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GoRedis is supposed to be a project made up of two parts:

  • a high-performance, stable, and light-weight Redis server
  • a fast, high-performance, and easy-to-use Go client library

Quick Start

  ________      __________           .___.__        
 /  _____/  ____\______   \ ____   __| _/|__| ______
/   \  ___ /  _ \|       _// __ \ / __ | |  |/  ___/
\    \_\  (  <_> )    |   \  ___// /_/ | |  |\___ \ 
 \______  /\____/|____|_  /\___  >____ | |__/____  >
        \/              \/     \/     \/         \/ 


│  ├─bitmap
│  ├─dict
│  ├─list
│  ├─lock
│  ├─set
│  └─sorted_set
│  ├─database
│  ├─redis
│  └─tcp
│  ├─log
│  ├─sync
│  └─util
│  ├─client
│  ├─conn
│  ├─parser
│  ├─protocol
│  └─server

Redis protocol part

The Redis protocol is a binary-safe protocol that is used to communicate with Redis, which is called "RESP", short for "REdis Serialization Protocol".

RESP works on TCP connections.

In RESP, messages use CRLF (\r\n) as a line separator.

Binary-safe means that the protocol is not text-based, you can put any characters in your messages without causing problems.

There are five types of messages in RESP:

  • Simple Strings (S) Not binary safe, CRLF not allowed.
  • Error (E) Simple error message. Not binary safe. CRLFs are not allowed.
  • Integers (I) uint64, as return values from commands like llen, scard, etc.
  • Bulk Strings (B) Binary safe string. Used as return values from commands like get, set, etc.
  • Arrays (A) (Also called Multi-Bulk-Strings) A list of bulk strings.

The RESP protocol uses the first character to indicate the type of the message.

  • "+" for Simple Strings
  • "-" for Error
  • ":" for Integers
  • "$" for Bulk Strings
  • "*" for Arrays

Bulk Strings

A Bulk string is a combination of $ + length and a string as the value.

For example, the following RESP message:


is a bulk string with length 3 and value "SET".


$-1 is used to indicate that the value of the key is nil.


* is used to indicate that the value is an array, containing the number of elements in the array. The elements are separated by CRLF.

Here is an example of an array: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]


And also, the client can send an array of strings to the server:



Notice that the RESP protocol is binary-safe, it allows you to send data like this: *3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$4\r\na\r\nb\r\n$5hello\r\n.

So you cannot simply use ReadBytes('\n') to read the next line, as you may accidentally separate the a\r\nb string into two lines.

You shall instead use io.Readfull(reader, msg) to read a given length slice of bytes. For example:

msg := make([]byte, 6) // abcd/r/n
_, err := io.ReadFull(reader, msg)

So we can build a parser like this:

// Stores Reply or error
type Payload struct{
	Data redis.Reply
	Err error

// read through io.Reader and unmarshal into Payload through channel
func ParseStream ( reader io.Reader) <-chan *Payload {
	ch := make(chan Payload)
	go parseStream(reader, ch)
	return ch

func parseStream(reader io.Reader, ch chan<- *Payload) {
readingMultiLine := false
		expectedArgsCount := 0
		var args [][]byte
		var bulkLen int64
		for {
			line, err = readLine(reader, bulkLen)
			if err != nil {
				ch <- Payload{Err: err} // deal with error
			// We classify the line into two categories:
			// - Single line: Status reply, integer reply, or error reply.
			// - Multi-line: Bulk string reply and array reply.
			if !readingMultiLine {
				if isMultiBulkHeader(line) {
					// Got the first line of a multi-line reply.
					// fetch the expected number of arguments.
					expectedArgsCount = parseMultiBulkHeader(line)
					// wait for the rest of the multi-line reply.
					readingMultiLine = true
				} else if isBulkStringHeader(line) {
					// Got the first line of a bulk string reply.
					// fetch the length of the second line and save it in bulkLen.
					bulkLen = parseBulkStringHeader(line)
					// 1 line in the reply.
					expectedArgsCount = 1
					readingMultiLine = true
				} else {
					// Got a single line reply.
					reply, err := parseReply(line)
					emit(ch, reply, err)
			} else {
				// We are awaiting the rest of the multi bulk reply or bulk string reply.
				// There are two cases when we get a multi bulk reply:
				// A BulkHeader
				if isBulkHeader(Line){
					bulkLen = parseBulkStringHeader(line)
				} else {
					// or a BulkString.
					args = append(args, line)
			// If we have read all the arguments, we can emit the reply.
			if len(args) == expectedArgsCount {
				reply, err := parseReply(args)
				emit(ch, reply, err)
				args = nil
				readingMultiLine = false
				expectedArgsCount = 0
				bulkLen = 0

Thread-safe HashMap

GoRedis works in a multi-threaded way, so it is important to make sure that the hashmap is thread-safe.

A common way to make a hashmap thread-safe is to use sync.Map, but m.dirty will duplicate the into the new m.dirty instance //? // To be implemented.

Licensing and Disclaimers

This project, except for the 3-rd party libraries, is written by @mizumoto-cn. No GPL-like licensed codes are used.

This project is licensed under the Mizumoto General Public License version 1.2, which is a Mozilla Public License version 2.0-based license but with the following restrictions:

By using any part of this project, you are deemed to have full understanding and acceptance of the following terms:

  1. You must conspicuously display, without modification, this License and the notice on each redistributed or derivative copy of the License Covered Work.
  2. Any non-independent developers companies/groups/legal entities or other organizations should ensure that employees are not oppressed or exploited, and that employees can always receive a reasonable salary for their legal working hours.
  3. Any independent or non-independent developers/companies/groups/legal entities or other organizations, shall ensure that it has a clear conscience, including and not limited to opposition to any form of Nazi or Neo-Nazism organization(s).

Otherwise these Individuals / Companies / Groups / Legal-entities will not have the right to copy / modify / redistribute any code / file / algorithm governed by MGPL v1.2.


Redis server written in Go







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