgMode End Nothing
  | otherwise = Nothing

In Bird-style, every line in a codeblock must start with a Bird tag. A tagged line is defined as either a line containing solely the symbol '>', or a line starting with the symbol '>' followed by at least one space.

isBird :: Text -> Maybe Delimiter
isBird l = bool Nothing (Just Bird) (l == ">" || "> " `isPrefixOf` l)

Due to this definition, whenever we strip a bird tag, in normal whitespace modes we also remove the first space following it.

stripBird :: Text -> Text
stripBird = stripBird' WsKeepIndent
stripBird' :: WhitespaceMode -> Text -> Text
stripBird' WsKeepAll    l = " " <> drop 1 l
stripBird' WsKeepIndent l = drop 2 l

Then we have Jekyll Liquid code blocks.

isJekyll :: Lang -> Text -> Maybe Delimiter
isJekyll lang l
  | Just rest <- stripStart <$> stripPrefix "{% highlight" (stripStart l),
    Just rest' <- stripEnd <$> stripSuffix "%}" (stripEnd rest),
    Just lang' <- rest' `hasLang` lang  = Just $ Jekyll Begin lang'
  | "{% endhighlight %}" `isPrefixOf` l = Just $ Jekyll End   lang
  | otherwise                           = Nothing

Markdown fenced codeblocks have as a peculiarity that they can be defined to only match on fences for a certain language.

Below we only check if the given language occurs anywhere in the string; we don't bother parsing the entire line to see if it's well-formed Markdown.

isMarkdown :: Fence -> Text -> Lang -> Text -> Maybe Delimiter
isMarkdown fence fenceStr lang l
  | Just rest <- stripStart . stripEnd <$> stripPrefix fenceStr l,
    Just lang' <- rest `hasLang` lang = Just $ Markdown fence lang'
  | otherwise                         = Nothing

The Asciidoc fence in the beginning takes two lines, [source,lang] and ----. Here we just check for the source line. The second line will be consumed by asciidocBlock.

isAsciidoc :: Lang -> Text -> Maybe Delimiter
isAsciidoc lang l
  | Just rest <- stripStart <$> stripPrefix "[source," l,
    Just rest' <- stripEnd <$> stripSuffix "]" (stripEnd rest),
    Just lang' <- rest' `hasLang` lang = Just $ Asciidoc Begin lang'
  | "----" `isPrefixOf` l              = Just $ Asciidoc End   lang
  | otherwise                          = Nothing
asciidocFence :: [(Int,Text)] -> Maybe [(Int,Text)]
asciidocFence ls | ((_,"----"):ls') <- ls = Just ls'
                 | otherwise              = Nothing

In general, we will also need a function that checks, for a given line, whether it conforms to any of a set of given styles.

isDelimiter :: Style -> Text -> Maybe Delimiter
isDelimiter ds l = asum (map go ds)
    go (LaTeX _)                = isLaTeX l
    go  Bird                    = isBird l
    go (Jekyll _ lang)          = isJekyll lang l
    go (Markdown Tilde lang)    = isMarkdown Tilde "~~~" lang l
    go (Markdown Backtick lang) = isMarkdown Backtick "```" lang l
    go (OrgMode _ lang)         = isOrgMode lang l
    go (Asciidoc _ lang)        = isAsciidoc lang l

And, for the styles which use opening and closing brackets, we will need a function that checks if these pairs match.

match :: Delimiter -> Delimiter -> Bool
match (LaTeX Begin)      (LaTeX End)      = True
match (Jekyll Begin _)   (Jekyll End _)   = True
match (OrgMode Begin _)  (OrgMode End _)  = True
match (Asciidoc Begin _) (Asciidoc End _) = True
match (Markdown f _)     (Markdown g _)   = f == g
match  _                  _               = False

Note that Bird-tags are notably absent from the match function, as they are a special case.

What do we want unlit to do?

The unlit program that we will implement below will do the following: it will read a literate program from the standard input—allowing one or more styles of code block—and emit only the code to the standard output.

