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Installation in a virtual environment

This is not maintained. Use the method in the instead


Pyenv, python2

"pyenv" is used to provide python2. (Recent MacOS versions no longer include python2, and Homebrew no longer provides it.)

  1. Install pyenv with brew:

     brew install pyenv
  2. Set up your shell for pyenv. Make the changes to ~/.zshrc described here: Set up your shell for pyenv (This is so that pyenv's python binary can be found in your path)

  3. To make the shell changes take effect:

     exec "$SHELL"

    (or alternatively, restart your shell)

  4. Install into pyenv the python version this repo uses (which is defined in .python-version):

     pyenv install 2.7.18 --skip-existing


Clone the repository:

git clone

Ensure you have the right Python version on the path:

cd cla_backend
pyenv local 2.7.18
python --version

Ensure it reports Python 2.7.18. (If you get an error, check your pyenv shell setup.)

Update 'pip' and install 'virtualenv' (in pyenv's python 2.7.18 environment):

pip install -U pip
pip install virtualenv

Create the python environment:

virtualenv -p python2.7 env --prompt=cla_be

Activate the python environment - Linux and Mac:

source env/bin/activate

or on Windows:


Install python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements/generated/requirements-dev.txt

If you get an error about missing pg_config, then you need to install postgres:

brew install postgresql
pip install -r requirements/generated/requirements-dev.txt

If you get an error with cython building pyyaml, then you need to fix cython to <3.0:

echo 'Cython < 3.0' > /tmp/constraint.txt
PIP_CONSTRAINT=/tmp/constraint.txt pip install 'PyYAML==5.4'
pip install -r requirements/generated/requirements-dev.txt

If you get an error building cryptography then it's likely you need openssl, rust, and some magic:

# ERROR: Could not build wheels for cryptography which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly
brew install openssl@3 rust
env CRYPTOGRAPHY_SUPPRESS_LINK_FLAGS=1 LDFLAGS="$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)/lib/libssl.a $(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)/lib/libcrypto.a" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)/include" pip install cryptography==3.3.2
pip install -r requirements/generated/requirements-dev.txt

Create the database inside postgres. Make sure the postgres service is started. Type psql -d template1 to enter postgres, then enter:

\c cla_backend
create extension pgcrypto;

You should see a message saying CREATE EXTENSION. If you get an error instead, if means that you don't have the related lib installed. This is a rare case as postgresql-contrib gets installed automatically by homebrew and postgresapp. In linux, you can install it using sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib

Now make postgres create the extension automatically when new databases are created, this is useful otherwise the test command will error.

Open a terminal and type:

psql -d template1 -c 'create extension pgcrypto;'

For OSX, update the PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables if necessary:

export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"

Create a settings file from the example file:

cp cla_backend/settings/ cla_backend/settings/

Sync and migrate the database (n.b. see Troubleshooting if the postgres role is missing):

./ migrate

Create an admin user by running the following command and specifying username == password == 'admin' (email choice not relevant):

./ createsuperuser

Load initial data:

./ loaddata initial_groups.json kb_from_knowledgebase.json initial_category.json test_provider.json test_provider_allocations.json initial_mattertype.json test_auth_clients.json initial_media_codes.json test_rotas.json initial_guidance_notes.json

Start the server:

DEBUG=True ./ runserver

See the list of users in /admin/auth/user/. Passwords are the same as the usernames.