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Plotting LocusZooom

After Parsing GENCODE and Munging summary statistics, we can now put the pieces together to draw the backbone of a LocusZoom plot. We focus on ACAN locus as an example, which reaches strong genome-wide significance in GWAS for height. By default, GeneticsMakie.plotlocus! returns a straightforward scatter plot.

using Pkg
Pkg.add(["GeneticsMakie", "CairoMakie", "DataFrames", "Arrow", "SnpArrays"])
using GeneticsMakie, CairoMakie, DataFrames, Arrow, SnpArrays, Downloads
dfs = DataFrame[]
for key in ["height", "weight"]
    push!(dfs, Arrow.Table("data/gwas/$(key).arrow")|> DataFrame)
url = ""
gencode = Arrow.Table("data/gencode/$(splitext(basename(url))[1]).arrow")|> DataFrame
GeneticsMakie.findclosestgene(GeneticsMakie.findgwasloci(dfs[1]), gencode)
gene = "ACAN"
chr, start, stop = GeneticsMakie.findgene(gene, gencode)
ranges = [start - 1e6, stop + 1e6]

n = length(dfs)
titles = ["Height (Yengo et al. 2018)", "Weight (Yengo et al. 2018)"]
f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
axs = [Axis(f[i, 1]) for i in 1:(n + 1)]
for i in 1:n
    GeneticsMakie.plotlocus!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], dfs[i])
    rowsize!(f.layout, i, 30)
    lines!(axs[i], ranges, fill(-log(10, 5e-8), 2), color = (:purple, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    Label(f[i, 1, Top()], "$(titles[i])", fontsize = 6, halign = :left, padding = (7.5, 0, -5, 0))
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(axs[n + 1], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
rowsize!(f.layout, n + 1, rs)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[n + 1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
Colorbar(f[1:n, 2], limits = (0, 1), ticks = 0:1:1, height = 20,
    colormap = [:gray60, :red2], label = "LD", ticksize = 0, tickwidth = 0,
    tickalign = 0, ticklabelsize = 6, flip_vertical_label = true,
    labelsize = 6, width = 5, spinewidth = 0.5)
Label(f[1:n, 0], rich("-log", subscript("10"), rich("P", font = :italic)), fontsize = 6, rotation = pi / 2)
rowgap!(f.layout, 5)
colgap!(f.layout, 5)
for i in 1:(n + 1)
    vlines!(axs[i], start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    vlines!(axs[i], stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

To color variants by linkage disequilibrium (LD), we need a reference panel. If we already have one, we can use SnpArrays.jl to read in PLINK bed files. Otherwise, we download and load pre-processed 1000 Genomes reference panel for chromosome 15.

isdir("data/1kg") || mkdir("data/1kg")
for plink in ["bed", "bim", "fam"]"$(plink)", "data/1kg/kgp.chr15.$(plink)")
kgp = SnpData("data/1kg/kgp.chr15")

!!! note "Processing LD reference panel" 1000 Genomes genotype array data is publicly available, which can be downloaded and processed using these example scripts.

We can then color variants by LD with the index/sentinel SNP by using the ld keyword argument.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
axs = [Axis(f[i, 1]) for i in 1:(n + 1)]
for i in 1:n
    GeneticsMakie.plotlocus!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], dfs[i]; ld = kgp)
    rowsize!(f.layout, i, 30)
    lines!(axs[i], ranges, fill(-log(10, 5e-8), 2), color = (:purple, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    Label(f[i, 1, Top()], "$(titles[i])", fontsize = 6, halign = :left, padding = (7.5, 0, -5, 0))
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(axs[n + 1], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
rowsize!(f.layout, n + 1, rs)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[n + 1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
Colorbar(f[1:n, 2], limits = (0, 1), ticks = 0:1:1, height = 20,
    colormap = [:gray60, :red2], label = "LD", ticksize = 0, tickwidth = 0,
    tickalign = 0, ticklabelsize = 6, flip_vertical_label = true,
    labelsize = 6, width = 5, spinewidth = 0.5)
Label(f[1:n, 0], rich("-log", subscript("10"), rich("P", font = :italic)), fontsize = 6, rotation = pi / 2)
rowgap!(f.layout, 5)
colgap!(f.layout, 5)
for i in 1:(n + 1)
    vlines!(axs[i], start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    vlines!(axs[i], stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

We can also color variants by LD with the same SNP by using the ld keyword argument.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
axs = [Axis(f[i, 1]) for i in 1:(n + 1)]
for i in 1:n
    GeneticsMakie.plotlocus!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], dfs[i]; ld = (kgp, ("15", 89395626)))
    rowsize!(f.layout, i, 30)
    lines!(axs[i], ranges, fill(-log(10, 5e-8), 2), color = (:purple, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    Label(f[i, 1, Top()], "$(titles[i])", fontsize = 6, halign = :left, padding = (7.5, 0, -5, 0))
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(axs[n + 1], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
rowsize!(f.layout, n + 1, rs)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[n + 1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
Colorbar(f[1:n, 2], limits = (0, 1), ticks = 0:1:1, height = 20,
    colormap = [:gray60, :red2], label = "LD", ticksize = 0, tickwidth = 0,
    tickalign = 0, ticklabelsize = 6, flip_vertical_label = true,
    labelsize = 6, width = 5, spinewidth = 0.5)
Label(f[1:n, 0], rich("-log", subscript("10"), rich("P", font = :italic)), fontsize = 6, rotation = pi / 2)
rowgap!(f.layout, 5)
colgap!(f.layout, 5)
for i in 1:(n + 1)
    vlines!(axs[i], start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    vlines!(axs[i], stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

By using Makie.jl's layout tools, it becomes easy to draw additional tracks. For example, in a separate track, the variants could be colored or could have varying sizes depending on their minor allele frequency. In another example, the variants could be colored based on their inclusion in a credible set post-fine-mapping.

!!! note "Plotting the intersection of SNPs, not the union" GeneticsMakie.plotlocus! plots only the variants that are present in the reference panel, when the ld keyword argument is specified. Although SNPs that are missing in the reference panel could be plotted differently (e.g. with varying transparency and shape), GeneticsMakie.jl is designed to visualize 100s of phenotypes simultaneously in which case such discrepancy is hard to tell and is confusing. Hence, for more direct comparison of loci across phenotypes, only the variants that are found in the reference panel are shown.

!!! warning "Extremely small P values" There are several GWAS loci that harbor extremely small P values, in which cases the P values will be clamped to the smallest floating point number. Such cases are going to be more common in phenotypes that are reaching saturation in terms of GWAS discovery (e.g. height). In those cases, it is more commonplace to observe allelic heterogneity, and it might be more appropriate to plot alternative measures of strength of association (e.g. Z scores).

!!! note "Patterns of LD" Oftentimes, chunks of LD blocks hug a single or multiple gene boundaries.

!!! tip "Covering the entire genome" Visualizing 1,500 genomic regions with 2 Mb window will more or less cover the entire human genome. Note that empirically speaking, the probability of an arbitrary 2 Mb window harboring at least one genome-wide significant hit across multiple phenotypes is higher than not harboring any significant association.

!!! note "Phenome-scale LocusZoom" To visualize 100s of phenotypes simultaneously, summary statistics or other relevant genomic annotations should be converted to memory friendly Arrow.jl or Parquet.jl files.