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File metadata and controls

121 lines (87 loc) · 3.7 KB


First of all, you can install mirdata using pip.

$ pip install mirdata

With mirdata, the first thing you would do is to download the dataset. Depending on the availability of the audio files, mirdata may only show you an instruction about how to download the dataset. Fortunately, we can download Orchset dataset directly.

import mirdata
# Download the Orchset Dataset
# 1.00B [03:05, 185s/B]

Once downloading is done, you can find the the dataset folder.

$ ls ~/mir_datasets/Orchset/
Orchset - Predominant Melodic Instruments.csv

The ID's and annotation data can be loaded as below.

# Load the dataset
orchset_data = mirdata.orchset.load()
orchset_ids = mirdata.orchset.track_ids()

# todo: add __str__() method and print(orchset_data)

If we wanted to use Orchset to evaluate the performance of a melody extraction algorithm (in our case, very_bad_melody_extractor), and then split the scores based on the metadata, we could do the following:

import mir_eval
import mirdata
import numpy as np
import sox

def very_bad_melody_extractor(audio_path):
    duration = sox.file_info.duration(audio_path)
    time_stamps = np.arange(0, duration, 0.01)
    melody_f0 = np.random.uniform(low=80.0, high=800.0, size=time_stamps.shape)
    return time_stamps, melody_f0

# Evaluate on the full dataset
orchset_scores = {}
orchset_data = mirdata.orchset.load()
for track_id, track_data in orchset_data.items():
    est_times, est_freqs = very_bad_melody_extractor(track_data.audio_path_mono)

    ref_melody_data = track_data.melody
    ref_times = ref_melody_data.times
    ref_freqs = ref_melody_data.frequencies

    score = mir_eval.melody.evaluate(ref_times, ref_freqs, est_times, est_freqs)
    orchset_scores[track_id] = score

# Split the results by composer and by instrumentation
composer_scores = {}
strings_no_strings_scores = {True: {}, False: {}}
for track_id, track_data in orchset_data.items():
    if track_data.composer not in composer_scores.keys():
        composer_scores[track_data.composer] = {}

    composer_scores[track_data.composer][track_id] = orchset_scores[track_id]
    strings_no_strings_scores[track_data.contains_strings][track_id] = \

This is the result of the example above.

# strings_no_strings_scores

{True: {'Beethoven-S3-I-ex1': OrderedDict([('Voicing Recall', 1.0),
               ('Voicing False Alarm', 1.0),
               ('Raw Pitch Accuracy', 0.029798422436459245),
               ('Raw Chroma Accuracy', 0.08063102541630149),
               ('Overall Accuracy', 0.0272654370489174)]),
  'Beethoven-S3-I-ex2': OrderedDict([('Voicing Recall', 1.0),
               ('Voicing False Alarm', 1.0),
               ('Raw Pitch Accuracy', 0.009221311475409836),
               ('Raw Chroma Accuracy', 0.07377049180327869),
               ('Overall Accuracy', 0.008754863813229572)]),


  'Wagner-Tannhauser-Act2-ex2': OrderedDict([('Voicing Recall', 1.0),
           ('Voicing False Alarm', 1.0),
           ('Raw Pitch Accuracy', 0.03685636856368564),
           ('Raw Chroma Accuracy', 0.08997289972899729),
           ('Overall Accuracy', 0.036657681940700806)])}}

very_bad_melody_extractor performs very badly!