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690 lines (478 loc) · 54.3 KB

File metadata and controls

690 lines (478 loc) · 54.3 KB

NAIR Current Development Version

Breaking Changes

  • buildRepSeqNetwork() now removes data rows with NA count values (with a warning) prior to network building when count data is specified via the count_cols parameter. This is a reversion to behavior that existed prior to the initial release version 1.0.0.

New Features

  • New internal cpp function to compute graph adjacency matrix using pattern-based algorithm developed by Daniil Matveev (implemented for metrics Hamming, Levenshtein and cutoffs 0, 1, 2).
  • generateAdjacencyMatrix() and generateNetworkObjects() have new parameter method used to specify the algorithm. Accepts value "pattern" to call the new routine for the pattern-based algorithm.
  • buildRepSeqNetwork() has new parameter net_build_method used to specify the algorithm.
  • Speed improvements:
    • Default algorithms for computing graph adjacency matrices
    • Computation of cluster properties
    • Argument check for function parameters that accept an adjacency matrix

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

  • filterInputData() parameter count_col is no longer deprecated; when provided, data rows with NA count values are removed with a warning.

NAIR 1.0.4

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Updated tests for compatibility with changes to guides in ggplot2 (thanks to Teun van den Brand and the ggplot2 development team for contributing the updates)
  • Saving network output using output_type = "individual" now also saves the entire network list as an RData file (.rda).

NAIR 1.0.3

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Removed a package test that checked for particular numbers of clusters resulting from specific applications of clustering algorithms from the igraph package. The test no longer passes with igraph version 1.6.0. Rather than update the test to pass, it has been removed to avoid future occurrences of this issue.

NAIR 1.0.2

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in levDistBounded() that causes undefined behavior when either string is empty after removing the common prefix and suffix. This bug does not appear to affect the returned value.
  • levDistBounded.cpp and hamDistBounded.cpp now use the string.h header instead of strings.h

NAIR 1.0.1

Breaking Changes

  • getClusterStats() now requires the cluster ID column to be specified and present in the provided node metadata; it will no longer compute cluster membership since it does not return the node metadata (so any membership values computed are lost).
  • addClusterMembership() now accepts and returns the list of network objects instead of accepting and returning the node metadata with the igraph as an additional input. The first parameter data has been deprecated and moved in position, with the second parameter net becoming the first parameter and accepting the list of network objects instead of just the igraph. The function still also supports the old usage (for now), as long as net and data are specified by name (or the updated argument positions are used). See section "Unified Primary Argument Across Functions" for context.
  • Functions no longer save output to file by default. The user must provide a directory/file path to the appropriate parameter for output to be saved.
  • All instances of "individual" as a default value for output_type have been changed to "rds". "rds" is the preferred default since it reduces file size/clutter and the list of network objects can be restored intact (the list is the primary input/output of core NAIR functions) under any name desired. "rda" should be used if the file will be transferred across machines (the list will be restored under the name net), and "individual" should be used when the output is to be accessed from outside of R.
  • output_type = "individual" now writes the row names of the node metadata to the first column of the csv file. These contain the original row IDs from the input data.
  • Default value of output_type in findAssociatedClones() and input_type in buildAssociatedClusterNetwork() changed from "csv" to "rds", since these files are intermediate outputs and typically there should be no need to access them from outside of R or from another machine.
  • buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative() default value of output_type changed from "rda" to "rds".

New Features

This section covers general new features. Other new features are grouped by subject in the following few sections.

  • buildRepSeqNetwork() now has the convenient alias buildNet().
  • The list returned by buildRepSeqNetwork() now contains an element details with network metadata such as the argument values used in the function call.
  • Plots with nodes colored according to a continuous variable will now have their legends displayed using a color bar instead of discrete legend values, unless that variable is also used to size the nodes.
  • In most cases where an invalid value is supplied to a function argument for which a meaningful default exists, instead of raising an error, the argument's value is replaced by the default value and a warning is raised.

Unified Primary Argument Across Functions

Several changes and additions have been made in favor of using the list of network objects returned by buildRepSeqNetwork() as a unified primary input and output across the core NAIR functions. Adopting this convention offers several benefits: It greatly simplifies usage, since users no longer need to know which components of the list to input to which function (or what each function returns); it eliminates the task of manually updating the list of network objects; it results in the core functions working with the pipe operator; and most importantly, it improves functionality within and between functions, since functions can read and modify anything in the network list. For instance, addPlots() can use the coordinate layout of any existing plots to ensure a consistent layout across plots (which is no longer guaranteed otherwise), while addClusterStats() can add cluster membership values to the node metadata and record in details that the cluster properties correspond to these membership values (and not the values from a different instance of clustering using a different algorithm).

The following changes encompass the move toward using the network list as a primary input/output:

  • addClusterMembership() parameters and return value have changed. See the Breaking Changes section for details.
  • addPlots() added as the preferred alternative to generateNetworkGraphPlots() and plotNetworkGraph()
  • addClusterStats() added as the preferred alternative to getClusterStats()
  • addNodeStats() added as the preferred alternative to addNodeNetworkStats()
  • labelClusters() added as the preferred alternative to addClusterLabels()
  • labelNodes() added as the preferred alternative to addGraphLabels()

See the new "Supplementary Functions" vignette for examples.

Multiple Instances of Clustering

The following changes and additions have been made to facilitate multiple instances of clustering on the same network using different clustering algorithms. See the new "Cluster Analysis" vignette for examples.

