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Description of implemented models


Some generation models are already implemented within chronix2grid as examples for other model implementation. This chapter describes the methods they include and how to set their configuration

General inputs

In params.json there are some settings concerning the whole generation process

  • dt the time resolution of the final chronics that will be modeled.
  • planned_std standard deviation of noise for the forecasted chronics (e.g. load_p_forecasted.csv.bz2 which correspond to non-exact planned chronics.

Pattern-based methods with spatio-temporal correlated noise

Generation of correlated noise

In load, solar and wind current modelling, some spatial and temporal correlated noises are generated. These functions are written f_t^\text{category}(x,y), category being the model category (solar, short medium or long term for wind, temperature for load). They are based on:

  • A coarse 3-dimensional mesh (x,y,t) with independent noise
  • The spatial and temporal interpolation of this noise at the specific location of generators and specific moments of time

In params_res.json and params_load.json you can find all the required parameter for this correlated noise generation, which can be set separately between load and renewable production generation:

  • Lx, Ly the total length of the mesh
  • dx_corr, dy_corr the granularity of the coarse mesh. it represents the distance at which we consider that spatial phenomenons are independent
  • solar_corr, short_wind_corr, medium_wind_corr, long_wind_corr and temperature_corr which define the coarse time resolution for each type of noise

Spatial correlation

For each coarse time step t, a 2-dimensional coarse mesh is built. At each node (x,y,t) an independent random gaussian noise N(0,1) is computed

Then a spatial interpolation is made at the specific location (x,y) of the generator, weighted by the distance ot its nearest neighbour in the mesh


Temporal correlation

Then a temporal auto-correlation structure is achieved. For each category, we go from resolution [category]_corr (at which noises have been generated independently in time) to resolution dt thanks to spline interpolation

Solar generation

For solar generation, some additional parameters are provided:

  • A yearly smooth solar pattern file at .npy format. It will be marked as pattern_t and it doesn't depend on x and y
  • In params_res.json:
    • solar_corr - resolution of temporal autocorrelation in noise (see :ref:`correlated-noise`)
    • std_solar_noise - standard deviation of the spatial and temporal correlated noise. It will be marked as \sigma
    • smooth_dist - standard deviation of additional centered gaussian noise (will be normalized by Pmax). It will be marked as s

For each solar generator located at x, y and with max power generation of P_\text{max}

prod_t(x,y) = P_\text{max} * smooth(pattern_t * (0.75+\sigma f_t^\text{solar}(x,y)) + n_s(x,y,t,P_\text{max}))

Where :

  • f_t^\text{solar}(x,y) is the solar correlated noise (see section :ref:`correlated-noise`)
  • smooth is a smoothing function. We currently use smooth(x) = 1 - exp(-x). It has the property to normalize data between 0 and 1, but also to operate a convex transformation of the distribution which better fits realistic data.
  • n_s(x,y,t,P_\text{max}) is an independent additional noise following distribution N(0,s/P_\text{max})
  • 0.75 is the bias of the spatially and temporally correlated noise.

In other words, the yearly temporal pattern is multiplied by a biased noise function which defines the spatial and temporal correlation structures of solar generators. It implies by the way that zero production timesteps remain zero. Then a centered and independent gaussian noise is added to each generator. This quantity is smoothed and scaled in interval [0,1]. Finally, this normal production is rescaled to P_\text{max}

Solar year example

Example of generated solar chronic across year 2012. Pmax of the solar farm is 37.3 MW. solar_\text{corr} = 20 minutes - smooth_\text{dist} = 0.001 - \sigma = 0.4

Solar week example

Focus on one week in summer

Wind generation

The wind normal seasonal pattern relies on a simple cosine which oscillation period is one full year. Its constant component has a part of 70% and the oscillating component accounts for 30%. It is at its highest value during December and its lowest value during June. It is simulated as follows:

pattern_t = 0.7 + 0.3 cos({2\pi(t-\delta t) \over 365*24*60})
  • t is the cumulated simulation time in minutes
  • \delta t is the time delta in minutes between our first simulation time step and the 02/12/2017

For wind generation, some additional parameters are provided. Note that wind correlated noise structure is achieved with 3 components corresponding to short, medium and long time scales. It is in params_res.json:

  • short_wind_corr, medium_wind_corr and long_wind_corr - resolutions of temporal auto-correlations in noises (see :ref:`correlated-noise`). The higher the time scale the longest is the dependency in the auto-correlation structure
  • std_short_wind_noise, std_medium_wind_noise and std_long_wind_noise - standard deviation of the spatial and temporal correlated noise. It will be marked as \sigma_\text{category}
  • smooth_dist - standard deviation of additional centered gaussian noise (will be normalized by Pmax). It will be marked as s

