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R Packages for Mixed(-Effects) Models

The absolute core:

Other Packages with Mixed Effect Models as main purpose (and recommendable)

There is none, with this topic Is there no good one ?

  • nlme is in ChemPhys, Econometrics, Environmetrics, Finance, OfficialStatistics, Psychometrics, SocialSciences, Spatial, SpatioTemporal,


  • lme4 is in Bayesian, Econometrics, Environmetrics, OfficialStatistics, Psychometrics, SocialSciences, SpatioTemporal,

  • with the intersection

Task View URL CRAN packages comments
Econometrics nlme, lme4
Environmetrics nlme, lme4 Modelling species responses and other data
OfficialStatistics nlme, lme4, rsae (robust) Small Area Estimation
Psychometrics nlme, lme4, ordinal, MCMCglmm, irtrees Item Response Theory (ITR), Rasch Mod.
SocialSciences nlme, lme4, lmeSplines, lmm, MCMCglmm Other Regression Methods
SpatioTemporal nlme, lme4 (spatio-temporal data)

R (CRAN) packages with LMM in their names:

ip <- installed.packages() # ~ 13'000 for Martin Maechler
##  chr [1:13265, 1:16] "BiocInstaller" "pkgA" "copula_" "copulaData" ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : chr [1:13265] "BiocInstaller" "pkgA" "copula_" "copulaData" ...
##   ..$ : chr [1:16] "Package" "LibPath" "Version" "Priority" ...
pkgs <- rownames(ip)
str(LMMs <- grep("lmm", pkgs,, value=TRUE))
##  chr [1:36] "denseFLMM" "designGLMM" "glmm" "glmmADMB" "glmmAK" ...
pdLMM <- lapply(LMMs, packageDescription)
titLMM <-
    ttLMM <- gsub("\n", " ",
                  sapply(setNames(,LMMs), packageDescription, fields = "Title"))
longT <- nchar(ttLMM) > 80
ttLMM[longT] <- paste(substr(ttLMM[longT], 1, 77), "...")
cbind(ttLMM) # 80% are GLMM  amazing
##                ttLMM                                                                              
## denseFLMM      "Functional Linear Mixed Models for Densely Sampled Data"                          
## designGLMM     "Finding Optimal Block Designs for a Generalised Linear Mixed Model"               
## glmm           "Generalized Linear Mixed Models via Monte Carlo Likelihood Approximation"         
## glmmADMB       "Generalized Linear Mixed Models using AD Model Builder"                           
## glmmAK         "Generalized Linear Mixed Models"                                                  
## glmmBUGS       "Generalised Linear Mixed Models with BUGS and JAGS"                               
## glmmGS         "Gauss-Seidel Generalized Linear Mixed Model solver"                               
## glmmLasso      "Variable Selection for Generalized Linear Mixed Models by L1-Penalized Estima ..."
## glmmML         "Generalized Linear Models with Clustering"                                        
## GLMMRR         "Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) for Binary Randomized Response Data"        
## glmmsr         "Fit a Generalized Linear Mixed Model"                                             
## glmmTMB        "Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model Builder"                     
## HGLMMM         "Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models"                                           
## HiLMM          "Estimation of Heritability in Linear Mixed Models"                                
## lmm            "Linear Mixed Models"                                                              
## lmmen          "Linear Mixed Model Elastic Net"                                                   
## lmmfit         "Goodness-of-fit-measures for linear mixed models with one-level-grouping"         
## lmmlasso       "Linear mixed-effects models with Lasso"                                           
## lmmot          "Multiple Ordinal Tobit (MOT) Model"                                               
## lmmpar         "Parallel Linear Mixed Model"                                                      
## lmms           "Linear Mixed Effect Model Splines for Modelling and Analysis of Time Course Data" 
## MCMCglmm       "MCMC Generalised Linear Mixed Models"                                             
## mlmm           "Multilevel Model for Multivariate Responses with Missing Values"                  
## mlmmm          "ML estimation under multivariate linear mixed models with missing values"         
## mvglmmRank     "Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Ranking Sports Teams"            
## plmm           "Partially Linear Mixed Effects Model"                                             
## powerlmm       "Power Calculations for Longitudinal Multilevel Models"                            
## QGglmm         "Estimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from Generalised Linear Mixed Models"   
## qrLMM          "Quantile Regression for Linear Mixed-Effects Models"                              
## qrNLMM         "Quantile Regression for Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models"                           
## r2glmm         "Computes R Squared for Mixed (Multilevel) Models"                                 
## RLMM           "A Genotype Calling Algorithm for Affymetrix SNP Arrays"                           
## robustlmm      "Robust Linear Mixed Effects Models"                                               
## sparseFLMM     "Functional Linear Mixed Models for Irregularly or Sparsely Sampled Data"          
## StroupGLMM     "R Codes and Datasets for Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Me ..."
## VetResearchLMM "Linear Mixed Models - An Introduction with Applications in Veterinary Research"

Closely related packages

  • ordinal, fn clmm() for cumulative LMMs.

  • lmeSplines, based on pkg nlme, allows splines for linear and non-linear MM.

  • mgcv, Recommended pkg, has gamm(), based on pkg nlme. Alternatively, (and not possible inside rec. package mgcv):

  • gamm4, based on pkg lme4, has fn. gamm4() based on lmer() etc.

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