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Pybind11 bindings for Kaldi for use in Montreal Forced Aligner.


Kalpy depends on Kaldi being built as shared libraries, and the easiest way to install is via conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge kalpy

Kalpy is also available on pip via the kalpy-kaldi package, but as this is only a binding library, it relies on Kaldi shared libraries being available. The KALDI_ROOT environment variable must be set to locate the shared libraries and header files. The easiest way to install the appropriately built kaldi libraries is via conda install -c conda-forge kaldi.

export KALDI_ROOT=/path/to/conda/enviornment
pip install kalpy-kaldi


Two libraries are installed, _kalpy which contains low level bindings conforming to the original C++ style, and kalpy which is a more pythonic interface for higher level operations. The kalpy package is under heavy development and expansion to expose more functionality.