Finally, for a given generator located at coordinates (x,y), the shape of the simulated chronics follow the equation:

prod_t(x,y) = P_\text{max} smooth(0.1 * exp(4 * pattern_t * (0.3 + \sigma_\text{medium_wind} f_t^\text{medium_wind}(x,y)
+ \sigma_\text{long_wind} f_t^\text{long_wind}(x,y)
+ \sigma_\text{short_wind} f_t^\text{short_wind}(x,y)
+ n_s(x,y,t,P_\text{max}))


  • f_t^\text{wind_category}(x,y) are the wind correlated noises (see section :ref:`correlated-noise`)
  • smooth is a smoothing function. We currently use smooth(x) = 1 - exp(-x). It has the property to normalize data between 0 and 1, but also to operate a convex transformation of the distribution which better fits realistic data.
  • n_s(x,y,t,P_\text{max}) is an independent additional noise following distribution N(0,s/P_\text{max})
Wind year example

Example of generated wind chronic across year 2012. Pmax of the wind farm is 67.2 MW. wind_\text{corr} = 300 min, 1440 min, 20160 min - smooth_\text{dist} = 0.001 - \sigma = 0.02, 0.15, 0.15

Wind week example

Focus on one week in fall

Load generation

For load generation, parameters are similar to solar generation

  • A weekly consumption pattern file at .csv format. It will be marked as weeklypattern_t and it doesn't depend on x and y
  • In params_load.json:
    • temperature_corr - resolution of temporal auto-correlation in noise (see :ref:`correlated-noise`)
    • std_temperature_noise - standard deviation of the spatial and temporal correlated noise. It will be marked as \sigma

Additionally to the weekly pattern, a seasonal pattern is modeled with a cosine which oscillation period is one full year. Its constant component has a part of 5.5/7 and the oscillating component accounts for 1.5/7. It is at its highest value during December and its lowest value during June. It is simulated as follows:

seasonalpattern_t = {5.5 \over 7} + {1.5 \over 7} * cos({2\pi(t-\delta t) \over 365*24*60})
  • t is the cumulated simulation time in minutes
  • \delta t is the time delta in minutes between our first simulation time step and the 02/12 of the year before simulation

Finally, for each load site located at x, y and with max power consumption of P_\text{max}

load_t(x,y) = P_\text{max} * weeklypattern_t * (\sigma * f_t^\text{temperature}(x,y) + seasonalpattern_t)

Where f_t^\text{temperature}(x,y) is the temperature correlated noise (see section :ref:`correlated-noise`)

Load year example

Example of generated load chronic across year 2012 in region R3. Pmax of the load is 77.1 MW. temperature_\text{corr} = 400 min - \sigma = 0.06

Load week example

Focus on one week in winter

Loss generation

A simple module is actually implemented. It reads a csv containing a yearly loss pattern chronic (5 min time step in the example provided), given as an absolute power value in MW. Two inputs are necessary, with example provided in getting_started/example/input:

  • A csv file containing the yearly loss pattern in patterns/loss_pattern.csv
  • A json parameter file that indicates the path to loss pattern in case118_l2rpn_wcci/generation/params_loss.json

Methods based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)

Realistic chronics can be generated thanks to GAN trained on a wide chronics history.

It has been implemented for solar and wind generation in Chronix2Grid via an optional backend :class:`chronix2grid.generation.renewable.RenewableBackend.RenewableBackendGAN`

RenewableBackendGAN handles previously trained neural networks that rely on tensorflow. These networks can be trained apart from chronix2grid with the source code on a public github repository that reproduces the results of a research paper. You will also have to serialize them thanks to tensorflow.train.Saver objects (see this tutorial)


A json parameters and some tensorflow models are required. An example is available in input_data/generation/case118_l2rpn_neurips_1x_GAN. Inputs should be provided in the following structure:

  • neural_network/
    • paramsGAN.json
    • solar/
      • name_solar_model.meta
      • name_solar_model.index
      • checkpoint
    • wind/
      • name_wind_model.meta
      • name_wind_model.index
      • checkpoint

File paramsGAN.json enables to indicate the shape of inputs in the underlying model used in training.

Each has a suffix (_wind or _solar) corresponding to the 2 separated networks.

