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mongoose-bread Options

Default Options

This list shows all mongoose-bread default Options followed by a explanation for each

  • defaultPageSize: 10
  • maxPageSize: 100
  • searchableFields: []
  • enableAtlasSearch: false
  • atlasSearchIndex: ''
  • blacklistedFields: []
  • paramsIdKey: 'id'
  • bulkIdsKey: '_ids'
  • bulkDocsKey: '_docs'
  • runUpdateTransaction: false
  • runUpdateValidators: true
  • softDelete: false
  • softDeleteOptions:
    • overrideMethods: true
    • validateBeforeDelete: true
    • indexFields: true
    • deletedAt: true
    • deletedBy: false
    • requestUserIdPath: ''

Inherited from mongoose-paginate-v2 Documentation

  • select: ''
  • projection: {}
  • collation: {}
  • pagination: true
  • allowDiskUse: false
  • forceCountFn: false
  • useCustomCountFn: false 👈 used by mongoose-bread helper for softDelete
  • useEstimatedCount: false
  • lean: false
  • leanWithId: false 👈 override mongoose-paginate-v2 default - was true
  • leanWithout_id: false 👈 additional mongoose-bread option to remove '_id' from lean results
  • customFind: 'find'
  • customLabels:
    • docs: 'docs'
    • meta: 'pagination'
    • limit: 'limit'
    • page: 'page'
    • pagingCounter: 'pagingCounter'
    • hasNextPage: 'hasNextPage'
    • hasPrevPage: 'hasPrevPage'
    • nextPage: 'nextPage'
    • prevPage: 'prevPage'
    • totalDocs: 'totalDocs'
    • totalPages: 'totalPages'
    • acknowledged: 'acknowledged' 👈 additional mongoose-bread label
    • modifiedCount: 'modifiedCount' 👈 additional mongoose-bread label
    • deletedCount: 'deletedCount' 👈 additional mongoose-bread label
    • createdCount: 'createdCount' 👈 additional mongoose-bread label
    • readCount: 'readCount' 👈 additional mongoose-bread label
  • options: DELETED 🚩 NEVER USE THIS leads to infinite loop in mongoose-paginate-v2 helper

mongoose-bread will delete the options property within the helper() methods
and avoids "Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded" Error by doing so


defaultPageSize:Number - default: 10

limits queries to return 10 documents if no value is provided by request.query

maxPageSize:Number - default: 100

limits queries to return a maximum of 100 documents regardless of request.query value

searchableFields:Array<String> - default: []

📢 Disables search functionality if empty Array
Contains the Schema property names to include in search query
in example
searchableFields = ['title', 'description', 'excerpt'] = "best js tutorials"
will search 'title', 'description' and 'excerpt' for best or js or tutorials

enableAtlasSearch:Boolean - default: false

📢 Only suitable for MongoDB Atlas Cluster with $search support
Runs a query with $search operator for fullText Search. Docs
in example
enableAtlasSearch = true
atlasSearchIndex: 'my-fulltext-search-index' <- required
searchableFields = ['title', 'description', 'excerpt'] = "best js tutorials"
will search 'title', 'description' and 'excerpt' for best js tutorials and anything related

atlasSearchIndex:String - default: ''

used in combination with enableAtlasSearch
is required if enableAtlasSearch is set to true
if ommited the search query will resolve in a regularExpression query
specifies the AtlasSearch Index created for fullText Search Docs

blacklistedFields:Array<String> - default: []

creates projection
in example
blacklistedFields = ['name', 'age']
results in: User.find({}, {name: 0, age: 0})

paramsIdKey:String - default: 'id'

expected request.params[key]:ObjectId to identify a single Resource
in example
url send: GET:
recieved by: router.get( books/:id, )
results in: = 6478d57784fabdbf127d0a2a

bulkIdsKey:String - default: '_ids'

expected request.body[key]:Array<ObjectId> for bulk edit() add() destroy() softDelete() rehabilitate()
i.e. request.body: { _ids: ['6478d57784fabdbf127d0a2a', '6478d57784fqwef127d0a2a'] }