The options for source styles are as follows:

type Style = [Delimiter]
all, backtickfence, tildefence, bird, haskell, infer,
  jekyll, latex, markdown, orgmode, asciidoc :: Style
all           = latex <> markdown <> orgmode <> jekyll <> asciidoc
backtickfence = [Markdown Backtick Nothing]
tildefence    = [Markdown Tilde Nothing]
bird          = [Bird]
haskell       = latex <> bird
infer         = []
jekyll        = [Jekyll Begin Nothing, Jekyll End Nothing]
latex         = [LaTeX Begin, LaTeX End]
markdown      = bird <> tildefence <> backtickfence
orgmode       = [OrgMode Begin Nothing, OrgMode End Nothing]
asciidoc      = [Asciidoc Begin Nothing, Asciidoc End Nothing]
parseStyle :: Text -> Maybe Style
parseStyle s = case toLower s of
  "all"           -> Just all
  "backtickfence" -> Just backtickfence
  "bird"          -> Just bird
  "haskell"       -> Just haskell
  "infer"         -> Just infer
  "jekyll"        -> Just jekyll
  "latex"         -> Just latex
  "markdown"      -> Just markdown
  "orgmode"       -> Just orgmode
  "asciidoc"      -> Just asciidoc
  "tildefence"    -> Just tildefence
  _               -> Nothing

It is possible to set the language of the source styles using the following function.

setLang :: Lang -> Style -> Style
setLang = fmap . setDelimLang
setDelimLang :: Lang -> Delimiter -> Delimiter
setDelimLang lang (Markdown fence _)   = Markdown fence lang
setDelimLang lang (Asciidoc fence _)   = Asciidoc fence lang
setDelimLang lang (OrgMode beginEnd _) = OrgMode beginEnd lang
setDelimLang lang (Jekyll beginEnd _)  = Jekyll beginEnd lang
setDelimLang _     d                   = d
getDelimLang :: Delimiter -> Lang
getDelimLang (Markdown _ lang) = lang
getDelimLang (OrgMode  _ lang) = lang
getDelimLang (Jekyll   _ lang) = lang
getDelimLang (Asciidoc _ lang) = lang
getDelimLang _                 = Nothing

Additionally, when the source style is empty, the program will attempt to guess the style based on the first delimiter it encounters. It will try to be permissive in this, and therefore, if it encounters a Bird-tag, will infer general Markdown-style.

inferred :: Maybe Delimiter -> Style
inferred  Nothing              = []
inferred (Just (LaTeX _))      = latex
inferred (Just (Jekyll _ _))   = jekyll
inferred (Just (OrgMode _ _))  = orgmode
inferred (Just (Asciidoc _ _)) = asciidoc
inferred (Just _)              = markdown

Lastly, we would like unlit to be able to operate in several different whitespace modes. For now, these are:

data WhitespaceMode
  = WsKeepIndent -- ^ keeps only indentations
  | WsKeepAll    -- ^ keeps all lines and whitespace
parseWhitespaceMode :: Text -> Maybe WhitespaceMode
parseWhitespaceMode s = case toLower s of
  "all"    -> Just WsKeepAll
  "indent" -> Just WsKeepIndent
  _        -> Nothing

We would like to combine the inferred style with current styles as one would combine maybe values using the alternative operator (<|>). Therefore, we will define our own version of this operator.

or :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
xs `or` [] = xs
[] `or` ys = ys
xs `or` _  = xs

Thus, the unlit function will have two parameters: its source style and the text to convert.

unlit :: WhitespaceMode -> Style -> Text -> Either Error Text
unlit ws ss = fmap unlines . unlit' ws ss Nothing . zip [1..] . lines

However, the helper function unlit' is best thought of as a finite state automaton, where the states are used to remember the what kind of code block (if any) the automaton currently is in.

type State = Maybe Delimiter

With this, the signature of unlit' becomes:

unlit' :: WhitespaceMode -> Style -> State -> [(Int, Text)] -> Either Error [Text]
unlit' _ _  Nothing    []  = Right []
unlit' _ _ (Just Bird) []  = Right []
unlit' _ _ (Just o)    []  = Left $ UnexpectedEnd o
unlit' ws ss q ((n, l):ls) = case (q, q') of
  (Nothing  , Nothing)   -> continue  lineIfKeepAll
  (Just Bird, Nothing)   -> close     lineIfKeepAll
  (Just _o  , Nothing)   -> continue  [l]
  (Nothing  , Just Bird) -> open      $ lineIfKeepIndent <> [stripBird' ws l]
  (Nothing  , Just (Asciidoc Begin _))
    | Just ls' <- asciidocFence ls
                         -> open' ls' $ lineIfKeepAll <> lineIfKeepIndent
  (Nothing  , Just c)
    | isBegin c          -> open      $ lineIfKeepAll <> lineIfKeepIndent
    | otherwise          -> continue  lineIfKeepAll
  (Just Bird, Just Bird) -> continue  [stripBird' ws l]
  (Just _o  , Just Bird) -> continue  [l]
  (Just o   , Just c)
    | o `match` c        -> close     lineIfKeepAll
    | otherwise          -> Left      $ SpuriousDelimiter n c
    q'                    = isDelimiter (withoutLang (ss `or` all)) l
    continueWith r ls' l' = (l' <>) <$> unlit' ws (ss `or` inferred q') r ls'
    open'                 = continueWith q'
    open                  = open' ls
    continue              = continueWith q ls
    close                 = continueWith Nothing ls
    lineIfKeepAll         = case ws of WsKeepAll    -> [""]; WsKeepIndent -> []
    lineIfKeepIndent      = case ws of WsKeepIndent -> [""]; WsKeepAll -> []
    withoutLang           = maybe id (const $ setLang Nothing) q

