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Preview The mjpeg-multiplexer is a command line tool which combines one or more MJPEG streams into an output stream.


  • libjpeg-turbo: libjpeg-turbo is a free library with functions for efficient handling of the JPEG image data format.

Installation on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install -y libjpeg-turbo8

Installation on Debian:

$ sudo apt-get install -y libjpeg62-turbo

Building & Installation

  • Prerequisites: go 1.19+

  • Clone repo

  • Change into folder

  • Build with the go toolchain using go build

    $ git clone
    $ cd mitwelten-fs22-imvs30
    $ go build -o "mjpeg_multiplexer" ./src/main.go


This script can be parameterised and has different modes. First argument determines the mode. See help for detailed usage:

$ ./mjpeg_multiplexer --help
  Usage: $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer [grid | panel | carousel] input [URL] output [URL] [options...]
                               <--------- mode --------> <- input -> <- output ->

  The multiplexer combines multiple MJPEG input streams to an output stream.
    grid: static grid of images with X rows and Y columns
    panel: dynamic panel of images. Can be used with activity detection (see --activity)
    carousel: dynamic carousel view, switched between images. Can be used with activity detection (see --activity)
  Input:  comma separated list of urls including port
  Output: output port
    $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer grid input localhost:8080,localhost:8081 output 8088
    $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer panel input :8080,:8081,:8082 output 8088 --panel_cycle --width 800 
    $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer carousel input output 8088 --activity
    --grid_dimension [list]          Comma separated list of 2 numbers of cells in the grid mode, eg. '--grid_dimension "3,2"'
    --activity                       Enables activity detection to focus the most active frame on selected mode
    --panel_cycle                    Enables cycling of the panel layout, see also [--duration] 
    --duration [number]              Duration in seconds before changing the layout (panel and carousel only) [default: 15]
    --width [number]                 Total output width in pixel
    --height [number of number]      Total output height in pixel
    => if only the height or width is specified, the other will be adjusted with regards to the ascpect ratio
    --ignore_aspect_ratio            Stretches the frames instead of adding a letterbox on resize
    --framerate [number]             Limit the output framerate per second
    --quality [number]               Output jpeg quality in percentage [default: 80]
    --use_auth                       Use Authentication
    --show_border                    Enables a border in the grid and panel layout between the images
    --show_label                     Show label for input streams
    --labels [list]                  Comma separated list of alternative label text, eg. '--labels "label 1, label 2"'
    --label_font_size [number]       Input label font size in pixel [default: 32]
    --log_fps                        Logs the current FPS 
    -v --version                     Shows version.
    -h --help                        Shows this screen
  Authentication to connect to mjpeg_streamer streams secured by credentials can be enabled using the [--use_auth] flag. Add the credentials to the 'authentication.json' file. See 'authentication_example.json' as an example.`


  • Grid
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer grid input :8080,:8081,:8082,:8083 output 8088 --grid_dimension 2,2 --width 1280
  • Panel (with --activity and custom labels)
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer panel input :8080,:8081,:8082,:8083 output 8088 --quality 100 --activity --log_fps --show_label --labels "Wild-Cam 1,Wild-Cam 2,Sea-Cam 1,Sea-Cam 2"
  • Carousel (with passthrough for high fps)
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer carousel input :8080,:8081,:8082,:8083,:8084 output 8088
  • Panel (with --panel_cycle and --duration)
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer panel input localhost:8080,localhost:8081,localhost:8082 output 8088 --panel_cycle --duration 60
  • Panel (resize output to width 1080 and adjust height accordingly)
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer panel input localhost:8080,localhost:8081,localhost:8082 output 8088 --width 1080
  • Panel (resize output to width 1080 and height 1920)
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer panel input localhost:8080,localhost:8081,localhost:8082 output 8088 --width 1080 --height 1920
  • Panel (resize output to width 1080 and height 1920, ignore aspect ratio)
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer panel input localhost:8080,localhost:8081,localhost:8082 output 8088 --width 1080 --height 1920 --ignore_aspect_ratio
  • Grid (with default labels and adjusted label font size)
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer grid input :8080,:8081,:8082,:8083 output 8088 --show_label --label_font_size 100
  • Grid (using authentication, adjust the authentication.json file)


        "Url": "",
        "Username": "username",
        "Password": "password"
        "Url": "localhost:8081",
        "Username": "username",
        "Password": "password"
        "Url": "hostname:8082",
        "Username": "username",
        "Password": "password"
  $ ./mjpeg_multiplexer grid input,localhost:8081,hostname:8082 output 8088 --use_auth