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Installation Guide

This guide outlines the steps for installing and running MLRun locally.

Note: These instructions use mlrun as the namespace (-n parameter). You may want to choose a different namespace in your kubernetes cluster.

Run MLRun on a Local Docker Registry

To use MLRun with your local Docker registry, run the MLRun API service, dashboard, and example Jupyter server by using the following script.


  • By default the MLRun API service will run inside the Jupyter server, set the MLRUN_DBPATH env var in Jupyter to point to an alternative service address.
  • The artifacts and DB will be stored under /home/jovyan/data, use docker -v option to persist the content on the host (e.g. -v $(SHARED_DIR}:/home/jovyan/data)
  • Using Docker is limited to local runtimes.

docker pull mlrun/jupyter:0.5.3
docker pull mlrun/mlrun-ui:0.5.3

docker network create mlrun-network
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8888:8888 --rm -d --network mlrun-network --name jupyter -v ${SHARED_DIR}:/home/jovyan/data mlrun/jupyter:0.5.3
docker run -it -p 4000:80 --rm -d --network mlrun-network --name mlrun-ui -e MLRUN_API_PROXY_URL=http://jupyter:8080 mlrun/mlrun-ui:0.5.3

When the execution completes —

  • Open Jupyter Notebook on port 8888 and run the code in the examples/mlrun_basics.ipynb notebook.
  • Use the MLRun dashboard on port 4000.

Install MLRun on a Kubernetes Cluster

Perform the following steps to install and run MLRun on a Kubernetes cluster.

Note: The outlined procedure allows using the local, job, and Dask runtimes. To use the MPIJob (Horovod) or Spark runtimes, you need to install additional custom resource definitions (CRDs).

Create a namespace

Create a namespace for mlrun. For example:

kubectl create namespace mlrun

Install a Shared Volume Storage

You can use any shared file system (or object storage, with some limitations) for sharing artifacts and/or code across containers.

To store data on your Kubernetes cluster itself, you will need to define a persistent volume

NFS Server Provisioner

The following example uses a shared NFS server and a Helm chart for the installation:

  1. Run the following commands (provided Helm is installed):
    helm repo add stable
    helm install -n mlrun nfsprov stable/nfs-server-provisioner
  2. Create a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) for a shared NFS volume by running the following command:
    kubectl apply -n mlrun -f

Install the MLRun API and Dashboard (UI) Services

If you plan to push containers or use a private registry, you need to first create a secret with your Docker registry information. You can do this by running the following command:

kubectl create -n mlrun secret docker-registry my-docker --docker-server= --docker-username=<your-user> --docker-password=<your-password> --docker-email=<your-email>

Run the following command to apply mlrun-local.yaml:

kubectl apply -n mlrun -f

Install a Jupyter Server with a Preloaded MLRun Package.

Run the following command to apply mljupy.yaml:

kubectl apply -n mlrun -f

To change or add packages, see the Jupyter Dockerfile (Dockerfile.jupy).

Install Kubeflow

MLRun enables you to run your functions while saving outputs and artifacts in a way that is visible to Kubeflow Pipelines. If you wish to use this capability you will need to install Kubeflow on your cluster. Refer to the Kubeflow documentation for more information.

Start Working

  • Open Jupyter Notebook on NodePort 30040 and run the code in the examples/mlrun_basics.ipynb notebook.
  • Use the dashboard at NodePort 30068.


  • You can change the ports by editing the YAML files.
  • You can select to use a Kubernetes Ingress for better security.