  • All functions that can perform clustering now have a parameter cluster_id_name that can be used to specify a custom name for the cluster membership variable added to the node metadata.
  • Each time a new cluster membership variable is added to the node metadata, information is added to details recording the clustering algorithm used and the name of the corresponding cluster membership variable.
  • When cluster properties are computed with addClusterStats(), information is added to details recording the cluster membership variable corresponding to the cluster properties.
  • labelClusters() and addClusterLabels() now check details to confirm that the cluster properties match the specified cluster membership variable before using the node counts in the cluster properties.
  • labelClusters() and addClusterLabels() can now be used without cluster properties; node count is computed from the cluster membership values.
  • labelClusters() can be used to label multiple plots at once.
  • addClusterMembership(), addClusterStats() and addNodeStats() now allow custom argument values for optional parameters of the clustering algorithm through the ellipses (...) argument.

It may also be of interest in the future to add functionality allowing the network list to contain multiple sets of cluster properties corresponding to different instances of clustering.

Plots and Graph Layout

Plotting functions no longer fix the random seed when generating the coordinate layout for a plot. In order to facilitate a consistent layout across multiple plots of the same network graph, the following changes have been made.

  • Multiple plots produced in the same call to buildRepSeqNetwork(), addPlots() and generateNetworkGraphPlots() will all use a common layout.
  • Plot lists created by buildRepSeqNetwork(), addPlots() and generateNetworkGraphPlots() now include a matrix graph_layout containing the layout used in the plots.
  • addPlots() will automatically use the graph_layout mentioned above to ensure that new plots use the same layout as existing plots.
  • If the network list already contains plots but graph_layout is absent, addPlots() will extract the layout from the first plot and use it for the new plots.
  • generateNetworkGraphPlots() has a new parameter layout that can be used to specify the layout. Can be used to generate new plots with the same layout as existing plots (though addPlots() is easier). Can also be used to generate plots with custom layout types other than the default layout created using igraph::layout_components().
  • saveNetworkPlots() has a new parameter outfile_layout that can be used to save the graph layout.
  • saveNetwork() automatically saves the graph layout when output_type = "individual".

Essentially, generating new plots with addPlots() will ensure a consistent layout with the initial plots. Fixing a random seed before calling buildRepSeqNetwork() (or before the first call to addPlots(), if buildRepSeqNetwork() is called with plots = FALSE) allows the same layout to be reproduced across multiple executions of the same code in which the initial plots are generated.

Improved File Input Functionality

  • Most instances of the file_list argument now accept a list containing connections and file paths instead of only a character vector of file paths. This allows a greater variety of data sources to be used.
  • A greater variety of input data formats are now supported. Instances of the input_type parameter that accept text formats have a new parameter read.args that accepts a named list of optional arguments to read.table() and its variants read.csv(), etc. Dedicated arguments for header and sep still exist apart from read.args for backwards compatibility, but their defaults now match input_type (e.g., sep defaults to "," for input_type = "csv" and to "" for input_type = "table").
  • input_type = "tsv" now reads files using read.delim() instead of read.table().
  • Most instances of the input_type argument now also support the value "csv2" for reading files using read.csv2().

Lifecycle Changes

  • Version 1.0.1 is the first major release of the NAIR package. Going forward, release version numbers will follow the format <major>.<minor>.<patch>, and in-development versions will follow the format <major>.<minor>.<patch>.<dev>.
  • plotNetworkGraph() deprecated in favor of addPlots().
  • filterInputData() argument count_col deprecated. Rows with NA counts are no longer dropped.
  • getClusterFun() argument cluster_fun deprecated (see Breaking Changes)
  • addNodeNetworkStats() deprecated in favor of addNodeStats() (see section "Unified Primary Argument Across Functions")
  • addClusterMembership() argument data deprecated (see section "Unified Primary Argument Across Functions")
  • addClusterMembership() argument fun deprecated in favor of cluster_fun for consistency with other functions.
  • sparseAdjacencyMatFromSeqs() argument max_dist deprecated in favor of dist_cutoff for consistency with other functions.
  • saveNetwork() argument output_filename deprecated in favor of output_name for consistency with other functions.
  • sparseAdjacencyMatFromSeqs() deprecated in favor of its better-named twin generateAdjacencyMatrix().
  • generateNetworkFromAdjacencyMat() deprecated in favor of its better-named twin generateNetworkGraph().

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

  • output_type = "individual" now also saves the list of plots (if present) to an RDS file. This prevents the ggraph objects containing the plots from being lost, in case the user wishes to modify these plots in the future.
  • All instances of the output_name parameter now automatically replace potentially unsafe characters with underscores and removes any leading or trailing non-alphanumeric characters. Safe characters include alphanumeric characters, underscores and hyphens.
  • Package functions no longer print messages to the console by default. Functions now have a verbose argument which can be set to TRUE to enable printing of console messages. For logging purposes, these messages are now generated using message() rather than cat(), and so send their output to std.err() rather than std.out().
  • buildRepSeqNetwork(), addPlots() and generateNetworkGraphPlots() now have print_plots set to FALSE by default (plots are no longer printed to the R plotting window unless manually specified).
  • buildAssociatedClusterNetwork() now removes duplicate observations after loading the data from all neighborhoods. When multiple associated sequences are similar, the same clone from a given sample can belong to multiple neighborhoods. Previously, this occurrence resulted in the same clone appearing multiple times in the global network.
  • simulateToyData() argument seed_value removed. Users can set a seed prior to calling the function if desired.
  • generateNetworkGraphPlots() now handles the case where color_nodes_by contains duplicate values by removing the duplicate values with a warning. If color_scheme is a vector, the corresponding entries of color_scheme are also removed. Previously, this case resulted in a list of plots containing two elements with the same name.
  • When generateNetworkGraphPlots() is called with a non-numeric variable specified for size_nodes_by, the function now defaults to fixed node sizes with a warning.
  • addClusterStats() and buildRepSeqNetwork(cluster_stats = TRUE) now call sum() and max() with na.rm = TRUE when computing abundance-based properties. This change reflects the fact that buildRepSeqNetwork() no longer drops input data rows with NA and NaN values in the count column.
  • combineSamples() and loadDataFromFileList() now preserve the original row IDs of each input file, which are prepended in the combined data by sample IDs (if available) or the file number based on the order in file_list.

