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Merge pull request #590 from zshipko/graphql-set-tree
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Add get_tree and set_tree methods to irmin-graphql server
  • Loading branch information
samoht committed Nov 19, 2018
2 parents ffe7859 + 9c715a4 commit 4cd15fa
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Showing 3 changed files with 112 additions and 5 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions irmin-graphql.opam
Expand Up @@ -20,3 +20,6 @@ depends: [
"graphql" {>= "0.7"}

synopsis: "GraphQL server for Irmin"
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions irmin-mem.opam
Expand Up @@ -19,3 +19,6 @@ depends: [
"irmin" {>= "1.3.0"}
"irmin-test" {with-test}

synopsis: "Generic in-memory Irmin stores"
111 changes: 106 additions & 5 deletions src/irmin-graphql/
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ type commit_input = {
message: string option;

type tree_item = {
key: string;
value: string option;
metadata: string option;

module type STORE = sig
include Irmin.S
val remote: (?headers:Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> Irmin.remote) option
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,6 +66,19 @@ module Make(Store : STORE) : S with type store = Store.t = struct
~coerce:(fun author message -> {author; message})

let item = Schema.Arg.(
obj "TreeItem"
arg "key" ~typ:(non_null string);
arg "value" ~typ:string;
arg "metadata" ~typ:string;
~coerce:(fun key value metadata -> {key; value; metadata})

let tree = Schema.Arg.(
non_null (list (non_null item)))

let rec commit = lazy Schema.(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,12 +145,13 @@ module Make(Store : STORE) : S with type store = Store.t = struct
~args:Arg.[arg "key" ~typ:Input.step]
~resolve:(fun _ (tree, key) step ->
Store.Tree.get_tree tree key >>= fun tree ->
let key =
match step with
| Some s ->
let conv = (Irmin.Type.of_string Store.step_t) in
let conv = (Irmin.Type.of_string Store.key_t) in
(match from_string_err "key" conv s with
| Ok step -> Ok (Store.Key.rcons key step)
| Ok k -> Ok k
| Error e -> Error e)
| None -> Ok Store.Key.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,15 +225,39 @@ module Make(Store : STORE) : S with type store = Store.t = struct
| Error msg -> Lwt.return_error msg
io_field "get_tree"
~args:Arg.[arg "key" ~typ:(non_null Input.key)]
~typ:(list (non_null @@ Lazy.force contents))
~resolve:(fun _ (s, _) key ->
let rec tree_list base tree key acc =
match tree with
| `Contents (_, _) ->
(Store.Tree.of_concrete base, key) :: acc
| `Tree l ->
List.fold_right (fun (step, t) acc -> tree_list base t (Store.Key.rcons key step) [] @ acc) l acc
match from_string_err "key" (Irmin.Type.of_string Store.key_t) key with
| Ok key ->
(Store.find_tree s key >>= function
| Some t ->
Store.Tree.to_concrete t >>= fun t ->
let l = tree_list t t Store.Key.empty [] in
Lwt.return_ok (Some l)
| None -> Lwt.return_ok None)
| Error msg -> Lwt.return_error msg
io_field "get_all"
~args:Arg.[arg "key" ~typ:(non_null Input.key)]
~typ:(Lazy.force contents)
~resolve:(fun _ (s, _) key ->
match from_string_err "key" (Irmin.Type.of_string Store.key_t) key with
| Ok key ->
(Store.find_tree s Store.Key.empty >>= function
| Some tree -> Lwt.return_ok (Some (tree, key))
| None -> Lwt.return_ok None)
(Store.mem_tree s key >>= function
| true ->
Store.get_tree s Store.Key.empty >>= fun tree ->
Lwt.return_ok (Some (tree, key))
| false -> Lwt.return_ok None)
| Error msg -> Lwt.return_error msg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,6 +424,62 @@ module Make(Store : STORE) : S with type store = Store.t = struct
| Error msg -> Lwt.return_error msg
io_field "set_tree"
~typ:(Lazy.force commit)
arg "branch" ~typ:Input.branch;
arg "key" ~typ:(non_null string);
arg "tree" ~typ:(Input.tree);
arg "info";
~resolve:(fun _ _src branch k items i ->
let unwrap_metadata m =
match m with
| Some m ->
(match Irmin.Type.of_string Store.metadata_t m with
| Ok m -> Some m
| Error (`Msg e) -> failwith e)
| None -> None
let to_tree tree l = Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun tree -> function
| {key; value = Some x; metadata} ->
let k = Irmin.Type.of_string Store.key_t key in
let v = Irmin.Type.of_string Store.contents_t x in
let metadata = unwrap_metadata metadata in
(match k, v with
| Ok k, Ok v ->
Store.Tree.add tree ?metadata k v
| Error (`Msg e), _ | _, Error (`Msg e) -> failwith e)
| {key; value = None; _} ->
let k = Irmin.Type.of_string Store.key_t key in
(match k with
| Ok k ->
Store.Tree.remove tree k
| Error (`Msg e) -> failwith e)) tree l
match to_branch branch with
| Ok branch ->
mk_branch (Store.repo s) branch >>= fun t ->
let info = mk_info i in
let key = Irmin.Type.of_string Store.key_t k in
(match key with
| Ok key ->
Lwt.catch (fun () ->
Store.with_tree_exn t key ~info (fun tree ->
let tree = match tree with
| Some t -> t
| None -> Store.Tree.empty
to_tree tree items >>= Lwt.return_some)
>>= fun () ->
Store.Head.find t >>= Lwt.return_ok)
| Failure e -> Lwt.return_error e
| e -> raise e)
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Lwt.return_error msg)
| Error msg -> Lwt.return_error msg
io_field "set_all"
~typ:(Lazy.force commit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,3 +630,4 @@ module Make(Store : STORE) : S with type store = Store.t = struct
let start_server ?port s =
Server.start ?port ~ctx:(fun _req -> ()) (schema s)

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