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Normalising flows configuration

nessai uses the implementation of normalising flow available in glasflow which is based on nflows. The exact interface in nessai is slightly different to allow for some extra functionality.

The normalising flow is configured using the the keyword argument flow_config when calling :py:class:`~nessai.flowsampler.FlowSampler`. This is a dictionary which contains the configuration for training and the flow itself which is another dictionary model_config.

The hyper-parameters accepted in model_config are:

  • n_blocks: number transforms to use
  • n_layers: number of layers to use the neural network in each transform
  • n_neurons: number of neurons per layer in the neural network
  • ftype: type of normalising flow to use, see :ref:`included normalising flows<Included normalising flows>`
  • device_tag: device on which to train the normalising flow, defaults to 'cpu'
  • kwargs: keyword arguments parsed to the flow class used, e.g. linear_transform or batch_norm_between_layers

The remaining items in flow_config control the training and these are:

  • lr: the learning rate used to train the model, default is 0.001
  • batch_size: the batch size to use for training
  • val_size: the fraction of data to use for validation
  • max_epochs: the maximum number of epochs to train for
  • patience: the number of iterations with no improvement in the validation loss to wait before stopping training early
  • annealing: enable learning rate annealing
  • clip_grad_norm: clipping used for the gradient
  • noise_scale: scale of the Gaussian noise added to the data. Proposed in Moss 2019.

The default settings are:

default = dict(

Example configuration

Here's an example of what a configuration could look like:

flow_config = dict(

This could then be parsed directly to :py:class:`~nessai.flowsampler.FlowSampler`.

Included normalising flows

nessai includes three different normalising flow out-of-the-box and can be specified using ftype, these are:

  • RealNVP ('realnvp')
  • MaskedAutoregressiveFlows ('maf')
  • Neural Spline Flows ('nsf')

Using other normalising flows

Other normalising flows can be implemented by the user and used with nessai by specifying the flow parameter in the model_config input dictionary as an object that inherits from :py:class:`nessai.flows.base.BaseFlow` and redefines all of the methods. The object will initialised within the sampler using :py:func:`nessai.flows.utils.setup_model` and model_config.

Alternatively flows can implemented using same approach as glasflow.nflows using :py:class:`nessai.flows.base.NFlow` where a transform and distribution are specified. The __init__ method must accept the same arguments as described for :py:class:`~nessai.flows.base.BaseFlow`. For an example of how to use this method see the implementations of either RealNVP or Neural Spline Flows.

Using nflows instead of glasflow

nessai migrated to using glasflow since this removes the dependency on nflows, however it is still possible to use a locally installed version of nflows. glasflow includes a fork of nflows as a submodule and this can be replaced with a local install by setting an environment variable:


nesssai will still import glasflow but glasflow.nflows will point to the local install of nflows.