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MITRE CTF Scoreboard

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MITRE CTF Scoreboard is a fully featured CTF platform with scoreboard and registration application built with Ruby on Rails. It is used for MITRE Capture the Flag competition website.



  • Install ruby (using a ruby version manager like rvm is recommended).
  • In your terminal run gem install bundler
  • Install postgres to your system (and create a role with your system username sudo -u postgres -i then createuser --interactive).
  • Setup Recaptcha. This can be done by getting a site key from here and then setting the RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY environment variables for the application. The steps for this will vary based on your hosting platform.
  • Run bundle install to install dependencies
  • Run bundle exec rake db:create to create the database
  • Run bundle exec rake db:schema:load to load the database schema
  • Run bundle exec rake db:seed to load demo data
  • Run bundle exec rails s to launch the server in development mode
  • Open the webpage shown in your terminal from the last command in your browser.
  • Login to the registration app http://localhost:3000 as email:, password: ChangeMe123 or email:, password: Test123456 and change the password.
  • Access the administration panel at http://localhost:3000/admin to configure the application.

Note: for specific deployment steps check the wiki.


  • Install ruby (using a ruby version manager like rvm is recommended).
  • In your terminal run gem install bundler
  • Install postgres to your system (and create a role with your system username sudo -u postgres -i then createuser --interactive).
  • Setup Recaptcha. This can be done by getting a site key from here and then setting the RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY environment variables for the application. The steps for this will vary based on your hosting platform.
  • Run bundle install to install dependencies
  • Run bundle exec rake db:create to create the database
  • Run bundle exec rake db:schema:load to load the database schema
  • Run bundle exec rails c to launch Rails console, then run those commands:
    • user = User.create(email: '', password: 'your_password', admin: true) to create a admin user
    • validate your email address or use user.confirm to avoid confirmation
    • to save the user
    • exit Rails console
  • Run bundle exec rails s -e production to launch the server in production mode
  • Open the webpage shown in your terminal from the last command in your browser.
  • Login to the registration app http://localhost:3000 as the admin user you created.
  • Access the administration panel at http://localhost:3000/admin to configure the application.

Automated Emails

Automated emails can be setup by adding min hour * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /path/to/ctf-scoreboard && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake email:automated_email --silent' where min, hour, and path/to/ctf-scoreboard are replaced with the values you prefer. If the project is being hosted on Heroku a daily task can be created using the Heroku Scheduler to run rake email:automated_email




Administration: dashboard

admin dashboard

Administration: add challenge

add challenge

More screenshots available on the wiki.


This application is licensed under Apache License 2.0.