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257 lines (180 loc) · 9.49 KB

Creating C++ Nodes (for :program:`ament_cmake`)

The C++ binary block for :program:`ament_cmake`

.. dropdown:: TL;DR

    When adding a new Node in an existing :file:`CMakeLists.txt`, you might benefit from using the following template.

    Remember to:

    #. Add **ALL** dependencies (including ROS2 ones) with ``find_package``, if applicable.

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/CMakeLists.txt
           :language: cmake
           :lines: 8-10

    #. Change ``print_forever_node`` to the name of your Node.
    #. Add all source files to ``add_executable``.
    #. Add all ROS2 dependencies of this binary to ``ament_target_dependencies``.
    #. Add any other (**NOT ROS2**) libraries to ``target_link_libraries``.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/CMakeLists.txt
       :language: cmake
       :lines: 12-47
       :emphasize-lines: 7,12,17,21

Create the package


We'll skip using the --node-name option to create the Node template, because, currently, it generates a Node and a :file:`CMakeLists.txt` different from my advice.

cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src
ros2 pkg create cpp_package_with_a_node \
--build-type ament_cmake \
--dependencies rclcpp

which outputs

.. dropdown:: ros2 pkg create output

    .. code-block:: console
        :emphasize-lines: 13-16

        going to create a new package
        package name: cpp_package_with_a_node
        destination directory: /home/murilo/ROS2_Tutorial/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src
        package format: 3
        version: 0.0.0
        description: TODO: Package description
        maintainer: ['murilo <>']
        licenses: ['TODO: License declaration']
        build type: ament_cmake
        dependencies: ['rclcpp']
        creating folder ./cpp_package_with_a_node
        creating ./cpp_package_with_a_node/package.xml
        creating source and include folder
        creating folder ./cpp_package_with_a_node/src
        creating folder ./cpp_package_with_a_node/include/cpp_package_with_a_node
        creating ./cpp_package_with_a_node/CMakeLists.txt

        [WARNING]: Unknown license 'TODO: License declaration'.  This has been set in the package.xml, but no LICENSE file has been created.
        It is recommended to use one of the ament license identitifers:

Package-related sources

In this step, we'll work on these.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── cpp_package_with_a_node
│       └── .placeholder
├── package.xml
└── src
    ├── print_forever_node.cpp
    ├── print_forever_node.hpp
    └── print_forever_node_main.cpp

The files already exist, we just need to modify them as follows

.. tab-set::

    .. tab-item:: package.xml

        The :file:`package.xml` works the same way as in :program:`ament_python`, with the exception of the two lines about :program:`ament_cmake` shown below.

        :download:`package.xml <../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/package.xml>`

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/package.xml
           :language: xml
           :emphasize-lines: 10,18

    .. tab-item:: CMakeLists.txt

        A *one-size-fits-most* solution is shown below. For each new Node we add a block to the :file:`CMakeLists.txt` with the following format.

        :download:`CMakeLists.txt <../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/CMakeLists.txt>`

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/CMakeLists.txt
           :language: cmake
           :emphasize-lines: 12-47

Making C++ ROS2 Nodes

(Murilo's) rclcpp best practices

For each new C++ Node, we make three files following the style below.

For a Node called print_forever_node we have

  1. :file:`src/print_forever_node.hpp` with the Node's class definition. In general, this is not exported to other packages, so it should not be in the package's :file:`include` folder.
  2. :file:`src/print_forever_node.cpp` with the Node's class implementation.
  3. :file:`src/print_forever_node_main.cpp` with the Node's main function implementation.

In this step, we'll work on these.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── cpp_package_with_a_node
│       └── .placeholder
├── package.xml
└── src
    ├── print_forever_node.cpp
    ├── print_forever_node.hpp
    └── print_forever_node_main.cpp

These files do not exists, so we'll create them.

.. tab-set::

    .. tab-item:: folder

       .. code-block:: console

          cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node
          mkdir src

    .. tab-item:: src/..._node.hpp

        Similar to what we did in Python, we inherit from ``rclcpp::Node``. Whatever is different is owing to differences in languages.

        :download:`print_forever_node.hpp <../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/src/print_forever_node.hpp>`

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/src/print_forever_node.hpp
           :language: cpp
           :lines: 24-
           :emphasize-lines: 9

    .. tab-item:: src/..._node.cpp

        The implementation has nothing special, just don't forget to initialize the parent class, ``rclcpp::Node``, with the name of the node.

        :download:`print_forever_node.cpp <../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/src/print_forever_node.cpp>`

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/src/print_forever_node.cpp
           :language: cpp
           :lines: 24-
           :emphasize-lines: 7

    .. tab-item::  src/..._main.cpp

        Given that we are using ``rclcpp::spin()``, there is nothing special here either. Just remember to not mess up the ``std::make_shared`` and always use perfect forwarding. See :ref:`Perfect forwarding`.
        The ``rclcpp::spin()`` handles the ``SIGINT`` when we, for example, press :kbd:`CTRL+C` on the terminal. It is not perfect, but it does the trick for simple nodes like this one.

        :download:`print_forever_node_main.cpp <../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/src/print_forever_node_main.cpp>`

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/src/print_forever_node_main.cpp
           :language: cpp
           :lines: 24-
           :emphasize-lines: 11


If you don't do this and add this package as a git repository without any files on the :file:`include/`, :program:`CMake` might return with an error when trying to compile your package.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── cpp_package_with_a_node
│       └── .placeholder
├── package.xml
└── src
    ├── print_forever_node.cpp
    ├── print_forever_node.hpp
    └── print_forever_node_main.cpp

Empty directories will not be tracked by git. A file has to be added to the index. We can create an empty file in the :file:`include` folder as follows

cd ~/ros2_tutorial_workspace/src/cpp_package_with_a_node/src
touch include/cpp_package_with_a_node/.placeholder

Running a C++ Node

As simple as it has always been, see :ref:`Running a node`.

ros2 run cpp_package_with_a_node print_forever_node

which returns

[INFO] [1688620414.406930812] [print_forever_node]: Printed 0 times.
[INFO] [1688620414.906890884] [print_forever_node]: Printed 1 times.
[INFO] [1688620415.406907619] [print_forever_node]: Printed 2 times.
[INFO] [1688620415.906881003] [print_forever_node]: Printed 3 times.
[INFO] [1688620416.406900108] [print_forever_node]: Printed 4 times.
[INFO] [1688620416.906886691] [print_forever_node]: Printed 5 times.
[INFO] [1688620417.406881803] [print_forever_node]: Printed 6 times.
[INFO] [1688620417.906858551] [print_forever_node]: Printed 7 times.
[INFO] [1688620418.406894922] [print_forever_node]: Printed 8 times.

and we'll use CTRL+C to stop the node, resulting in

[INFO] [1688620418.725674401] [rclcpp]: signal_handler(signum=2)