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File metadata and controls

147 lines (88 loc) · 3.91 KB Code Health

System requirements:

  • Python 2
  • setuptools > 1.0
  • java-7 (for LanguageTool)
  • python-dev (python-develop)
  • libxml2-dev
  • libxslt-dev
  • zlib1g-dev

To install system requirements on Ubuntu run follow commands:

$ sudo pip install setuptools --upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-lxml python-dev poppler-utils poppler-data

You can install slide with pip:

bin/pip install

or zc.buildout (

$ git clone
$ cd slidelint
$ python
$ bin/buildout

There is no need to run "python" each time, but you need indeed to run "python" in the following cases:

  • you building a new buildout
  • you want to switch to a different python
  • you want to switch to a different version of setuptools or zc.buildot

Command pattern:

slidelint help-msg [<msg_id>...]


msg_id id of slidelint message


$ slidelint help-msg - return descriptions of all messages

$ slidelint help-msg W0101 - return description of W0101 message id

$ slidelint help-msg W0101 C0404 W0505 - return descriptions of W0101 C0404 W0505 messages ids

Command pattern:

slidelint [options] FILE


FILE Path to PDF presentation file


-h --help              show help message
-i --include-ids       include ids in report [default: False]
--config=<configfile>  path to configuration file
-f <format> --output-format=<format>  Set the output format
                                      (e.g. text,parseable,colorized,msvs,html,json)
                                      [default: text]
--files-output=<result_file>     save linting results to result_file file
-e <msg_ids> --enable=<msg_ids>  Enable the message, category or checker with the given id(s). You can either give multiple
                                       identifier separated by comma (,)
-d <msg_ids> --disable=<msg_ids>  Disable the message, category or checker with the given id(s). You can either give multiple
                                        identifier separated by comma (,)


Read a configuration from default config and check presentation.pdf:

$ slidelint presentation.pdf

Read a configuration from default config, check presentation.pdf, and present the result as an html files(separated file for each category):

$ slidelint --files-output=linting.txt  -f html presentation.pdf

Read a configuration from default config file. Disable all checks from 'ContentQuality' category and disable check with name edges_danger_zone and message with id C1002. Enable 'language_tool_checker' checker (e.g. when you want to disable all checkers from ContentQuality that is enabled in config file but left only language_tool_checker from ContentQuality category).

$ slidelint -d C1002,ContentQuality,edges_danger_zone -e language_tool_checker  presentation.pdf

Read a configuration from my_config.cfg file, and include ids in the report and presentation.pdf

$ slidelint --config=my_config.cfg -i presentation.pdf

For more documentation look at docs directory.