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Configurable Reports Generator for Gitlab API data.


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Gitlab Reports

Gitlab reports is a CLI utility that helps you creating reports from gitlab. It uses yml-confiration files for report configuration and ERB-templates for creating a report lay-out.


  • configurable reports with yaml
  • output to any format using erb-tempates
  • simple, no hasle
  • works with self-hosted gitab


Install the executable with:

gem install gitlab_reports

Add a new access key in Gitlab. Check this video how

Create main config file:

echo "---" > $HOME/.gitlab_reports.yml
# Paste your token in de command below
echo "TOKEN: [YOUR NEW TOKEN]" >> $HOME/.gitlab_reports.yml
# Enter your local gitlab-url + /api/v4
echo "ENDPOINT: https://your-gitlab.url/api/v4" >> $HOME/.gitlab_reports.yml


Before you can use gitlab_reports, you must first create a report confiration

  gitlab_report help [COMMAND]                   # Describe available commands or one specific command
  gitlab_report projects                         # print all projects with id and title
  gitlab_report report [report_config_file.yml]  # print report with config

Example command:

gitlab_report report ~/report-all-paying-customers.yml

Report Configuation

Create a report-confirguration in YAML, save it anywhere you like.

It looks like this:

title: Betaalde Issues uitvoeren
subtitle: Issues met impacts akkoord per project (uitvoeren)
filename: ~/Desktop/
  - iid
  - title
  - assignee
  - labels
  - 556 # comment this is project x, it will be included in the report
  - 555 # this is project y, idem dito
labels_include: feature|bug # seperate labels with | (pipe)
labels_exclude: please\ close|invalid:.* # regex is allowed
template: /path/to/template/ # html-templates are alow possible

Create a report-template as ERB, save it anywhere you like, refer to it in your report-configuration

Here's an example:

# <%= @title  %>

<% @proj.each do | prj | %>
## <%=prj['name']%>
<% end %>

YAML-fields description

field description erb var
title Report Title @title
subtitle Subtitle @subtitle�
filename output filename
columns columns of issues to include in select query keys of @proj
project_ids numeric id's of projects to include in select select query
labels_include issue labels to include in query condition
labels_exclude issue labels to exclude in query condition
template erb-file to use as template


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/gitlab_reports. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the GitlabReports project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Configurable Reports Generator for Gitlab API data.



Code of conduct





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