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Test Runners

Most of the code examples shown so far have used the Django TestCase to explain how Model Bakery is used.

However pytest (with the pytest-django plugin) is often preferred for it's simplicity and other benefits. See here.

The following examples show Model Bakery usage with different test runners.


# Core Django imports
from django.test import TestCase

# Third-party app imports
from model_bakery import baker

from shop.models import Customer

class CustomerTestModel(TestCase):
    Class to test the model Customer

    def setUp(self):
        """Set up test class."""
        self.customer = baker.make(Customer)

    def test_using_customer(self):
        """Test function using baked model."""
        self.assertIsInstance(self.customer, Customer)


# pytest import
import pytest

# Third-party app imports
from model_bakery import baker

from shop.models import Customer

def customer():
    """Fixture for baked Customer model."""
    return baker.make(Customer)

def test_using_customer(customer):
    """Test function using fixture of baked model."""
    assert isinstance(customer, Customer)