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Client configuration

Justin Richer edited this page Dec 4, 2013 · 28 revisions

The client portion of MITREid Connect is usable as a Spring Security filter. The Simple Web App project has an example configuration for this filter in the context of a working application. This page describes the different components.

Auth Provider

The OIDCAuthenticationProvider class implements a Spring Security Authentication Provider that can be used with a standard Authentication Manager. This Authentication Provider handles fetching UserInfo from the server's UserInfo endpoint. The UserInfo information is then stored on the OIDCAuthenticationToken object that is returned from the authentication process.

<security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
  <security:authentication-provider ref="openIdConnectAuthenticationProvider" />

<bean id="openIdConnectAuthenticationProvider" class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.OIDCAuthenticationProvider">

The Principal object is an immutable map of the issuer and subject, a pairing which is guaranteed to be globally unique.

Named administrator configuration

By default all valid users get a special Spring Security GrantedAuthority that is based on the issuer and subject of the user, such as OIDC_2398ufe23u_

To map these authorities into more useful ones like ROLE_USER and ROLE_ADMIN, you need to wire in an authorities mapper, such as the one included in the client library:

		<property name="authoritiesMapper">
			<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.NamedAdminAuthoritiesMapper">
				<property name="admins">
					<!-- This is an example of how to set up a user as an administrator: they'll be given ROLE_ADMIN in addition to ROLE_USER -->
						<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.SubjectIssuerGrantedAuthority">
							<constructor-arg name="subject" value="${admin.sub}" />
							<constructor-arg name="issuer" value="${admin.iss}" />


There is one filter class org.mitre.openid.connect.client.OIDCAuthenticationFilter that handles all core client (or "Relying Party") functions. It is set to listen on /openid-connect-login at the root of the application. The filter bean is configured like this:

<bean id="openIdConnectAuthenticationFilter" class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.OIDCAuthenticationFilter">
  <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
  <property name="serverConfigurationService">
  <property name="clientConfigurationService">
  <property name="issuerService">
  <property name="authRequestOptionsService">
  <property name="authRequestUrlBuilder">

It is configurable for use in different modes through the use of different properties that can be wired through different beans as described below:

  • issuerService: Determines which OpenID Connect Issuer (server) to connect to
  • serverConfigurationService: Provides the configuration parameters of each OpenID Connect Issuer
  • clientConfigurationService: Provides the configuration parameters for this client to connect to each OpenID Connect Issuer
  • authRequestOptionsService: Provides a set of optional parameter values to be sent to the authorization endpoint
  • authRequestUrlBuilder: Crafts the URL used to redirect the user to the OpenID Connect server


To validate ID token signatures, the client will need access to a validator for each issuer's key set. This service bean will automatically fetch the keys and set up a validator:

<bean id="validatorCache" class="org.mitre.jwt.signer.service.impl.JWKSetCacheService" /> 

Depending on how the component scan is set up in the project, the validator may need to get set up as a property on the filter:

   <property name="validationServices" ref="validatorCache" />

Issuer Service

Static Issuer Service

Always returns the same issuer, very useful for tightly-coupled deployments.

<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.StaticSingleIssuerService">
  <property name="issuer" value="" />

Third-Party Issuer Service

Allows an issuer to be passed in following the format of the OpenID Connect third party client login initiation protocol. If the issuer is not passed in the iss parameter, it will redirect the user to an Account Chooser URL and listen for the callback.

<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.ThirdPartyIssuerService">
  <property name="accountChooserUrl" value="" />

This service supports setting of a whitelist or a blacklist property. If the whitelist is active, only issuers listed in the whitelist will be allowed. If the whitelist is inactive and the blacklist is active, issuers listed in the blacklist will not be allowed.

The whitelist is a set of strings:

  <property name="whitelist">

The blacklist is a set of a strings:

  <property name="blacklist">

Webfinger Discovery Issuer Service

Takes in input from a user form and does discovery based on the Webfinger protocol. The filter will redirect the user to a login page (to be supplied by the client application) if an identifier is not returned as a result of this discovery.

<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.WebfingerIssuerService">
  <property name="loginPageUrl" value="login" />

This service supports setting of a whitelist or a blacklist property. If the whitelist is active, only issuers listed in the whitelist will be allowed. If the whitelist is inactive and the blacklist is active, issuers listed in the blacklist will not be allowed.

The whitelist is a set of strings:

  <property name="whitelist">

The blacklist is a set of a strings:

  <property name="blacklist">

Server Configuration

The client must know things about the server such as its authorization endpoint URL and token endpoint URL. Since these will vary from issuer to issuer, the server configuration objects are indexed by issuer URL.

Static Server Configuration

Provides server information such as authorization endpoint url, issuer, and other parameters for each configured issuer configured as in-memory objects inside a map.

			<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.StaticServerConfigurationService">
				<property name="servers">
						<entry key="${idp.url}">
							<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.config.ServerConfiguration">
								<property name="issuer" value="${idp.url}" />
								<property name="authorizationEndpointUri"	value="${idp.url}authorize" />
								<property name="tokenEndpointUri"	value="${idp.url}token" />
								<property name="userInfoUri" value="${idp.url}userinfo" />
								<property name="jwksUri" value="${idp.url}jwk" />

Dynamically Discovered Server Configuration

Dynamically discovers server information for an issuer based on the OpenID Connect Discovery protocol.

<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.DynamicServerConfigurationService" />

Server information is stored in an in-memory cache after discovery.

Hybrid Server Configuration

Combines a static configuration service with a dynamically discovered one in one bean. Checks the static configuration first, then performs dynamic discovery. The servers property passes through to the static configuration service.

