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Plotting loops

Additionally, we can visualize long-range DNA interactions captured by ChIA-PET and Hi-C sequencing. A new track with these DNA interactions can be added upon the GENCODE annotations we have processed from Parsing GENCODE. As an example, we focus on the MYC locus in mammary epithelial cells, which has long-range enhancers that are implicated in various epithelial cancers (Spitz et al. 2016). In order to visualize loops within this locus, we will download long-range chromatin interactions provided by the ENCODE project.

using Pkg
Pkg.add(["GeneticsMakie", "CairoMakie", "CSV", "DataFrames", "Arrow"])
using GeneticsMakie, CairoMakie, CSV, DataFrames, Arrow, Downloads
isdir("data/loops") || mkdir("data/loops")
url = ""
if !isfile("data/loops/$(splitext(basename(url))[1]).arrow")
    isfile("data/loops/$(basename(url))") ||, "data/loops/$(basename(url))")
    df ="data/loops/$(basename(url))", DataFrame;
                  delim = "\t", skipto = 2, header = 0)
    # Select relevant columns and harmonize chromosomes with GENCODE
            :Column1 => (col -> replace.(col, "chr" => "")) => :chr1,
            :Column2 => :x1, :Column3 => :x2,
            :Column4 => (col -> replace.(col, "chr" => "")) => :chr2,
            :Column5 => :y1, :Column6 => :y2,
            :Column8 => :score)
    Arrow.write("data/loops/$(splitext(basename(url))[1]).arrow", df)
dfs = [Arrow.Table("data/loops/$(splitext(basename(url))[1]).arrow") |> DataFrame]
url = ""
gencode = Arrow.Table("data/gencode/$(splitext(basename(url))[1]).arrow")|> DataFrame
gene = "MYC"
chr, start, stop = GeneticsMakie.findgene(gene, gencode)
ranges = [start - 1e6, stop + 1e6]
n = length(dfs)
titles = ["ENCFF730CMY"]

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
axs = [Axis(f[i, 1]) for i in 1:(n + 1)]
for i in 1:n
    GeneticsMakie.plotloops!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], dfs[i])
    rowsize!(f.layout, i, 40)
    Label(f[i, 1, Top()], "$(titles[i])", fontsize = 6, halign = :left, padding = (7.5, 0, -5, 0))
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(axs[n + 1], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
rowsize!(f.layout, n + 1, rs)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[n + 1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
Label(f[1:n, 0], text = "Chromatin\ninteractions", fontsize = 6, rotation = pi / 2)
rowgap!(f.layout, 5)
colgap!(f.layout, 5)
for i in 1:(n + 1)
    vlines!(axs[i], start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    vlines!(axs[i], stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

We can zoom in closer to the gene body by setting a smaller genomic range. With this closer look, we can see yellow boxes at the ends of the arcs, each representing the anchors of each loop. The span and length of these interaction anchors is recorded in the ChIA-PET BEDPE file and is set to reflect the length of a ChIP DNA fragment.

ranges = [start - 1e5, stop + 1e5]

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
axs = [Axis(f[i, 1]) for i in 1:(n + 1)]
for i in 1:n
    GeneticsMakie.plotloops!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], dfs[i])
    rowsize!(f.layout, i, 40)
    Label(f[i, 1, Top()], "$(titles[i])", fontsize = 6, halign = :left, padding = (7.5, 0, -5, 0))
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(axs[n + 1], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
rowsize!(f.layout, n + 1, rs)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[n + 1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
Label(f[1:n, 0], text = "Chromatin\ninteractions", fontsize = 6, rotation = pi / 2)
rowgap!(f.layout, 5)
colgap!(f.layout, 5)
for i in 1:(n + 1)
    vlines!(axs[i], start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    vlines!(axs[i], stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

We can change the color of the loops and anchors using the colorarc and colorend keywords respectively. Additionally, we can change the line width of the loops using the linewidth keyword.

ranges = [start - 1e6, stop + 1e6]

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
axs = [Axis(f[i, 1]) for i in 1:(n + 1)]
for i in 1:n
    GeneticsMakie.plotloops!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], dfs[i];
    linewidth = 0.75, colorarc = "#CB3C33", colorend = "#CB3C33")
    rowsize!(f.layout, i, 40)
    Label(f[i, 1, Top()], "$(titles[i])", fontsize = 6, halign = :left, padding = (7.5, 0, -5, 0))
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(axs[n + 1], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
rowsize!(f.layout, n + 1, rs)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[n + 1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
Label(f[1:n, 0], text = "Chromatin\ninteractions", fontsize = 6, rotation = pi / 2)
rowgap!(f.layout, 5)
colgap!(f.layout, 5)
for i in 1:(n + 1)
    vlines!(axs[i], start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    vlines!(axs[i], stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

By subsetting our data to what we wish to display, we can be more specific in what we wish to visualize. For example, if we wanted only the enhancer-promoter loops for MYC, we can filter our DataFrame to loops that link to the promoter region for MYC. Here we filter our DataFrame to loops that link within the MYC gene body and promoter. Additionally, by running GeneticsMakie.plotloops! on the same axis, we can overlay these loops on top of the previous full set of loops.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
axs = [Axis(f[i, 1]) for i in 1:(n + 1)]
for i in 1:n
    GeneticsMakie.plotloops!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], 
               [:chr1, :chr2] => ByRow((cols...) -> all(cols .== chr)),
               [:x1, :x2, :y1, :y2] =>
               ByRow((cols...) -> !any(start .< cols .< stop))))
    GeneticsMakie.plotloops!(axs[i], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2],
               [:chr1, :chr2] => ByRow((cols...) -> all(cols .== chr)),
               [:x1, :x2, :y1, :y2] =>
               ByRow((cols...) -> any(start .< cols .< stop)));
               colorarc = "#CB3C33", colorend = ("#CB3C33", 0.6))
    rowsize!(f.layout, i, 40)
    Label(f[i, 1, Top()], "$(titles[i])", fontsize = 6, halign = :left, padding = (7.5, 0, -5, 0))
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(axs[n + 1], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
rowsize!(f.layout, n + 1, rs)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[n + 1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
Label(f[1:n, 0], text = "Chromatin\ninteractions", fontsize = 6, rotation = pi / 2)
rowgap!(f.layout, 5)
colgap!(f.layout, 5)
for i in 1:(n + 1)
    vlines!(axs[i], start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
    vlines!(axs[i], stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

As with the LocusZoom plots, by using Makie.jl's layout tools, it becomes easy to draw additional tracks. For example, in a separate track, we can include chromatin interactions present in other samples. In another example, we can include interactions found through other sequencing methods.