NAIR 0.0.9044

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the following functions:
    • installPythonModules()
    • kmeansAtchley()
    • adjacencyMatAtchleyFromSeqs()
    • encodeTCRSeqsByAtchleyFactor()
  • The dist_type argument of various package functions no longer accepts the value "euclidean_on_atchley".

New Features

  • Unit tests added for hamDistBounded(), levDistBounded(), sparseAdjacencyMatFromSeqs(), and low-level argument checks.
  • Argument checks have been expanded to encompass most user-facing package functions.
  • In all functions where it appears, the dist_type argument now accepts abbreviations of both "hamming" and "levenshtein", such as "ham", "lev", "h" and "l".
  • The fun argument of addClusterMembership() is now passed to before being called. This change affects the cluster_fun argument of higher-level functions, allowing users to specify clustering algorithms using the syntax, e.g., cluster_fun = "cluster_walktrap" in addition to the previously-accepted cluster_fun = cluster_walktrap.

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

  • The internal C++ functions that compute network adjacency matrices no longer write temporary files to the current working directory, instead writing them to the temporary directory of the current R session.
  • findAssociatedClones() now cleans up after itself, removing temporary files and directories it creates within the temporary directory while performing its tasks.

Lifecycle Changes

  • A lifecycle stage of Experimental has been added for the package.
  • The functions and arguments within the package that were previously deprecated now have their signaling and warnings handled through lifecycle package functions.

Documentation Changes

  • The vignettes Searching for Associated TCR/BCR Clusters, Searching for Public TCR/BCR Clusters and Network Visualization have been removed from the package and now exist as articles on the package's website. This was done to reduce the size of the installed package.
  • URLs in documentation files and vignettes have been curated to conform with CRAN's policies. Specifically, any URL that redirected to another URL has been replaced by the target of the redirection. Links to package CRAN pages are now in canonical form.
  • All function reference files now run their examples when the package is built or checked. Some examples have been expanded.
  • Examples and vignette code now remove files and directories created in the temporary directory for the current R session.
  • Added a documentation file for the package itself (NAIR-package).
  • All function reference files now have a Value section, including functions that do not return a value.
  • The package Readme file now includes a badge for the package lifecycle

Backend Package Changes

  • Added R minimum version requirement 3.1.0 to Depends field of DESCRIPTION, since version 3.0.2 or greater is needed to require specific minimum versions of RcppArmadillo and Rcpp in the LinkingTo field (requiring 3.1.0 since CRAN advises against requiring R versions that don't have 0 as the third value).
  • Reintroduced compile flags for OpenMP support to Makevars (this change only applies to MacOS and Linux, as these compile flags were never removed from
  • Added the lifecycle package to Imports, imported the deprecated() function and copied lifecycle badge images into the package files. Functions and their arguments can now be assigned lifecycle stages and badges can be used in package documentation files.
  • Removed the reticulate package from Imports and removed the associated scaffolding throughout the package that was set up for integration with python scripts.

NAIR 0.0.9043


  • Function names in vignettes have been reformatted so that when pkgdown builds the package webpage articles from the vignettes, function names will link to the webpages with their documentation files.


  • Package README file updated


  • Custom index added for the reference topics. Topics are now organized into named sections, dramatically improving the ability to find particular topics or functions of interest.


  • packageStartupMessage() added to .onAttach(): When loaded, the package will provide a welcome message with instructions for getting started.

NAIR 0.0.9042

Package Functions

  • findAssociatedClones
    • The variable SampleID created in the output data is now forced to be of type character. Previously, values from the argument sample_ids were sometimes unintentionally converted from character to numeric, such as the default values in sample_ids, which were "1", "2", etc. This was causing these variables to be treated as continuous variables when used to color nodes in the network graph plot, which resulted in their color scales being depicted in the wrong format in the plot legend.
    • The sample_ids argument is now coerced to a character vector. This prevents an error when saving the output that occurred when sample_ids used numeric values.
    • Default value of sample_ids now has entries "Sample1", "Sample2", etc., instead of "1", "2", etc.
  • findPublicClusters
    • The variables SampleID, SubjectID and GroupID created in the output data are now forced to be of type character. Previously, values from the arguments sample_ids, subject_ids and group_ids were sometimes unintentionally converted from character to numeric, such as the default values in sample_ids, which were "1", "2", etc. This was causing these variables to be treated as continuous variables when used to color nodes in the network graph plot, which resulted in their color scales being depicted in the wrong format in the plot legend.
    • The sample_ids argument is now coerced to a character vector. This prevents an error when saving the output that occurred when sample_ids used numeric values (which was the previous default!).
    • Default value of sample_ids now has entries "Sample1", "Sample2", etc., instead of 1, 2, etc.
  • buildPublicClusterNetwork
    • Argument plot_title added with default value "Global Network of Public Clusters". Previously this argument was passed to buildRepSeqNetwork through the ellipses ... argument, and thus used a default value of "auto", which resulted in the default plot title being the value of the output_name argument, which is "PublicClusterNetwork" by default.
  • plotNetworkGraph
    • Added arguments pdf_width and pdf_height for adjusting the dimensions of the pdf when saving this function's output directly using the outfile argument. Other package functions use saveNetworkPlots for saving plots created using plotNetworkGraph, so the absence of these arguments in the plotNetworkGraph function had gone unnoticed previously. But since the function has an option to save the output directly to pdf using the outfile argument, it is only appropriate to also provide control over the pdf dimensions.
  • kmeansAtchley
    • Default values for amino_col and sample_col arguments removed as the previous defaults are no longer useful. They were originally designed based on a previous version of the associated clusters workflow.
    • Default filenames for the pdfs of the heatmaps have been changed to "atchley_kmeans_TCR_fraction_per_cluster.pdf" and "atchley_kmeans_correlation_heatmap.pdf". The previous values "atchley_kmeans_cluster_relative_size_profiles_by_sample.pdf" and "atchley_kmeans_corr_in_cluster_size_profile_between_samples.pdf" were longer and potentially more confusing in their meaning.


