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Release Notes

Pooja Mishra edited this page Jul 21, 2022 · 16 revisions

Current Build

SDK v1.5.283

Release Date - 07/05/2022

Major Updates:


  • Support to enroll Org on AWS East.
  • Minor bug fix.

SDK v1.5.280-dr

Release Date - 03/30/2021

Major Updates:


  • Support to enroll Org on Google Cloud Environment, in addition to AWS.
  • Resolved concurrent map read/write memory leak crash.
  • iOS 14 support in MistSDK DR.


  • Enhancements in SDK to improve the location and direction accuracy based on-device sensor data.
  • Simplified didUpdateDRHeading callback which now returns Snapped heading(direction) directly in the response.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Known issues:

  • Apple has updated App location permission for transparency in the background from iOS 13 onwards. Hence, send and rest time of location update in background mode may not work as expected from iOS 13 or later version.

Note: Mist SDK DR is not bitcode complaint.

SDK v1.5.272-dr

Release Date - 04/01/2020

Major Updates:


  • iOS 13 support in MistSDK DR.
  • Removed the redundant task of thumbnail map download as this now done by app developer community when integrating Mist Location SDK with Mapping SDK.
  • Released Mist SDK – DR on Cocoapods.


  • SDK Stability enhancements.
  • Enhancements to Sensor fusion ( DR in the SDK) for higher accuracy based on normalized device sensor data.

Known issues:

  • Apple has updated App location permission and transparency in background from iOS 13 onwards. Hence, send and rest time of location update in background mode is not working as expected from iOS 13 or later version.

SDK v1.5.58

Release Date - 10/10/2019

Major Updates:

  1. iOS 13 Support

SDK v1.5.218-dr

Release Date - 07/09/2019

Major Updates:

  1. Minor Bug Fixes.

Note: This SDK is not released to cocoapod as this is not Bitcode compliant {.framework can be found here in branch dr2}.
(download zip -> mist-vble-ios-sdk-1.5.58/Frameworks/1.5.218-dr/MistSDK.framework)

SDK v1.4.2-dr

Release Date - 12/28/2018

Major Updates:

  1. EU Support
  2. Fixes in DeadReckoning
  3. Performance optimization for handling Orgs with high number of sites
  4. Misc Bug Fixes

Note: This SDK is not released to cocoapod as this is not Bitcode compliant .framework can be found here

SDK v1.4.2

Release Date - 12/28/2018

Major Updates:

  1. EU Support
  2. Performance optimization for handling Orgs with high number of sites
  3. Misc Bug Fixes

Note: This SDK is released to cocoapod

SDK v1.3.0-dr

Release Date - 07/06/2018

Major Updates:

  1. Dead Reckoning support. Now SDK returns enhanced DR supported in-door location estimate which provides seamless experience even when there is no internet connectivity
  2. Support for Jibestream Maps
  3. Added changes to make SDK more stable
  4. Misc Bug Fixes

Note: This SDK is not released to cocoapod as this is not Bitcode compliant .framework can be found here

SDK v1.3.0

Release Date - 07/06/2018

Major Updates:

  1. Added improvement for stability in roaming scenarios
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements

Note: This SDK is released to cocoapod

Release Notes

Release Notes

Getting Started

Integration Guide

Legacy [Deprecated]

Legacy Integration Document

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