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File metadata and controls

778 lines (502 loc) · 23.7 KB

Language Basics

Cython File Types

There are three file types in cython:

  • Implementation files carry a .pyx suffix
  • Definition files carry a .pxd suffix
  • Include files which carry a .pxi suffix

Implementation File

What can it contain?

  • Basically anything Cythonic, but see below.

What can't it contain?

  • There are some restrictions when it comes to extension types, if the extension type is already defined else where... more on this later

Definition File

What can it contain?

  • Any kind of C type declaration.
  • extern C function or variable decarations.
  • Declarations for module implementations.
  • The definition parts of extension types.
  • All declarations of functions, etc., for an external library

What can't it contain?

  • Any non-extern C variable declaration.
  • Implementations of C or Python functions.
  • Python class definitions
  • Python executable statements.
  • Any declaration that is defined as public to make it accessible to other Cython modules.
  • This is not necessary, as it is automatic.
  • a public declaration is only needed to make it accessible to external C code.

What else?

  • Use the cimport statement, as you would Python's import statement, to access these files from other definition or implementation files.
  • cimport does not need to be called in .pyx file for for .pxd file that has the same name, as they are already in the same namespace.
  • For cimport to find the stated definition file, the path to the file must be appended to the -I option of the cython compile command.
compilation order
  • When a .pyx file is to be compiled, cython first checks to see if a corresponding .pxd file exits and processes it first.

Include File

What can it contain?

  • Any Cythonic code really, because the entire file is textually embedded at the location you prescribe.

How do I use it?

  • Include the .pxi file with an include statement like: include "spamstuff.pxi
  • The include statement can appear anywhere in your cython file and at any indentation level
  • The code in the .pxi file needs to be rooted at the "zero" indentation level.
  • The included code can itself contain other include statements.

Declaring Data Types

As a dynamic language, Python encourages a programming style of considering classes and objects in terms of their methods and attributes, more than where they fit into the class hierarchy.

This can make Python a very relaxed and comfortable language for rapid development, but with a price - the 'red tape' of managing data types is dumped onto the interpreter. At run time, the interpreter does a lot of work searching namespaces, fetching attributes and parsing argument and keyword tuples. This run-time ‘late binding’ is a major cause of Python’s relative slowness compared to ‘early binding’ languages such as C++.

However with Cython it is possible to gain significant speed-ups through the use of ‘early binding’ programming techniques.


Typing is not a necessity

Providing static typing to parameters and variables is convenience to speed up your code, but it is not a necessity. Optimize where and when needed.

The cdef Statement

The cdef statement is used to make C level declarations for:

cdef int i, j, k
cdef float f, g[42], *h
cdef struct Grail:
    int age
    float volume
cdef union Food:
    char *spam
    float *eggs
cdef enum CheeseType:
    cheddar, edam,

cdef enum CheeseState:
    hard = 1
    soft = 2
    runny = 3
cdef int eggs(unsigned long l, float f):
Extenstion Types:
cdef class Spam:



Constants can be defined by using an anonymous enum:

cdef enum:
    tons_of_spam = 3

Grouping cdef Declarations

A series of declarations can grouped into a cdef block:

    struct Spam:
        int tons

    int i
    float f
    Spam *p

    void f(Spam *s):
    print s.tons, "Tons of spam"


ctypedef statement

The ctypedef statement is provided for naming types:

ctypedef unsigned long ULong

ctypedef int *IntPtr


  • Both C and Python function types can be declared to have parameters C data types.

  • Use normal C declaration syntax:

    def spam(int i, char *s):
        cdef int eggs(unsigned long l, float f):
  • As these parameters are passed into a Python declared function, they are magically converted to the specified C type value.

  • This holds true for only numeric and string types
  • If no type is specified for a parameter or a return value, it is assumed to be a Python object
  • The following takes two Python objects as parameters and returns a Python object:

    cdef spamobjs(x, y):



This is different then C language behavior, where it is an int by default.