  • Searching for Associated TCR/BCR Clusters
    • Completion of major revisions
  • Searching for Public Clusters
    • Completion of major revisions
  • buildRepSeqNetwork
    • Minor content revisions
  • Network Visualization
    • Restructured sections and minor content revisions


  • All package documentation files have been revised and updated.

NAIR 0.0.9041

Package Functions

  • buildAssociatedClusterNetwork
    • Now performs clustering analysis to obtain cluster membership ID even if the user manually specifies not to compute cluster stats or the cluster_id network property. This is because performing clustering and obtaining the cluster membership is a primary purpose of this function. It is still desirable for the user to be able to prevent other node-level properties as well as cluster-level properties from being computed if desired, but now doing so will not interfere with the function accomplishing its purpose.
  • findPublicClusters
    • Fixed a bug that was causing the sample-level network node property SampleLevelCloseness to be left named as closeness in the data frames for the filtered node-level data. This bug was in turn causing this property to be overwritten by the global network node property PublicCloseness when calling buildPublicClusterNetwork.


  • Searching for Associated TCR/BCR Clusters
    • Completion of major revisions
  • Searching for Public Clusters
    • Completion of major revisions
  • buildRepSeqNetwork
    • Minor content revisions
  • Network Visualization
    • Restructured sections and minor content revisions

NAIR 0.0.9040

Package Functions

  • buildAssociatedClusterNetwork
    • Default value of data_symbols argument changed from NULL to "data" in order to match the output format of findAssociatedClones when findAssociatedClones is called with output_type = "rda". Note this change only affects the case when buildAssociatedClusterNetwork is called with input_type = "rda"
    • Now performs clustering analysis to obtain cluster membership ID even if the user manually specifies not to compute cluster stats or the cluster_id network property. This is because performing clustering and obtaining the cluster membership is a primary purpose of this function. It is still desirable for the user to be able to prevent other node-level properties as well as cluster-level properties from being computed if desired, but now doing so will not interfere with the function accomplishing its purpose.


  • buildRepSeqNetwork
    • For both buildRepSeqNetwork and saveNetwork, the vignette now specifies the R environment variable name for the output list when it is saved to an Rdata file using output_type = "rda".
  • Searching for Associated TCR/BCR Clusters
    • Content added to more completely explain certain behavior and arguments that were not previously covered.

Package Webpage

  • GitHub Actions workflow added to automate publication of future webpage updates
  • URL for GitHub Pages hosted website added to URL field of DESCRIPTION file and to pkgdown.yaml

NAIR 0.0.9039

Package Metadata

  • Updated authors in DESCRIPTION
  • Updated journal article citation in Readme and documentation files


  • The term "AIRR-Seq" is now spelled out in full as "Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Sequencing" prior to the first instance of its abbreviation in each vignette in which it appears
  • buildRepSeqNetwork
    • Meaning of cluster membership ID and corresponding cluster_id network property are now more clearly explained
  • Searching for Associated TCR/BCR Clusters
    • Header levels and document structure updated
    • Further revisions/additions, including fixing the remaining broken links, are forthcoming


  • References/Authors updated across all documentation files
  • Many documentation files have been revised and updated to use wording that is more clear, accurate and consistent with the language used in package vignettes. Updates to the remaining documentation files are forthcoming.

NAIR 0.0.9038

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in filterInputData that raised an error when the count_col and subset_cols arguments were both non-null


  • When calling plotNetworkGraph directly with a vector provided to color_nodes_by and with color_title = "auto" (the default), the function will attempt to use the name of the vector for the color legend title. A similar change applies with respect to the arguments size_nodes_by and size_title.
  • buildPublicClusterNetwork arguments node_stats, stats_to_include and cluster_stats are now deprecated and do nothing. All node-level and cluster-level network properties are now automatically computed. The arguments remain in order to maintain backwards compatibility with user code, but raise a warning notifying the user of their deprecated state when a non-null value is provided.
  • Functions for clustering algorithms imported from the igraph package (such as cluster_fast_greedy) are now exported in the package NAMESPACE file so that they are available to users. These functions can now be used as inputs to the cluster_fun argument of various NAIR package functions without the need to use the igraph:: prefix.
  • Documentation file added for the above re-exported functions

Vignettes and Documentation

  • Utility Functions vignette (formerly titled Downstream Analysis) removed. Its content has been absorbed into the buildRepSeqNetwork and Network Visualization vignettes
  • Revisions and content additions to the following vignettes:
    • buildRepSeqNetwork
    • Network Visualization
    • Searching for Public Clusters
  • The help file for plotNetworkGraph now recommends that users prefer the higher-level function generateNetworkGraphPlots over plotNetworkGraph, since the former has arguments that behave identically to those of buildRepSeqNetwork and supports generation of multiple plots. plotNetworkGraph is called by generateNetworkGraphPlots, so users should have no need to call plotNetworkGraph directly. However, plotNetworkGraph remains as an exported function available to the user in order to maintain backwards compatibility with user code.