What do we want relit to do?

Sadly, no, relit won't be able to take source code and automatically convert it to literate code. I'm not quite up to the challenge of automatically generating meaningful documentation from arbitrary code... I wish I was.

What relit will do is read a literate file using one style of delimiters and emit the same file using an other style of delimiters.

relit :: Style -> Delimiter -> Text -> Either Error Text
relit ss ts = fmap unlines . relit' ss ts Nothing . zip [1..] . lines

Again, we will interpret the helper function relit' as an automaton, which remembers the current state. However, we now also need a function which can emit code blocks in a certain style. For this purpose we will define a few functions.

TODO: Currently, if a delimiter is indented, running relit will remove this indentation. This is obviously an error, however changing it would require adding indentation information to all delimiters.

emitBird :: Text -> Text
emitBird l | stripStart l == "" = ">"
           | otherwise          = "> " <> l
emitOpen :: Delimiter -> Maybe Text -> [Text]
emitOpen  Bird l = fmap emitBird (maybeToList l)
emitOpen  del  l = emitDelimiter (setBegin Begin del) : maybeToList l
emitCode :: Delimiter -> Text -> Text
emitCode Bird l = emitBird l
emitCode _    l = l
emitClose :: Delimiter -> Maybe Text -> [Text]
emitClose  Bird l = maybeToList l
emitClose  del  l = emitDelimiter (setBegin End $ setDelimLang Nothing del) : maybeToList l

Using these simple functions we can easily define the relit' function.

relit' :: Style -> Delimiter -> State -> [(Int, Text)] -> Either Error [Text]
relit' _ _   Nothing    [] = Right []
relit' _ ts (Just Bird) [] = Right (emitClose ts Nothing)
relit' _ _  (Just o)    [] = Left $ UnexpectedEnd o
relit' ss ts q ((n, l):ls) = case (q, q') of
  (Nothing  , Nothing)   -> continue
  (Nothing  , Just Bird) -> blockOpen $ Just (stripBird l)
  (Nothing  , Just (Asciidoc Begin _))
    | Just ls' <- asciidocFence ls
                         -> blockOpen' ls' Nothing
  (Nothing  , Just c)
    | isBegin c          -> blockOpen Nothing
    | otherwise          -> continue
  (Just Bird, Nothing)   -> blockClose $ Just l
  (Just _o  , Nothing)   -> blockContinue l
  (Just Bird, Just Bird) -> blockContinue $ stripBird l
  (Just _o  , Just Bird) -> continue
  (Just o   , Just c)
    | o `match` c        -> blockClose Nothing
    | otherwise          -> Left $ SpuriousDelimiter n c
    q'                = isDelimiter (withoutLang (ss `or` all)) l
    ts'               = case q' >>= getDelimLang of Nothing -> ts; x@Just{} -> setDelimLang x ts
    continueWith      = relit' (ss `or` inferred q') ts
    continue          = (l :)                 <$> continueWith q ls
    blockOpen' ls' l' = (emitOpen  ts' l' <>) <$> continueWith q' ls'
    blockOpen         = blockOpen' ls
    blockContinue  l' = (emitCode  ts l' :)   <$> continueWith q ls
    blockClose     l' = (emitClose ts l' <>)  <$> continueWith Nothing ls
    withoutLang       = maybe id (const $ setLang Nothing) q

Error handling

In case of an error both unlit and relit return a value of the datatype Error.

data Error
  = SpuriousDelimiter Int Delimiter
  | UnexpectedEnd         Delimiter
  deriving (Eq, Show)

We can get a text representation of the error using showError.

showError :: Error -> Text
showError (UnexpectedEnd       q) = "unexpected end of file: unmatched " <> emitDelimiter q
showError (SpuriousDelimiter n q) = "at line " <> pack (show n) <> ": spurious "  <> emitDelimiter q