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File metadata and controls

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Further details

Using live points

Live points in nessai are stored in numpy structured arrays. These are array have fields which can be accessed like the values of dictionaries but they can also be indexed. nessai include various functions for constructing live point arrays and also converting these arrays to other common python formats, see mod:nessai.livepoint

Here's an example of constructing a live point:

>>> from nessai.livepoint import parameters_to_live_point
>>> x = parameters_to_live_point([1, 2], ['a', 'b'])
>>> print(x)    # the live point
(1., 2., 0., 0.)
>>> print(x.dtype.names)
('a', 'b', 'logP', 'logL')
>>> print(x['a'])    # the value of parameter 'a'

Importantly the structured arrays used for live points can also contain multiple live points:

>>> from nessai.livepoint import numpy_array_to_live_points
>>> x = np.random.rand(10, 2)    # 10 live points with 2 parameters
>>> print(x)
[[0.72451217 0.1788154 ]
 [0.31549832 0.55898106]
 [0.74000576 0.73103116]
 [0.37362176 0.25791271]
 [0.61056168 0.05940721]
 [0.33988486 0.54106604]
 [0.82653691 0.14523437]
 [0.62390321 0.32606928]
 [0.21743918 0.23915047]
 [0.45478996 0.09699358]]
>>> y = numpy_array_to_live_points(x, ['a', 'b'])    # call the parameters a and b
>>> print(y)
array([(0.72451217, 0.1788154 , 0., 0.), (0.31549832, 0.55898106, 0., 0.),
       (0.74000576, 0.73103116, 0., 0.), (0.37362176, 0.25791271, 0., 0.),
       (0.61056168, 0.05940721, 0., 0.), (0.33988486, 0.54106604, 0., 0.),
       (0.82653691, 0.14523437, 0., 0.), (0.62390321, 0.32606928, 0., 0.),
       (0.21743918, 0.23915047, 0., 0.), (0.45478996, 0.09699358, 0., 0.)],
      dtype=[('a', '<f8'), ('b', '<f8'), ('logP', '<f8'), ('logL', '<f8')])
>>> y['a']    # all the values of a
array([0.72451217, 0.31549832, 0.74000576, 0.37362176, 0.61056168,
       0.33988486, 0.82653691, 0.62390321, 0.21743918, 0.45478996])
>>> y[0]      # the first live point
(0.72451217, 0.1788154, 0., 0.)

Using analytic priors

nessai includes the option for sampling from analytic priors. This should be enabled when the method :py:meth:`nessai.model.Model.new_point` draws directly from the priors. This eliminates the need for additional rejection sampling to ensure new points are correctly distributed.

To use this setting, the user must re-define new_point when defining the model as described in :doc:`running the sampler<running-the-sampler>`. This method must return samples as live points, see :ref:`using live points<Using live points>`. Once the method is redefined, set analytic_priors=True when calling :py:class:`~nessai.flowsampler.FlowSampler`.

Checkpointing and resuming

Both the standard and importance nested samplers support checkpointing and resuming. By default, the samplers periodically checkpoint to pickle file based on the time elapsed since the last checkpoint. This behaviour can be configured via various keyword arguments.


The following options are available in all the sampler classes:

The following options are available when creating an instance of :py:class:`~nessai.flowsampler.FlowSampler`:

Resuming a sampling run

A sampling run can be resumed from either an existing resume file, which is loaded automatically, or by specifying pickled data to resume from. We recommended using the resume files, which are produced automatically, for most applications.

The recommended method for resuming a run is by calling :py:class:`~nessai.flowsampler.FlowSampler` with the same arguments that were originally used to start run; ensuring :python:`resume=True` and :python:`resume_file` matches the name of the .pkl file in the output directory (the default is nested_sampler_resume.pkl).


Depending on how the sampling was interrupted, some progress may be lost and the sampling may resume from an earlier iteration.

Alternatively, you can specify the :python:`resume_data` argument which takes priority over the resume file. This will be passed to the :python:`resume_from_pickled_sampler` of the corresponding sampler class.

Checkpoint callbacks

Checkpoint callbacks allow the user to specify a custom function to use for checkpointing the sampler. This allows, for example, for the sampler to checkpoint an existing file rather.

The checkpoint callback function will be called in the checkpoint method with the class instance as the only argument, i.e. :python:`checkpoint_callback(self)`.

All the sampler classes define custom :py:meth:`~nessai.samplers.base.BaseNestedSampler.__getstate__` methods that are compatible with pickle and can be used to obtain a pickled representation of the state of the sampler. Below is an example of a valid callback

import pickle
filename = "checkpoint.pkl"

def checkpoint_callback(state):
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(state, f)

This could then passed as a keyword argument when running or resuming a sampler via :py:class:`~nessai.flowsampler.FlowSampler`.


The checkpoint callback is not included in the output of :python:`__getstate__` and must be specified when resuming the sampler via :py:class:`~nessai.flowsampler.FlowSampler`.

Detailed explanation of outputs


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