  • Python object types have reference counting performed according to the standard Python C-API rules:
  • Borrowed references are taken as parameters
  • New references are returned
.. todo::
    link or label here the one ref count caveat for numpy.
  • The name object can be used to explicitly declare something as a Python Object.
  • For sake of code clarity, it recomened to always use object explicitly in your code.

  • This is also useful for cases where the name being declared would otherwise be taken for a type:

    cdef foo(object int):
  • As a return type:

    cdef object foo(object int):
.. todo::
    Do a see also here ..??

Optional Arguments

  • Are supported for cdef and cpdef functions
  • There differences though whether you declare them in a .pyx file or a .pxd file
  • When in a .pyx file, the signature is the same as it is in Python itself:

    cdef class A:
        cdef foo(self):
            print "A"
    cdef class B(A)
        cdef foo(self, x=None)
            print "B", x
    cdef class C(B):
        cpdef foo(self, x=True, int k=3)
            print "C", x, k
  • When in a .pxd file, the signature is different like this example: cdef foo(x=*):

    cdef class A:
        cdef foo(self)
    cdef class B(A)
        cdef foo(self, x=*)
    cdef class C(B):
        cpdef foo(self, x=*, int k=*)
  • The number of arguments may increase when subclassing, but the arg types and order must be the same.
  • There may be a slight performance penalty when the optional arg is overridden with one that does not have default values.

Keyword-only Arguments

  • As in Python 3, def functions can have keyword-only argurments listed after a "*" parameter and before a "**" parameter if any:

    def f(a, b, *args, c, d = 42, e, **kwds):
  • Shown above, the c, d and e arguments can not be passed as positional arguments and must be passed as keyword arguments.
  • Furthermore, c and e are required keyword arguments since they do not have a default value.
  • If the parameter name after the "*" is omitted, the function will not accept any extra positional argumrents:

    def g(a, b, *, c, d):
  • Shown above, the signature takes exactly two positional parameters and has two required keyword parameters

Automatic Type Conversion

  • For basic numeric and string types, in most situations, when a Python object is used in the context of a C value and vice versa.

  • The following table summarises the conversion possibilities, assuming sizeof(int) == sizeof(long):

    C types

    From Python types

    To Python types

    [unsigned] char

    int, long


    [unsigned] short

    int, long

    unsigned int

    int, long


    unsigned long

    [unsigned] long long

    float, double, long double

    int, long, float


    char *


    str/bytes [1]





Python String in a C Context

  • A Python string, passed to C context expecting a char*, is only valid as long as the Python string exists.

  • A reference to the Python string must be kept around for as long as the C string is needed.

  • If this can't be guarenteed, then make a copy of the C string.

  • Cython may produce an error message: Obtaining char* from a temporary Python value and will not resume compiling in situations like this:

    cdef char *s
    s = pystring1 + pystring2
  • The reason is that concatenating to strings in Python produces a temporary variable.

  • The variable is decrefed, and the Python string deallocated as soon as the statement has finished,
  • Therefore the lvalue ``s`` is left dangling.
  • The solution is to assign the result of the concatenation to a Python variable, and then obtain the char* from that:

    cdef char *s
    p = pystring1 + pystring2
    s = p


It is up to you to be aware of this, and not to depend on Cython's error message, as it is not guarenteed to be generated for every situation.

Type Casting

  • The syntax used in type casting are "<" and ">"


The syntax is different from C convention

cdef char *p, float *q
p = <char*>q
  • If one of the types is a python object for <type>x, Cython will try and do a coersion.


Cython will not stop a casting where there is no conversion, but it will emit a warning.

  • If the address is what is wanted, cast to a void* first.