  • model_name
  • batch_size, n_gens, n_timestep - The 3 dimensions of each training batch - batch_size x number of generators in training - number of modeled consecutive timesteps
  • n_events - number of events labels used in training
  • dim_inputs, mu, sigma - size of gaussian input vector, mean and standard deviation

Generation process

According to the Chronixgrid chosen time horizon, the backend reads the trains networks and generates as many independent prediction batches as necessary. To perform this, it generates as many random inputs (gaussian noise and event labels). Then it picks as many generators chronics as needed in the grid. An error is returned if there is not enough generators returned by the network.

solar 1 week

Generated solar production - 1-week example on one generator

wind 1 week

Generated wind production - 1-week example on one generator


The current trained network have been taken directly with the configuration of the paper with no additional tuning.

That implies in particular that GAN generation is only compatible with 2 hour time steps

The 2-days batch imply that no seasonality across year is taken into account. It could be the case by changing the training tuning in two possible ways

  • Growing the size of timesteps in one batch
  • Using event labels to model apropriate seasons

Economic dispatch generation (hydro, nuclear and thermic generators)

In the economic dispatch step, an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is computed on the grid. Standard inputs for the dispatch step are the following:

  • In patterns/hydro_french.csv: a hydro guide curve pattern that represents the seasonality of the minimum and maximum hydraulic stocks
  • In case/params_opf.json
    • step_opf_min - time resolution of the OPF in minutes. It can be 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or multiples of 60 and has to be superior or equal to dt (generation time resolution). In case it is strictly above, interpolation is done after dispatch resolution
    • mode_opf - frequency at which we wan't to solve the OPF
    • dispatch_by_carrier - if True, dispatch results will be returned for the whole carrier. If False, it will be returned by generator
    • ramp_mode is essentially designed for debug purpose: when your OPF diverges, you may want to relax some constraints to know the reasons why the problem is unfeasible or leads to divergence
      • If hard, all the ramp constraints will be taken into account.
      • If medium, thermal ramp-constraints are skipped
      • If easy, thermal and hydro ramp-constraints are skipped
      • If none, thermal, hydro and nuclear ramp-constraints are skipped
    • reactive_comp - Factor applied to consumption to compensate reactive part not modelled by linear opf
    • pyomo - whether pypsa should use pyomo or not (boolean)
    • solver_name - name of solver, that you should have installed in your environment and added in your environment variables.
    • losses_pct - if D mode is deactivate, losses are estimated as a percentage of load.
    • hydro_ramp_reduction_factor - optional factor which will divide max ramp up and down to all hydro generators
    • slack_p_max_reduction - before dispatch, reduce Pmax of slack generator temporary to anticipate loss correction that will be a posteriori
    • slack_ramp_max_reduction - before dispatch, reduce ramp max (up and down) of slack generator temporary to anticipate loss correction that will be a posteriori
    • **renewable_in_opf - True if you want to consider the renewable as part of the opf dipstach and be able to curtail the input renewable time-series

The object :class:`chronix2grid.generation.dispatch.EconomicDispatch:Dispatch` is an abstract class that facilitates the configuration. It is agnostic to the technology used for dispatch computation, so some methods have to be implemented in inheriting classes. We currently enable to solve a simplified OPF that minimizes costs with respect towards the following constraints:

  • Match the net load - i.e. load minus solar and wind prod plus total loss
  • Features of each generator: Pmin, Pmax, Ramps up and down (min et max)
  • Hydro production should not go out of the hydro pattern guide curves

An inheriting class :class:`PypsaDispatchBackend.PypsaEconomicDispatch.PypsaDispatcher` has been implemented to perform OPF thanks to PyPSA package. Don't forget to install pypsa manually to be able to run it.

Correction a posterori with simulated loss

After computing the solution of the dispatch, it is possible to use a simulator of the grid to compute realistic loss a posteriori, on the basis og these chronics. We use grid2op to achieve this simulation.

It is optional and set in case/params_opf.json

  • loss_grid2op_simulation - boolean to specify if we wan't to compute the simulation. If not provided, the user is warned that we assume it is False.
  • idxSlack and genSlack - id and name of the slack generator, on which the loss will be deduced from the production by convention
  • early_stopping_mode - after the simulation, the modification of the slack generator production can lead to violation of one or several constraints on this generator (Pmax, Pmin, max and min ramp-up, max and min ramp_down). If early_stopping_mode is true, an error is returned and the generation is aborted. If false, a warning that quantifies the violation is returned.
  • agent_type - represents the type of grid2op agent. Can be reco for RecoPowerLineAgent or do-nothing for DoNothingAgent. Currently, there is only the DoNothingAgent handled

At the end of this step, the files prod_p.csv.bz2 prod_p_forecasted.csv.bz2 are edited to modify the slack generator production chronic.


If no loss_grid2op_simulation is provided, chronix2grid follows considering it is False