			<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.HybridServerConfigurationService">
				<property name="servers">
						<entry key="${idp.url}">
							<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.config.ServerConfiguration">
								<property name="issuer" value="${idp.url}" />
								<property name="authorizationEndpointUri"	value="${idp.url}authorize" />
								<property name="tokenEndpointUri"	value="${idp.url}token" />
								<property name="userInfoUri" value="${idp.url}userinfo" />
								<property name="jwksUri" value="${idp.url}jwk" />

Client Configuration

The client must know certain things like its client_id and client_secret in order to request tokens. These are likely to vary from issuer to issuer, so the client configuration objects are indexed by the server configuration object in this service.

Static Client Configuration

Provides information for a pre-registered client to connect to a server.

	<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.StaticClientConfigurationService">
		<property name="clients">
				<entry key="${idp.url}">
					<bean class="org.mitre.oauth2.model.RegisteredClient">
						<property name="clientId" value="client" />
						<property name="clientSecret" value="secret" />
						<property name="scope">
							<set value-type="java.lang.String">
						<property name="tokenEndpointAuthMethod" value="SECRET_BASIC" />
						<property name="redirectUris">

Dynamically Registered Client Configuration

Dynamically registers the client for each issuer based on the template of client information.

			<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.DynamicRegistrationClientConfigurationService">
				<property name="template">
					<bean class="org.mitre.oauth2.model.RegisteredClient">
						<property name="clientName" value="Simple Web App" />
						<property name="scope">
							<set value-type="java.lang.String">
						<property name="tokenEndpointAuthMethod" value="SECRET_BASIC" />
						<property name="redirectUris">

All properties set in the template object are passed in to the dynamic registration endpoint's input and the dynamically registered client information is held in an in-memory cache.

Registered Client Service

This service has a registeredClientService property which optionally allows for a service to be configured to save a client's registration information. If the registration information is not saved somewhere, then a client application will re-register itself with the server every time it starts. By default, the service is configured with an InMemoryRegisteredClientService which, as the name suggests, does not use persistent storage and will therefore forget about existing registrations every time the client is restarted. The library also contains a JsonFileRegisteredClientService which saves the registered client's registration_client_uri and registration_access_token out to disk in a plaintext (non-encrypted) JSON file. This file contains sensitive information and it must be readable and writeable by whatever process is running the client application, but it should not be readable by other untrusted applications.

<property name="registeredClientService">
	<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.JsonFileRegisteredClientService">
		<constructor-arg name="filename" value="/tmp/swa-clients.json" />

It would be greatly preferable for a client to have its own implementation of the RegisteredClientService interface to store the client registration information in a secure location, such a the client application's database store.

Hybrid Client Configuration

Combines a static client configuration service with a dynamically registered one. Checks the static configuration first, and if that fails, invokes the dynamic registration process. The clients property passes through to the static service and the template and registeredClientService properties pass through to the dynamic service underneath.

	<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.HybridClientConfigurationService">
		<property name="clients">
				<entry key="${idp.url}">
					<bean class="org.mitre.oauth2.model.RegisteredClient">
						<property name="clientId" value="client" />
						<property name="clientSecret" value="secret" />
						<property name="scope">
							<set value-type="java.lang.String">
						<property name="tokenEndpointAuthMethod" value="SECRET_BASIC" />
						<property name="redirectUris">
				<property name="template">
					<bean class="org.mitre.oauth2.model.RegisteredClient">
						<property name="clientName" value="Simple Web App" />
						<property name="scope">
							<set value-type="java.lang.String">
						<property name="tokenEndpointAuthMethod" value="SECRET_BASIC" />
						<property name="redirectUris">
<property name="registeredClientService">
	<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.JsonFileRegisteredClientService">
		<constructor-arg name="filename" value="/tmp/swa-clients.json" />

Authorization Request Options Service

This optional service returns a Map<String, String> of parameters and values to add to the request to be sent to the authorization endpoint. These parameters and values may be contextually sensitive to the serverConfig, clientConfig, and/or the HTTP servlet request.

Static Authorization Request Options Service

This service will return the same Map of options regardless of the context of the client, server, or request. It is configured by passing in a map of options and their values:

<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.StaticAuthRequestOptionsService">
	<property name="options">
			<entry key="display" value="page" />
			<entry key="prompt" value="consent" />

If no options service is configured, a static authorization request options service with an empty map is provided automatically.

Authorization Request URL Builder

Plain Authorization Request

Builds the URL using normal HTTP parameters.

<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.PlainAuthRequestUrlBuilder" />

Signed Authorization Request

Builds the URL using a signed Request Object.

<bean class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.service.impl.SignedAuthRequestUrlBuilder">
  <property name="signingAndValidationService" ref="defaultsignerService" />

This also requires configuration (and generation) of a json web key set and several support components such as a signing and validation service and a keystore:

	<bean id="defaultsignerService" class="org.mitre.jwt.signer.service.impl.DefaultJwtSigningAndValidationService">
		<constructor-arg name="keyStore">
			<bean id="defaultKeyStore" class="org.mitre.jose.keystore.JWKSetKeyStore">
				<property name="location" value="classpath:keystore.jwks" />
		<property name="defaultSignerKeyId" value="rsa1" />
 		<property name="defaultSigningAlgorithmName" value="RS256" />

Furthermore, the client must be configured to publish its public key at a URL that the server can fetch in order to validate the request object's signature. The following bean will publish whatever keys are configured in the signing and validation service that's used in the auth request builder:

	<bean id="clientKeyPublisher" class="org.mitre.openid.connect.client.keypublisher.ClientKeyPublisher">
 		<property name="jwkPublishUrl" value="jwk" />
 		<property name="signingAndValidationService" ref="defaultsignerService" />