Type Checking

  • A cast like <MyExtensionType>x will cast x to type MyExtensionType without type checking at all.
  • To have a cast type checked, use the syntax like: <MyExtenstionType?>x.
  • In this case, Cython will throw an error if "x" is not a (subclass) of MyExtenstionClass
  • Automatic type checking for extension types can be obtained by whenever isinstance() is used as the second parameter

Python Objects

Statements and Expressions

  • For the most part, control structures and expressions follow Python syntax.
  • When applied to Python objects, the semantics are the same unless otherwise noted.
  • Most Python operators can be applied to C values with the obvious semantics.
  • An expression with mixed Python and C values will have conversions performed automatically.
  • Python operations are automatically checked for errors, with the appropriate action taken.

Differences Between Cython and C

  • Most notable are C constructs which have no direct equivalent in Python.
  • An integer literal is treated as a C constant
  • It will be truncated to whatever size your C compiler thinks appropriate.

  • Cast to a Python object like this:

  • The "L", "LL" and the "U" suffixes have the same meaning as in C

  • There is no -> operator in Cython.. instead of p->x, use p.x.
  • There is no * operator in Cython.. instead of *p, use p[0].
  • & is permissible and has the same semantics as in C.
  • NULL is the null C pointer.
  • Do NOT use 0.
  • NULL is a reserved word in Cython
  • Syntax for Type casts are <type>value.

Scope Rules

  • All determination of scoping (local, module, built-in) in Cython is determined statically.
  • As with Python, a variable assignment which is not declared explicitly is implicitly declared to be a Python variable residing in the scope where it was assigned.


  • Module-level scope behaves the same way as a Python local scope if you refer to the variable before assigning to it.
  • Tricks, like the following will NOT work in Cython:

        x = True
    except NameError:
        True = 1
  • The above example will not work because True will always be looked up in the module-level scope. Do the following instead:

    import __builtin__
        True = __builtin__.True
    except AttributeError:
        True = 1

Built-in Constants

Pre-defined Python built-in constants:

  • None
  • True
  • False

Operator Precedence

  • Cython uses Python precedence order, not C


  • range() is C optimized when the index value has been declared by cdef:

    cdef i
    for i in range(n):
  • The other form available in C is the for-from style

  • The target expression must be a variable name.

  • The name between the lower and upper bounds must be the same as the target name.

    for i from 0 <= i < n:


  • Or when using a step size:

    for i from 0 <= i < n by s:
  • To reverse the direction, reverse the conditional operation:

    for i from 0 >= i > n:
  • The break and continue are permissible.
  • Can contain an else clause.

Functions and Methods

  • There are three types of function declarations in Cython as the sub-sections show below.
  • Only "Python" functions can be called outside a Cython module from Python interpretted code.

Callable from Python

  • Are decalared with the def statement
  • Are called with Python objects
  • Return Python objects
  • See Parameters for special consideration

Callable from C

  • Are declared with the cdef statement.
  • Are called with either Python objects or C values.
  • Can return either Python objects or C values.

Callable from both Python and C

  • Are declared with the cpdef statement.
  • Can be called from anywhere, because it uses a little Cython magic.
  • Uses the faster C calling conventions when being called from other Cython code.


cpdef functions can override cdef functions:

cdef class A:
    cdef foo(self):
        print "A"
cdef class B(A)
    cdef foo(self, x=None)
        print "B", x
cdef class C(B):
    cpdef foo(self, x=True, int k=3)
        print "C", x, k

Function Pointers

  • Functions declared in a struct are automatically converted to function pointers.
  • see using exceptions with function pointers

Python Built-ins

The following are provided:

.. todo:: incomplete
Function and arguments Return type Python/C API Equivalent
abs(obj) object PyNumber_Absolute
bool(obj) object Py_True, Py_False
chr(obj) object char
delattr(obj, name) int PyObject_DelAttr
dir(obj) getattr(obj, name) (Note 1) getattr3(obj, name, default) object PyObject_Dir
hasattr(obj, name) int PyObject_HasAttr
hash(obj) int PyObject_Hash
intern(obj) object PyObject_InternFromString
isinstance(obj, type) int PyObject_IsInstance
issubclass(obj, type) int PyObject_IsSubclass
iter(obj) object PyObject_GetIter
len(obj) Py_ssize_t PyObject_Length
pow(x, y, z) (Note 2) object PyNumber_Power
reload(obj) object PyImport_ReloadModule
repr(obj) object PyObject_Repr
setattr(obj, name) void PyObject_SetAttr