bulkDocsKey:String - default: '_docs'

expected request.body[key]:Array<any> for bulk edit() add() destroy() softDelete() rehabilitate()
i.e. request.body: { _docs: [{name: 'newDoc#1'}, {name: 'newDoc#2'}] }

runUpdateTransaction:Boolean - default: false

If you run into the issue of old return values after edit and your db is running a replica set or sharded cluster, try enabling this option. It wraps the update and find calls in their own session and transaction to ensure updates are made before read

runUpdateValidators:Boolean - default: true

enables schema validation on the following mongoose update methods
'findOneAndUpdate', 'updateMany', 'updateOne', 'update'

softDelete:Boolean - default: false

disabled by default
If enabled it adds softDelete methods to Schema and helpers


Is only necessary if softDelete = true

softDeleteOptions.overrideMethods:Boolean - default: true

this value will always be true when softDelete is enabled
find() findOne() count() are strictly necessary to be overridden for mongoose-bread to work properly

softDeleteOptions.validateBeforeDelete:Boolean - default: true

run Schema validators before deletion

softDeleteOptions.indexFields:Boolean - default: true

creates indicies for
and 'deletedAt' (if softDeleteOptions.deletedAt = true)
and 'deletedBy' (if softDeleteOptions.deletedBy = true)

softDeleteOptions.deletedAt:Boolean - default: true

if true adds field 'deletedAt':Date to Schema

softDeleteOptions.deletedBy:Boolean - default: false

if true adds field 'deletedBy':ObjectId to Schema
Must be used in combination with requestUserIdPath to work

softDeleteOptions.requestUserIdPath:String - default: ''

If deletedBy is set to true provide a path to extract the id of a User from the request object
i.e. requestUserIdPath = 'auth.user._id' -> request.auth.user._id
This path must resolve a ObjectId

For options inherited from mongoose-paginate-v2 consult the Documentation

Set Global Options

If you're using VSCode the use of "bread" snippet "global Options" for quick setup of common options is recommended

Snippet "global Options" Output:

/* use in server|main|index.js */

// set global mongoose-bread options
const { mongooseBread } = require("mongoose-bread");
mongooseBread.options = {
  defaultPageSize: 10, // limits queries to return 10 documents - default: 10
  maxPageSize: 100, // limits queries to return 100 documents max - default: 100
  paramsIdKey: "id", // expected to identify a single Resource - default: id
  // i.e.
  // => router.get(books/:id,
  // => = 6478d57784fabdbf127d0a2a

  bulkIdsKey: "_ids", // expected request.body._ids - default: '_ids'
  // Used for bulk edit|add|destroy|softDelete|rehabilitate

  bulkDocsKey: "_docs", // expected request.body._docs with Array<any> - default: _docs
  // Used for bulk|edit|add
  // => request.body: { _docs: [{name: 'newDoc#1'}, {name: 'newDoc#2'}] }

  allowDiskUse: false, // allow MongoDB queries to use more than 100 MB - default: false
  customLabels: {
    // optional - set custom keys for results
    docs: "docs", // default: 'docs'
    meta: "pagination", // default: 'pagination'
    limit: "limit", // default: 'limit'
    page: "page", // default: 'page'
    pagingCounter: "pagingCounter", // default: 'pagingCounter'
    hasNextPage: "hasNextPage", // default: 'hasNextPage'
    hasPrevPage: "hasPrevPage", // default: 'hasPrevPage'
    nextPage: "nextPage", // default: 'nextPage'
    prevPage: "prevPage", // default: 'prevPage'
    totalDocs: "totalDocs", // default: 'totalDocs'
    totalPages: "totalPages", // default: 'totalPages'
    acknowledged: "acknowledged", // default: 'acknowledged'
    modifiedCount: "modifiedCount", // default: 'modifiedCount'
    deletedCount: "deletedCount", // default: 'deletedCount'
    createdCount: "createdCount", // default: 'createdCount'
    readCount: "readCount", // default: 'readCount'

