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390 lines (338 loc) · 6.6 KB

第8章 Elasticsearch文档.md

File metadata and controls

390 lines (338 loc) · 6.6 KB

8.2 新增文档

8.2.2 新增单条文档


PUT my_index_0801/_doc/1
  "user": "kimchy",
  "post_date": "2023-11-15T14:12:12",
  "message": "trying out Elasticsearch"
PUT _cluster/settings
  "persistent": {
    "action.auto_create_index": "false"
DELETE my_index_0802
PUT my_index_0802/_doc/1
  "user": "kimchy"
POST my_index_0801/_doc/
  "user": "kimchy",
  "post_date": "2023-01-15T14:12:12",
  "message": "trying out Elasticsearch"

8.2.3 批量新增文档


POST my_index_0801/_bulk
{"user":"aaa","post_date":"2023-11-15T14:12:12","message":"trying out Elasticsearch"}
{"user":"bbb","post_date":"2023-11-15T14:12:12","message":"trying out Elasticsearch"}
{"user":"ddd","post_date":"2023-11-15T14:12:12","message":"trying out Elasticsearch"}


POST _bulk

8.3 删除文档

8.3.1 单个文档删除

DELETE my_index_0801/_doc/1

8.3.2 批量文档删除

POST my_index_0801/_delete_by_query
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "message": "Elasticsearch"
GET _tasks
POST _tasks/r1A2WoRbTwKZ516z6NEs5A:36619/_cancel

8.4 修改/更新文档

8.4.1 更新文档的前置条件

PUT my_index_0803
  "mappings": {
    "_source": {
      "enabled": false

PUT my_index_0803/_doc/1
    "counter" : 1,
    "tags" : ["red"]

POST my_index_0803/_update/1
  "doc": {
    "counter": 2

8.4.2 单个文档部分更新

DELETE my_index_0803
PUT my_index_0803
PUT my_index_0803/_doc/1
    "counter" : 1,
    "tags" : ["red"]
POST my_index_0803/_update/1
  "doc": {
    "name": "doctor wang"
POST my_index_0803/_search
  1. 在原有字段基础上部分修改字段值
POST my_index_0803/_update/1
  "script": {
    "source": "ctx._source.counter += params.count; ctx._source.tags.add(params.tag); = '18999998888'",
    "lang": "painless",
    "params": {
      "count": 4,
      "tag": "blue"

  1. 存在则更新,不存在则插入给定值
DELETE my_index_0803
POST my_index_0803/_update/1
  "script": {
    "source": "ctx._source.counter += params.count",
    "lang": "painless",
    "params": {
      "count": 4
  "upsert": {
    "counter": 1
GET my_index_0803/_search

8.4.3 全部文档更新

PUT my_index_0803/_doc/1
  "user": "kimchy",
  "post_date": "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
  "message": "trying out Elasticsearch"
GET  my_index_0803/_search

8.4.4 批量文档更新

POST my_index_0803/_update_by_query
  "script": {
    "source": "ctx._source.counter++",
    "lang": "painless"
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "counter": 5
#### 定义 ingest pipeline
PUT _ingest/pipeline/new-add-field
  "description": "new add title field",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "title",
        "value": "title testing..."

POST my_index_0803/_update_by_query?pipeline=new-add-field

GET my_index_0803/_search

8.4.5 取消更新

GET _tasks?detailed=true&actions=*byquery

GET /_tasks/r1A2WoRbTwKZ516z6NEs5A:36619

POST _tasks/r1A2WoRbTwKZ516z6NEs5A:36619/_cancel

8.5 reindex文档

8.5.1 reindex的背景及定义

#### reindex 实现数据迁移
POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "my_index_0803"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my_index_0804"
POST _reindex
  "conflicts": "proceed",
  "source": {
    "index": "my_index_0803"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my_index_0805"

8.5.3 同集群索引之间基于特定条件迁移数据

#### 基于检索条件的部分结果数据迁移
POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "my_index_0803",
    "query": {
      "term": {
        "user": "kimchy"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my_index_0806"

POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "my_index_0803"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my_index_0908",
    "version_type": "external"
  "script": {
    "source": "if (ctx._source.user == 'kimchy') { ctx._source.remove('user')}",
    "lang": "painless"

POST my_index_0909/_bulk
{"title":" foo bar "}
GET my_index_0909/_search
PUT _ingest/pipeline/my-trim-pipeline
  "description": "describe pipeline",
  "processors": [
      "trim": {
        "field": "title"
POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "my_index_0909"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my_index_0910",
    "pipeline": "my-trim-pipeline"
GET my_index_0910/_search

8.5.4 不同集群索引之间迁移数据

reindex.remote.whitelist: ","
POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "remote": {
      "host": "http://otherhost:9200"
    "index": "source_index",
    "size": 10,
    "query": {
      "match": {
        "test": "data"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my_index_0911"

8.5.5 查看及取消reindex任务

####获取 reindex 相关任务
GET _tasks?detailed=true&actions=*reindex

GET /_tasks/r1A2WoRbTwKZ516z6NEs5A:36619

POST _tasks/r1A2WoRbTwKZ516z6NEs5A:36619/_cancel