NAIR 0.0.9037

  • Changes to findAssociatedSeqs:
    • groups argument still exists but is now deprecated and no longer used. Group labels are now automatically determined from the unique values of group_ids
    • sample_ids argument still exists but is now deprecated and no longer used. Custom sample IDs play no role in findAssociatedSeqs; the argument was inherited from a previous function that included the functionality of both findAssociatedSeqs and findAssociatedClones
  • findPublicClusters now ignores plots = TRUE when print_plots = FALSE and output_dir_unfiltered = NULL. This prevents unused plots from being generated
  • buildAssociatedClusterNetwork now uses group ID as the default variable for node colors
  • buildPublicClusterNetwork and buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative now use sample ID as the default variable for node colors
  • buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative default plot title and subtitle updated for better clarity
  • buildRepSeqNetwork, generateNetworkObjects and generateNetworkGraphPlots now use count_col as the default variable for node colors if available, followed in priority by cluster ID, then network degree.
  • New arguments to addClusterLabels:
    • cluster_id_col added to permit use with node data where the cluster ID variable has a custom name (e.g., with the output of buildPublicClusterNetwork)
    • greatest_values added, which can be set to FALSE to prioritize the clusters to label based on the least values of the criterion variable rather than the greatest values
  • A function exclusiveNodeStats has been added. This function behaves in the same manner as chooseNodeStats, but all arguments are set to FALSE by default. Useful when the user only wishes to specify a small number of node-level properties to compute, with all other properties excluded.
  • Major revisions to the following vignettes:
    • NAIR: Network Analysis of Immune Repertoire
    • Searching for Public TCR/BCR Clusters
    • Searching for Associated TCR/BCR Clusters
    • buildRepSeqNetwork
    • Network Visualization (incomplete, in progress)
    • Of particular note, the associated clusters and public clusters vignettes now simulate more reasonable toy data for demonstration purposes.
  • Downstream Analysis vignette title renamed to Utility Functions. A revision to this vignette is planned prior to version 1.0.
  • CXX_STD = CXX11 flag removed from src/Makevars and src/

NAIR 0.0.9036

  • buildRepSeqNetwork no longer returns an error with dist_cutoff = 0 (fixed a bug involving the argument checks added in version 0.0.9035).

NAIR 0.0.9035

  • Argument checks added to buildRepSeqNetwork
  • buildRepSeqNetwork now automatically attempts to perform the following conversions:
    • coerces the input data to a data frame
    • coerces the sequence column to character
    • coerces the count column to numeric, if provided
  • filterInputData, which affect top-level functions such as buildRepSeqNetwork that call it:
    • automatically drops data rows with NA values in the sequence column, with a warning produced
    • added optional count_col arg; if provided, the count column will be coerced to numeric and rows with NA/NaN values in the count column will be dropped with a warning
  • Changes related to choosing node-level network statistics:
    • The node_stat_settings function now has a duplicate with the less-confusing name chooseNodeStats; the newer name is now used in place of node_stat_settings for defaults and in the tutorials
    • The stats_to_include argument of addNodeNetworkStats, buildRepSetNetwork, etc., now also accepts a named logical vector with the same named elements as the list previously required. A list will still work, for backwards compatibility.
    • chooseNodeStats / node_stat_settings now generate a named logical vector rather than a list.
  • The dist_type argument is now more flexible in the values it will accept; for example "lev" or simply "l" is now equivalent to "levenshtein"

NAIR 0.0.9034

  • Rdocumentation files
    • All examples now use simulateToyData to generate data

NAIR 0.0.9033

  • Rdocumentation files
    • Added documentation for simulateToyData
    • All examples now use simulateToyData to generate data

NAIR 0.0.9032

  • Rdocumentation files
    • Fixed instances where tildes were erroneously used in place of the \code{} environment

NAIR 0.0.9031

  • Added documentation for the following functions:
    • addGraphLabels
    • addClusterLabels
  • Added the following content to the package vignettes:
    • New vignette Dual-Chain Network Analysis for dual-chain network analysis on single-cell data
    • buildRepSeqNetwork vignette:
      • cluster_fun argument (clustering algorithm)
    • Network Visualization vignette:
      • addClusterLabels function
    • Downstream Analysis vignette:
      • addClusterLabels function
    • Finding Associated Clones vignette:
      • addClusterLabels function used to label the clusters

NAIR 0.0.9030

  • Added function addGraphLabels for adding text labels to the nodes of a graph plot
  • Added function addClusterLabels for adding labels to certain clusters in a graph plot

NAIR 0.0.9029

  • The algorithm used to identify clusters in addClusterMembership() can now be controlled via a new argument fun.
  • The following functions have a new argument cluster_fun that is passed to the fun argument of addClusterMembership():
    • addNodeNetworkStats()
    • getClusterStats()
    • buildRepSeqNetwork()
    • buildAssociatedClusterNetwork()
    • findPublicClusters()
    • buildPublicClusterNetwork()
    • buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative()

NAIR 0.0.9028

  • buildRepSeqNetwork() and generateNetworkObjects() now return NULL with a warning when the constructed network contains no edges.

