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65 lines (54 loc) · 2.89 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (54 loc) · 2.89 KB


Install the relevant packages in the usual way.

using Pkg
Pkg.add(["GeneticsMakie", "CSV", "DataFrames", "Arrow"])

To plot genes and isoforms, we need a transcriptome annotation. We can use the latest GENCODE annotation for the human genome (GRCh37), where we download the comprehensive gene annotation file in GTF format. We recommend having at least 16 GB RAM available for loading GENCODE annotation.

using GeneticsMakie, CSV, DataFrames, Arrow, Downloads
isdir("data") || mkdir("data")
url = ""
file = basename(url)
isdir("data/gencode") || mkdir("data/gencode")
isfile("data/gencode/$(file)") ||, "data/gencode/$(file)")
h = ["seqnames", "source", "feature", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "phase", "info"]
gencode ="data/gencode/$(file)", DataFrame; delim = "\t", comment = "#", header = h)

!!! warning "Human genome build" The latest human genome assembly is GRCh38, but we use an annotation with coordinates from the older version (GRCh37), because a lot of the GWAS results are shared in GRCh37 genomic coordinates. Make sure to use the matching human genome build when visualizing your results.

The ninth column of a GTF file contains rich information about features, so we can parse this column.


!!! info "Chromosome names" Chromosome names are munged to not contain “chr” prefix, and their type is String, since there could be non-numerical chromosome names, such as sex chromosomes and mitochondrial genome.

To reduce memory intake, we can also subset gencode to most commonly used columns in downstream analyses.

select!(gencode, :seqnames, :feature, :start, :end, :strand, :gene_id, :gene_name, :gene_type, :transcript_id)

To further reduce memory intake, we can instead store and load GENCODE annotation as an Arrow file.

Arrow.write("data/gencode/$(splitext(file)[1]).arrow", gencode)
gencode = Arrow.Table("data/gencode/$(splitext(file)[1]).arrow")|> DataFrame

Other transcriptome annotations, such as one from RefSeq, can be used for plotting functions as long as they contain the above columns with the right column names.

Once gencode is ready, we can look up where a gene is on the human genome.

GeneticsMakie.findgene("RBFOX1", gencode)
GeneticsMakie.findgene("ENSG00000078328", gencode)

!!! tip "Gene names" Make sure to use the correct gene name in case the gene cannot be found. The latest gene names can be looked up in databases such as GeneCards.