Error and Exception Handling

  • A plain cdef declared function, that does not return a Python object...
  • Has no way of reporting a Python exception to it's caller.
  • Will only print a warning message and the exception is ignored.
  • Inorder to propagate exceptions like this to it's caller, you need to declare an exception value for it.
  • There are three forms of declaring an exception for a C compiled program.
  • First:

    cdef int spam() except -1:
  • In the example above, if an error occurs inside spam, it will immediately return with the value of -1, causing an exception to be propagated to it's caller.
  • Functions declared with an exception value, should explicitly prevent a return of that value.
  • Second:

    cdef int spam() except? -1:
  • Used when a -1 may possibly be returned and is not to be considered an error.
  • The "?" tells Cython that -1 only indicates a possible error.
  • Now, each time -1 is returned, Cython generates a call to PyErr_Occurrd to verify it is an actual error.
  • Third:

    cdef int spam() except *
  • A call to PyErr_Occurred happens every time the function gets called.


    Returning void

    A need to propagate errors when returning void must use this version.

  • Exception values can only be declared for functions returning an..
  • integer
  • enum
  • float
  • pointer type
  • Must be a constant expression



Function pointers

  • Require the same exception value specification as it's user has declared.

  • Use cases here are when used as parameters and when assigned to a variable:

    int (*grail)(int, char *) except -1


Python Objects

  • Declared exception values are not need.
  • Remember that Cython assumes that a function function without a declared return value, returns a Python object.
  • Exceptions on such functions are implicitly propagated by returning NULL



  • For exceptions from C++ compiled programs, see Wrapping C++ Classes

Checking return values for non-Cython functions..

  • Do not try to raise exceptions by returning the specified value.. Example:

    cdef extern FILE *fopen(char *filename, char *mode) except NULL # WRONG!
  • The except clause does not work that way.
  • It's only purpose is to propagate Python exceptions that have already been raised by either...
  • A Cython function
  • A C function that calls Python/C API routines.
  • To propagate an exception for these circumstances you need to raise it yourself:

    cdef FILE *p
    p = fopen("spam.txt", "r")
    if p == NULL:
        raise SpamError("Couldn't open the spam file")

Conditional Compilation

  • The expressions in the following sub-sections must be valid compile-time expressions.
  • They can evaluate to any Python value.
  • The truth of the result is determined in the usual Python way.

Compile-Time Definitions

  • Defined using the DEF statement:

    DEF FavouriteFood = "spam"
    DEF ArraySize = 42
    DEF OtherArraySize = 2 * ArraySize + 17
  • The right hand side must be a valid compile-time expression made up of either:

  • Literal values
  • Names defined by other DEF statements
  • They can be combined using any of the Python expression syntax
  • Cython provides the following pre-defined names
  • Corresponding to the values returned by os.uname()
  • A name defined by DEF can appear anywhere an identifier can appear.
  • Cython replaces the name with the literal value before compilation.
  • The compile-time expression, in this case, must eveluate to a Python value of int, long, float, or str:

    cdef int a1[ArraySize]
    cdef int a2[OtherArraySize]
    print "I like", FavouriteFood

Conditional Statements

  • Similiar semantics of the C pre-processor
  • The following statements can be used to conditinally include or exclude sections of code to compile.
  • IF
  • ELIF
  • ELSE
IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
    include "icky_definitions.pxi"
    include "nice_definitions.pxi"
    include "penguin_definitions.pxi"
    include "other_definitions.pxi"
  • ELIF and ELSE are optional.
  • IF can appear anywhere that a normal statement or declaration can appear
  • It can contain any statements or declarations that would be valid in that context.
  • This includes other IF and DEF statements
[1]The conversion is to/from str for Python 2.x, and bytes for Python 3.x.