NAIR 0.0.9027

  • getClusterStats() now computes sequence-based statistics (e.g., sequence with max count) for dual-chain networks, including a separate set of such statistics for each chain.
  • The name of some variables in the output of getClusterStats() have been changed to reflect broader applicability to single-cell data:
    • max_clone_count changed to max_count
    • agg_clone_count changed to agg_count

NAIR 0.0.9026

  • Added an argument verbose to findAssociatedClones() that can be optionally set to TRUE in order to print additional console output reporting the number of clones in each neighborhood, both by sample and in total.
  • Discovered and fixed the following bugs that were present from 0.0.9018 onward:
    • Fixed a bug whereby findAssociatedSeqs() was not correctly computing the counts used for Fisher's exact test
    • Fixed a bug in findPublicClones() involving identification of the top n clusters by node count in each sample: when more than one cluster possessed the nth highest node count, all of these clusters were included in the top n clusters, resulting in more than n clusters identified by this criterion. This has been reverted to the behavior that existed prior to version 0.0.9018, whereby the first n clusters are selected after sorting data rows by descending node count using the order function.

NAIR 0.0.9025

  • Fixed a bug in filterInputData() that was preventing filtering by minimum sequence length
  • Removed BiocManager from Suggests field of DESCRIPTION, since it is no longer used to access demonstration data when building vignettes.

NAIR 0.0.9024

  • Converted all package vignettes to use data created with simulateToyData()
  • Additional detail added to vignettes for associated clones and public clones workflows

NAIR 0.0.9023

  • Added user-level function simulateToyData for generating example (toy) data, primarily for use in vignettes, examples and tests.
  • Converted README to use simulateToyData

NAIR 0.0.9022

  • Numerous utility functions that were previously internal have been renamed and exported to be available to the user. These include generateNetworkObjects(), generateNetworkGraphPlots(), filterInputData(), getNeighborhood(), loadDataFromFileList(), combineSamples(), saveNetwork(), and saveNetworkPlots().
  • Remaining documentation added for all user-level functions.
  • The package vignette content has now been split across multiple vignettes, with the package vignette serving as an overview and hub linking to the other vignettes.
  • Removed some previously user-facing utility functions from the package's exported namespace that were redundant or unnecessary to expose to the user, including levAdjacencyMatSparse, hamAdjacencyMatSparse, generateNetworkFromSeqs, getSimilarClones and filterClonesBySequenceLength.

NAIR 0.0.9021

  • Minor bug fixes to a few functions in utils.R that caused errors or warnings in rare cases

NAIR 0.0.9020

  • Internal function .saveNetwork changed to user-facing function saveNetwork, for use in saving output during downstream analysis

NAIR 0.0.9019

  • Bug fixes to associated clones functions

NAIR 0.0.9018

  • Changes to buildRepSeqNetwork() (many of these changes carry over to other functions):
    • Changed arguments and functionality for saving output. A new output_type argument can be used to save the output list to a rds or rda file, rather than the default behavior of saving each item in an individual, uncompressed file. Rather than specifying the filename of each item individually, the output_name argument accepts a character string to be used as a common prefix for any files saved. All items are now saved, and the save_all argument has been removed.
    • Changed name of argument other_cols to subset_cols to more accurately reflect its current role (for keeping only certain input columns rather than all)
    • Changed name of argument drop_chars to drop_matches to better imply that it takes regular expressions and character strings
    • Changed names of arguments plot_width and plot_height to pdf_width and pdf_height to more clearly indicate that they affect the dimensions of the saved pdf file, but not those of the plot at the R object level (ggplot) or as it appears in the R plotting window.
    • Added logical argument plots which can be used to prevent plots from being generated.
    • Many of the plotting arguments are now passed to generateNetworkGraphPlots via elipses (...)
    • The returned value is now always a list and always contains the igraph, adjacency matrix and plots in addition to the node data. The return_all argument has been removed.
    • When computing cluster-level properties (cluster_stats = TRUE), the corresponding data frame in the output list is now named cluster_data (previously was cluster_stats)
    • Now invisibly returns its output, such that it can be assigned but will not be printed when the function is called without assigning its output.
    • Now invisibly returns NULL with a warning when fewer than 2 sequences exist after filtering; previously it returned an error.
  • buildRepSeqNetwork now supports a dual-chain approach to analyzing single-cell RepSeq data: two cells (nodes) are considered adjacent if and only if they possess similar receptor sequences in both of two chains (e.g., alpha chain and beta chain). This is done by supplying a vector with two column references to seq_col instead of a single column reference, where the two columns each contain the receptor sequence from a different chain (e.g., CDR3 sequences from alpha and beta chains) and each row corresponds to a unique cell. This functionality can more generally be used to perform network analysis where similarity is based on any two types of sequences instead of one.
  • The functions for the public clusters workflow have been redesigned. Where previously the workflow was handled by a single function, findPublicClusters, it is now split across multiple functions in a manner that reduces memory usage and increases the flexibility of the workflow.
    • findPublicClusters now performs network analysis on each sample individually to search for public clusters
    • buildPublicClusterNetwork combines the public clusters across samples and performs network analysis
    • buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative can be used to perform network analysis on the combined public clusters using only a single representative clone from each cluster
    • The optional step for K-means clustering based on numeric encoding of TCR sequences is now performed directly using the kmeansAtchley function
  • The functions for the associated clusters workflow have been redesigned in a manner similar to those for the public cluster workflow, and now use the same input format as the public cluster functions (one file per sample instead of a single data frame containing all samples):
    • findAssociatedSeqs searches across samples for associated clone sequences based on sample membership and Fisher's exact test P-value
    • findAssociatedClones searches across samples for clones within a neighborhood of each associated clone sequence
    • buildAssociatedClusterNetwork combines the neighborhoods and performs network analysis and clustering
    • Building networks for individual associated clusters/neighborhoods is now done directly using the buildRepSeqNetwork function on the desired subset of the output from buildAssociatedClusterNetwork
    • K-means clustering on numerically encoded TCR sequences is now done directly using the kmeansAtchley function
  • A new function generateNetworkGraphPlots() has been added, which is capable of generating multiple plots with argument usage similar to that used in buildRepSeqNetwork (e.g., multiple color-code variables can be supplied, in which case color scheme and color legend title arguments will meaningfully accept either a scalar or vector valued argument)
  • Changes to plotNetworkGraph():
    • Some arguments were renamed and reordered to conform with the arguments of buildRepSeqNetwork()
    • Now accepts the argument show_color_legend = "auto", which will show the color legend if color_nodes_by is a continuous variable or a discrete variable with at most 20 distinct values.
  • getClusterStats() can now be used with seq_col = NULL, as the sequence variable is only used for a small number of statistics; similar to when count_col = NULL, the dependent statistics will be NA in the returned data frame, but other cluster properties will still be computed.
  • buildRepSeqNetwork() and other high-level functions that generate a network from sequences now coerce the list of sequences to a character vector if it is not already in this format (e.g., factors).
  • buildRepSeqNetwork() and other top-level functions now skip automatic plot generation when more than 1 million nodes are present in the network. This is done to avoid a potential error when calling ggplot that occurs when the combined nodes and edges exceed its limitations. After the network is generated and returned, the user can still attempt to manually generate the plot using plotNetworkGraph(); in this manner, the potential error will not interfere with completion of building the network.

