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A really simple-to-use server framework with integrated user management, built on Uvicorn & SQLAlchemy!

Table of Contents


address = ('localhost', 8080) The address used to register the server. Needs to be set before running start()

name = 'serverly' The name of the server. Used for logging purposes only.

logger: fileloghelper.Logger = Logger() The logger used for logging (surprise!!). See the docs of fileloghelper for reference.

Custom (dynamic) functions

When you create custom functions you need to tell serverly by either using the serves(method: str, path: str) decorator or register it by calling register_function (see below). Your function should accept one parameter which is of type Request. You can then process it in whatever way you want. Your function must return a Response object. See Objects for more info.


static_page(file_path: str, path: str) Register a static page where the file is located under file_path and will serve path

register_function(method: str, path: str, function) Register a dynamic function that will serve path via method

unregister(method: str, path: str) Unregister any page (static or dynamic). Only affect the method-path (GET / POST)

start(superpath: str='/') Start the server after applying all relevant attributes like address. superpath will replace every occurence of SUPERPATH/ or /SUPERPATH/ with superpath. Especially useful for servers orchestrating other servers.

register_error_response(code: int, msg_base: str, mode='enumerate') Register an error response template for code based off the message-stem msg_baseand accepting *args as defined by mode

error_template(code: int, *args)


  • enumerate: append every arg by comma and space to the base
  • base: only return the base message


register_error_response(404, 'Page not found.', 'base')

You can now get the 404-Response by calling error_response(404) -> Response(code=404, body='Page not found.')

Or in enumerate mode:

register_error_response(999, 'I want to buy: ', 'enumerate')

error_response(999, 'apples', 'pineapples', 'bananas') -> Response(code=9l9, body='I want to buy: apples, pineapples, bananas')

error_response(code: int, *args) Return Response registered by register_error_response (See above)



Attribute Description
method: str HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
path: str Path the request was sent to (e.g. /projects/doorbell)
address: tuple[str, int] Address of client as a tuple, i.e. ("localhost": 50760)
authenticated: bool Is user authenticated using the Authorization-Header?
auth_type: str Type of authorization (Authorization-Header). Currently Basic & Bearer supported.
user_cred: Union[str, tuple[str, str]] Credentials of the user passed in the Authorization-Header. If auth_type is Basic, user_cred is a tuple containing username & password. The password is already decrypted from base64. If auth_type is Bearer, user_cred is the bearer token (str).


Attribute Description
code: int Response code to send to the client
bandwidth: int Maximum bandwidth used when sending to client (bytes per sec). None for no regulation.

Request & Response

Attribute Description
headers: dict Headers as a dict[str, Union[str, int]] recieved by the client or yet to return to it
(set) body: Union[str, dict, list, fb] set body to a str, dict or list. Translating it into JSON, if necessary is handled automatically. Can be set to str, dict, list or file-like object
(get) body: str get the JSON representation of the request/response if available, otherwise just the string.
(get) obj: object get the object representation of the request/response. If there is none (body is a non-JSON string for example) it is set to None. NOT SET-able.

Due to the properties above the probably best way to use requests/responses is by assigning values like dictionaries to the body attribute of responses and accessing the json of requests by using body (i.e. to store it in a database)


StaticSite(path: str, file_path: str) A static site using file_path for it's data to serve. Will be registered for path (if you register it), if not overriden in the process (don't really have to mind). Instead registering it manually, you can call .use().


You can subclass serverly.objects.Resource to specify your endpoints in an more OO-way.


class MyAPI(Resource):
  def info(request: Request):
    # do something and return a Response

  def __init__(self):
    self.__path__ = '/api/'
    self.__map__ = {
      '/overview/?': 'static/json/overview.json', # local filesystem
      '/products/': ProductsAPI

where ProductsAPI is another Resource subclass:

class ProductsAPI(Resource):
  def get_all(request: Request):
    # DB lookup and other stuff
  def __init__(self):
    self.__path__ = '/products/'
    self.__map__ = {
      '/getall': self.get_all,
      '/new': # ...

When you call MyAPI().use(), the following endpoints will be registered:

path function
/api/overview/?  StaticSite (static/json/overview.json)
/info/? MyAPI().info
/api/products/getall ProductsAPI().get_all
/api/products/new ProductsAPI().new

And yes, it's recursive!!!


This allows you to serve an entire folder recursively with just one call:

serverly.objects.StaticResource(folder_path: str, endpoint_path: str, file_extensions=True)

file_extensions specifies whether the endpoints should be include the file_extension of the original file (ex. /folder/


This subpackage allows very easy user-management right through serverly. See for more information.


This module is used to save statistics of the server as well as individual endpoints and print them after shutdown as well as saving them to filename (defaults to 'statistics.json'). It has the following attributes for holding stats:

overall_performance = {
  'min': 2.7182818284,
  'max': 11.11111,
  'mean': 3.1415926535,
  'len': 42
endpoint_performance = {
  'my_endpoint': {
    'min': 3.292932383827,
    'max': 17.223480972,
    'mean': 6.182849,
    'len': 42

Also, it has the functions new_statistic(function: str, time: float) and print_stats(), both of which you probably don't need 🧐


serverly provides a very basic interface for plugins. The following options are available to you to subclass:


The manipulateHeaders(response: Response) -> Response method gets called of a subclass. It's supposed to alter the headers of the Response just before getting sent to the client. The default implementation raises a NotImplemtedError. The default constructor takes an array of regex patterns, as strs, used as exceptions where the plugin will NOT do it's work. There are a few implementations of common HeaderPlugins:

  • Content_Security_PolicyHeaderPlugin(policy: str, exceptions=[])
  • X_Frame_OptionsHeaderPlugin(policy: str, exceptions=[])
  • X_Content_TypeOptionsHeaderPlugin(policy: str, exceptions=[])


The methods of this plugin get called with the lifecycle of the (main) server. Available are:

  • onServerStart()
  • onServerShutdown()