Set Schema Options

If you're using VSCode the use of "bread" snippets "Model" or "softDelete Model" for quick setup of common options is recommended

Snippet "Model" Output:

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const bread = require("mongoose-bread");

const resourceSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    name: String,
    timestamps: true,

resourceSchema.plugin(bread, {
  /* lean gets query results as plain js objects - can improve query speed  */
  // lean: false, // default: false
  // leanWithId: false, // default: false
  // leanWithout_id: false, // default: false

  /* if searchableFields is ommited search will be disabled for resource */
  searchableFields: ["name"],

  /* exclude blacklistedFields from all query results */
  blacklistedFields: ["__v", "createdAt", "updatedAt"],

module.exports = mongoose.model("resource", resourceSchema);

Snippet "softDelete Model" Output:

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const bread = require("mongoose-bread");

const resourceSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    name: String,
    timestamps: true,

resourceSchema.plugin(bread, {
  /* lean gets query results as plain js objects - can improve query speed  */
  // lean: false, // default: false
  // leanWithId: false, // default: false
  // leanWithout_id: false, // default: false

  /* if searchableFields is ommited search will be disabled for resource */
  searchableFields: ["name"],

  /* exclude blacklistedFields from all query results */
  blacklistedFields: [

  /* enables softDelete */
  softDelete: true,
  softDeleteOptions: {
    deletedAt: true, // default: true
    deletedBy: true, // default: false
    requestUserIdPath: "", // default: ''

module.exports = mongoose.model("resource", resourceSchema);

Reserved Options

These are internally used Options. These will be set by the Resource.helper() methods.
They can be overridden after a call to a helper method to force specific values.

  • customCount
  • query
  • offset
  • page
  • limit
  • sort
  • select
  • projection
  • collation
  • populate



used for SoftDelete


contains the MongoDB query
heavily used by helper() methods


"page" is the mongoose-bread way to to select a subset of documents.
"offset" takes precedence over "page" so it is available for hard overrides if needed.
Use offset or page exclusively


mongoose-bread intended way to to select a subset of documents.
if not set "page" will default to 1


if not set limit will be set to "defaultPageSize" by mongoose-bread helper() and is limited to a maximum value of options.maxPageSize


Determines sorting of a collection
i.e. "sort"='-name _id' sorts results descending by name then ascending by _id
sort as object: "sort"={ name: -1, _id: 1 }


the fields to in- or exclude from resulting documents

📢 if the "blacklistedFields" is set "select" only allows excluding of fields

To exclude fields preceed their names with "-"
"select"='-balance -creditscore' will exclude "balance" and "creditscore" from queried documents
It is recommended to define only exclusion of fields


see: Projection Documentation
used by "blacklistedFields" option to exclude fields from documents


see: Collation Documentation
Used for aggregations, which mongoose-bread is not build around
mongoose-bread may behave unexpected when "collation" is set


see: Populate Documentation

String 'bestFriend' populates
User.schema.bestFriend{ type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User' }

String 'friends.friend' populates collection
User.schema.friends[{ friend:{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User' }}]

Array<String> ['bestFriend', 'friends.friend'] populates both

Object {path: 'bestFriend'} populates
User.schema.bestFriend{ type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User' }

Object {path: 'friends.friend'} populates collection
User.schema.friends[{friend:{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User'}}]

Array<Object> [{path: 'bestFriend'}, {path: 'friends.friend'}] populates both



mongoose-bread will delete the options property within the helper() methods because it leads to infinite loop in mongoose‑paginate‑v2 pagination helper and by doings so avoids "Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded" Error

inherited from mongoose-paginate-v2 - kept for documenting its strange behavior

see: mongoose-paginate-v2 Documentation

Advanced Options

Sets read preferences for MongoDB
Below are some references to understand more about preferences,


Determines the MongoDB nodes from which to read




optional Array of tags for the query
example from documentation: [{ dc:'sf', s: 1 },{ dc:'ma', s: 2 }]