NAIR 0.0.9017

  • buildDualChainNetwork() function added

NAIR 0.0.9016

  • Package vignette added, which includes an introduction to the package and a tutorial of the buildRepSeqNetwork() function
  • Package readme file updated
  • findPublicClusters() now supports .rds and .rda file types; the csv_files argument has been replaced with an argument named file_type.
  • Identified and fixed an error related to filterClonesBySequenceLength() that occurs when the input data only has a single column; this was affecting higher-level functions including buildRepSeqNetwork()
  • Identified and fixed an error in getAssociatedClusters() that occurred when neighborhood_plots = FALSE and return_all = TRUE (the function tried to include output related to the neighborhood plots when none existed).
  • findAssociatedClones() now returns an informative error when no sequences pass the filter for minimum sample membership.

NAIR 0.0.9015

  • Fixed minor bugs related to changes in 0.0.9014

NAIR 0.0.9014

  • The following argument names have been changed in functions in which they appear:
    • clone_col to seq_col
    • clones to seqs, (except for embedClonesByAtchleyFactor(), for which it was changed to cdr3_AA)
    • edge_dist to dist_cutoff
  • The following functions have been renamed:
    • generateNetworkFromClones to generateNetworkFromSeqs
    • sparseAdjacencyMatFromClones to sparseAdjacencyMatFromSeqs
    • adjacencyMatAtchleyFromClones to adjacencyMatAtchleyFromSeqs
    • embedClonesByAtchleyFactor to embedTCRSeqsByAtchleyFactor
  • getSimilarClones(): changed default value to of drop_chars argument to NULL
  • buildRepSeqNetwork() had its usage revised, primarily regarding the arguments related to the input data:
    • The nucleo_col, amino_col and clone_seq_type arguments have been replaced by a single seq_col argument; the function no longer requires both nucleotide and amino acid sequences in the data, and no longer distinguishes between the two
    • The count_col is now optional
      • By default, graph plots now use fixed node sizes
    • Other column arguments (freq_col, vgene_col, cdr3_length, etc.) have been removed; these columns were not used for anything specific in the pipeline, so it is not necessary for them to each have their own dedicated argument.
    • By default, all columns of the input data are now carried over to the output. If only some columns are desired, they can be specified using the other_cols argument.
    • Input columns are no longer renamed in the output data.
    • The option to aggregate counts/frequencies for identical clones has been removed; this can be done as a data preprocessing step, either manually or using the aggregateIdenticalClones() function.
    • An argument print_plots has been added to allow the option not to print the plot(s) in R. The default is TRUE, which corresponds to the previous behavior (all plots are printed).
  • findAssociatedClones(), getAssociatedClusters() and findPublicClusters() have had their arguments revised according to the changes to buildRepSeqNetwork().
  • R documentation files added for the following functions:
    • plotNetworkGraph
    • sparseAdjacencyMatFromSeqs
    • adjacencyMatAtchleyFromSeqs
    • embedTCRSeqsByAtchleyFactor

NAIR 0.0.9013

  • R Documentation files added for package functions:
    • aggregateIdenticalClones
    • filterClonesBySequenceLength
    • getSimilarClones
    • generateNetworkFromClones
    • generateNetworkFromAdjacencyMat
    • addNodeNetworkStats
    • node_stat_settings
    • addClusterMembership
    • getClusterStats
  • Implemented on-install testing of package functions using package testthat

NAIR 0.0.9012

  • Package name changed to NAIR (Network Analysis for Immune Repertoire)
  • Added findPublicClusters()
  • buildClustersAroundSelectedClones() renamed to getAssociatedClusters()
  • getPotentialAssociatedClones() renamed to findAssociatedClones()
  • generateAtchleyCorrHeatmap() renamed to kmeansAtchley()
  • levAdjacencyMatSparse() and hamAdjacencyMatSparse() have a new argument drop_isolated_nodes that can be set to FALSE to keep isolated nodes. This argument has been added to higher-level functions that dispatch calls to these routines.

