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Performance Tips

:py:mod:`torchkbnufft` is primarily written for the goal of scaling parallelism within the PyTorch framework. The performance bottleneck of the package comes from two sources: 1) advanced indexing and 2) multiplications. Multiplications are handled in a way that scales well, but advanced indexing is not due to limitations with PyTorch. As a result, growth in problem size that is independent of the indexing bottleneck is handled very well by the package, such as:

  1. Scaling the batch dimension.
  2. Scaling the coil dimension.

Generally, you can just add to these dimensions and the package will perform well without adding much compute time. If you're chasing more speed, some strategies that might be helpful are listed below.

Using Batched K-space Trajectories

As of version 1.1.0, :py:mod:`torchkbnufft` can use batched k-space trajectories. If you pass in a variable for omega with dimensions (N, length(im_size), klength), the package will parallelize the execution of all trajectories in the N dimension. This is useful when N is very large, as might occur in dynamic imaging settings. The following shows an example:

import torch
import torchkbnufft as tkbn
import numpy as np
from import shepp_logan_phantom

batch_size = 12

x = shepp_logan_phantom().astype(np.complex)
im_size = x.shape
# convert to tensor, unsqueeze batch and coil dimension
# output size: (batch_size, 1, ny, nx)
x = torch.tensor(x).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).to(torch.complex64)
x = x.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1, 1)

klength = 64
ktraj = np.stack(
    (np.zeros(64), np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, klength))
# convert to tensor, unsqueeze batch dimension
# output size: (batch_size, 2, klength)
ktraj = torch.tensor(ktraj).to(torch.float)
ktraj = ktraj.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1)

nufft_ob = tkbn.KbNufft(im_size=im_size)
# outputs a (batch_size, 1, klength) vector of k-space data
kdata = nufft_ob(x, ktraj)

This code will then compute the 12 different radial spokes while parallelizing as much as possible.

Lowering the Precision

A simple way to save both memory and compute time is to decrease the precision. PyTorch normally operates at a default 32-bit floating point precision, but if you're converting data from NumPy then you might have some data at 64-bit floating precision. To use 32-bit precision, simply do the following:

image =
ktraj =
forw_ob =

data = forw_ob(image, ktraj)

The command will automagically determine the type for both real and complex tensors registered as buffers under forw_ob, so you should be able to do this safely in your code.

In many cases, the tradeoff for going from 64-bit to 32-bit is not severe, so you can securely use 32-bit precision.

Lowering the Oversampling Ratio

If you create a :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufft` object using the following code:

forw_ob = tkbn.KbNufft(im_size=im_size)

then by default it will use a 2-factor oversampled grid. For some applications, this can be overkill. If you can sacrifice some accuracy for your application, you can use a smaller grid with 1.25-factor oversampling by altering how you initialize NUFFT objects like :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufft`:

grid_size = tuple([int(el * 1.25) for el in im_size])
forw_ob = tkbn.KbNufft(im_size=im_size, grid_size=grid_size)

Using Fewer Interpolation Neighbors

Another major speed factor is how many neighbors you use for interpolation. By default, :py:mod:`torchkbnufft` uses 6 nearest neighbors in each dimension. If you can sacrifice accuracy, you can get more speed by using fewer neighbors by altering how you initialize NUFFT objects like :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufft`:

forw_ob = tkbn.KbNufft(im_size=im_size, numpoints=4)

If you know that you can be less accurate in one dimension (e.g., the z-dimension), then you can use less neighbors in only that dimension:

forw_ob = tkbn.KbNufft(im_size=im_size, numpoints=(4, 6, 6))

Package Limitations

As mentioned earlier, batches and coils scale well, primarily due to the fact that they don't impact the bottlenecks of the package around advanced indexing. Where :py:mod:`torchkbnufft` does not scale well is:

  1. Very long k-space trajectories.
  2. More imaging dimensions (e.g., 3D).

For these settings, you can first try to use some of the strategies here (lowering precision, fewer neighbors, smaller grid). In some cases, lowering the precision a bit and using a GPU can still give strong performance. If you're still waiting too long for compute after trying all of these, you may be running into the limits of the package.