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Manual Well Correlation

Matt B edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 13 revisions

Well Correlation is one of the basic ways that geologist interpret well data. Knowing what layers of rock are connected helps with the understanding of ground water flow, mining, oil and gas development, CO2 storage, and geothermal prospecting.

If we can look at an outcrop, it is much easier to trace out how one layer of rock is correlated across the face. Most of the information is there to be seen. Photo-interpretation-of-the-Canyon-Creek-outcrops-in-Pipeline-Canyon-Moderate-channel.png
Great examples from Lopez and Steel, 2015.

Unfortunately, in most cases the rocks we are interested in are in the ground. Seismic can help us get a picture of what is there, but in many cases the only data are collected from well bores based on the geologic clues at the surface. We only get a slight glimpse of what might be there from the logging tools that collect within the well bores, like well log suites.

The "art" of well log correlation: practical tips and other musings

AAPG Wiki: Cross sections
AAPG Wiki: Depth and Thickness Conversion
AAPG Wiki: Wireline log calibration and correlation

Geophysical Well Correlation Google Search
Wireline Well Correlation Google Search

Videos of software and methods:
gptsoft example:
dug technology example:
opendTect example:

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