NAIR 0.0.9011

  • Separate function embedClonesByAtchleyFactor() created to perform embedding of TCR CDR3 amino acid sequences in Euclidean 30-space based on Atchley factor representation; this was previously done within the function adjacencyMatAtchleyFromClones(), but has now been placed in its own function for more general use
  • New function analyzeDiseaseAssociatedClusters() created, which is used to perform a combined network analysis on the disease-associated clusters generated by generateDiseaseAssociatedClusters()
  • New function generateAtchleyCorrHeatmap() created
  • graphics, reshape2, gplots, viridisLite and RColorBrewer added as package dependencies via the Imports directive of the DESCRIPTION file

NAIR 0.0.9010

  • computeMetaForCandidateSeqs() (helper for findDiseaseMotifsFromMergedSamples()) redesigned and renamed to findDiseaseAssociatedClones(); this function now takes only the merged sample data as its input data, and filters sequences by a set of criteria (number of samples shared by and minimum seq length) to obtain the list of candidates before conducting the Fisher's exact tests; previously the list of candidates was obtained as input data to the function.
  • findDiseaseMotifsFromMergedSamples() redesigned to use candidate sequence metadata as input (previously it computed this metadata from the merged sample data) and renamed to generateDiseaseAssociatedClusters()
  • generateNetworkWithStats() now automatically prints the ggraph in R when called (previously the user needed to access the variable graph_plot contained in the returned list)
  • Added package dplyr as a dependency via the Imports directive of the DESCRIPTION file

NAIR 0.0.9009

  • buildNetwork() renamed to generateNetworkWithStats()
  • adjacencyMatrix() renamed to sparseAdjacencyMatFromClones()
  • genNetworkGraph() renamed to generateNetworkFromAdjacencyMat()
  • Added general-purpose helper functions:
    • aggregateCountsByAminoAcidSeq
    • filterDataBySequenceLength
    • generateNetworkFromClones
    • computeNodeNetworkStats
    • addClusterMembership
    • computeClusterNetworkStats
    • plotNetworkGraph
    • adjacencyMatAtchleyFromClones
  • Added function findDiseaseMotifsFromMergedSamples and helper functions:
    • computeMetaForCandidateSeqs
    • subsetDataNearTargetMotif
  • Added vignette for generateNetworkWithStats()

NAIR 0.0.9008

  • New function hamDistBounded for computing bounded Hamming distance in C++
    • Supports strings of unequal length; the longer string is effectively truncated to the length of the shorter string, and the difference in length is added to the Hamming distance with the truncated version. This is equivalent to extending the shorter string to the length of the longer string by appending placeholder characters that differ from their counterparts in the longer string.
  • New function hamAdjacencyMatSparse for computing Hamming adjacency matrix in C++
  • Changes to function adjacencyMatrix:
    • Now supports dist_type = "hamming" to use Hamming distance for determining network adjacency
    • Original indices of input sequences that appear in the adjacency matrix are stored in the row names of the output matrix; the sequences themselves are stored in the column names (accessible via dimnames())
    • The file col_ids.txt created by the C++ function that computes the adjacency matrix is now deleted by adjacencyMatrix() after it has finished its other tasks. The information in the file is now stored in the row names of the output matrix and so the file is no longer needed.

NAIR 0.0.9007

  • .genNetworkGraph() internal helper for buildNetwork() renamed into a public version genNetworkGraph() for use by other package functions and by users; moved to a new file utils.R that will be used to house shared helper functions used by multiple package functions.
  • Added inst/python/Atchley_factors.csv, which stores the Atchley factor amino acid embedding used by

NAIR 0.0.9006

  • Python module tensorflow added to installPythonModules() and Config/reticulate field of the DESCRIPTION file. tensorflow is required by the Python module keras.

NAIR 0.0.9005

  • file zzz.R created with .onUnload() directive to unload package dll via call to library.dynam.unload() when the package is unloaded

NAIR 0.0.9004

  • Reintroduced reticulate package dependency as well as R .onLoad() directives and R functions related to python integration, dependency management and module installation
  • Added Python source code for BriseisEncoder and h5 trained encoder file
  • Removed $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) from PKG_CXXFLAGS and PKG_LIBS in Makevars as OpenMP is not supported for MacOS (still enabled in Added comments with instructions for Linux users to enable OpenMP if desired, and added a corresponding note to the main Readme file's installation section for Linux users.

NAIR 0.0.9003

  • Removed Python source code (previously used to compute adjacency matrix)
  • Removed reticulate package dependency (previously used to manage python dependencies)
  • Removed R functions involved in Python management and calling Python scripts
  • Changed internal helper R function .createAdjacencyMatrix() to public function adjacencyMatrix() and switched its calls to Python scripts for building the matrix into a call to the corresponding new C++ version added in 0.0.9002 (currently only Levenshtein distance is implemented; Hamming distance will be implemented in a future update)
  • Changed buildNetwork() function to use adjacencyMatrix() instead of the previous function .createAdjacencyMatrix()
  • Removed levAdjacencyMatDense in favor of always using levAdjacencyMatSparse
  • Enabled ARMA_64BIT_WORD to accommodate larger matrices when using the C++ function levAdjacencyMatSparse; specifically, #define ARMA_64BIT_WORD=1 was added to the beginning of each .cpp source file, and -DARMA_64BIT_WORD=1 was added to the PKG_CXXFLAGS definition in Makevars and

NAIR 0.0.9002

  • Added internal support for Rcpp
  • Added C++ routine for bounded Levenshtein distance (levDistBounded)
  • Added C++ routine for dense Levenshtein adjacency matrix (levAdjacencyMatDense)
  • Added C++ routine for sparse Levenshtein adjacency matrix (levAdjacencyMatSparse)

NAIR 0.0.9001

  • Initial (in-development) version